Arduino and Wiring Components

Arduino and Wiring Components

I used Tinker Cad to first test out and see how I would wire the potentiometer and the Neo-Pixel. I followed many videos and tutorials on Youtube to see the best way to wire my breadboard. I then copied this wiring and transferred it to real life.

Soldering Iron

Solder the wires onto the Neo- Pixel

To transfer the wiring from Tinker Cad, I would need to solder the wires onto the Neo-Pixel. The soldering iron would need to be heated to 750° F, then I would take the solder and melt it onto the appropriate part of the Neo-Pixel.

To test if the Neo-Pixels work, I went into Arduino IDE. There are many pre- written codes in the system called, libraries. I went into the examples, and choose strand test under the Neo-Pixel section. This is the code for a simple strand test, I uploaded it to my Arduino and saw it in action.


Success!! The Neo-Pixel works!!

Since I found some problems with the mini breadboard, and the potentiometer. I decided to get another potentiometer and a breadboard with rails. I rewired the wires and made the appropriate changes in Tinker Cad, which then I transferred to my Arduino.

I soldered the wires to the Potentiometer since the female to male cords were too loose. I taped the working Neo-Pixel under the slit where the acrylic would go. I changed the mini breadboard to the ones with positive and negative rails, so I could navigate the wires easier.


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