
Jennifer Walker

CHHS Career Development Coordinator

Email to schedule an appointment

CHCCS CTE  - District information

Stay Up To Date With Announcements!

Instagram / Twitter : @chhscic


CIC Information

CHHS students are encouraged to join the CHHS CIC Google Classroom or follow our social channels @chhscic to receive announcements related to job, scholarship, and enrichment opportunities.

The Career Information Center is located next to the guidance office.

Career Information Center Hours:

9:00-4:00 Monday-Friday on regular scheduled school days. 

(the CIC follows the students' school calendar schedule)

If you plan on visiting the CIC, it would be best to make an appointment. Sometimes there are classes using the CIC or I am unavailable for various reasons (visiting classrooms or businesses, in a meeting, working with internship programs, etc.).