LED Edge-Lit Project

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Final Project Reflection

This project was a lot of fun as I learned many new things. Time management was a key aspect of this project, which I controlled very well by utilizing my breaks, lunches, and after school time.

I created the acrylic design during Thanksgiving break, which was useful since once I got to school, the design was ready to be cut. I encountered a few challenges with cutting the side piece of the wooden box because of dimensions and placement. I had to sand down the insides of the box (side piece) since the Arduino port did not fit. Vinyl cutting was the most exciting part of the project. Vinyl cutting helps me express myself and brings my creative side out. The wiring of the Arduino was also fun because I got to learn from my mistakes and improve what I had originally made. Finding the code for the potentiometer was the hardest component of this project. I spent a lot of my time, which could have been used to fine-tune my project. I couldn't find the code online, so I had to use examples from Tinker Cad and conjoin two codes together.

I am very proud of my first engineering project - it has been a combination of hard work, learning, stumbles, smiles, and achievements.
