Dog Tag

Project Overview

In this project, I engraved a dog tag using the Bantam Tool milling machine. Putting to use many of my past skills: such as using Corel Draw and the milling machine. Overall, this project was short and fun to do. This project is a perfect gift for someone or potentially a small business to do during the summer.

Designing the Dog Tag on Corel Draw:

Taking the outline from Google Classroom, I imported the outline of the Dog Tag into Corel Draw. Since it was for my friend's dog, I added text with the name of her dog. I adjusted the font and then turned the text into a path. Turing the text into a path is so the Bantam tool can read the G-code and follow the path to either engrave or cut.

Before using the Bantam Tool, refer to the Workflow:

Workflow for Other Mill or Bantam Tools

Preparation Phase Bantam Tool

  1. Download file

    1. Geber

    2. Eagle

    3. SVG

  2. Clean the Bed

    1. Use vacuum and remove loose materials.

    2. Wipe down with alcohol

  3. Configure the Bantam Tool

    1. Select tool (end mill or engraving bit) by selecting change

      1. Choose tool under New Tool

      2. Install tool by loosening collet and replacing tool

      3. Click continue

      4. Verify tool position

      5. Locate tool

  4. Material

    1. Select material - generic or FR1

    2. Measure the width and height of the conductive material you wish to mill (PCB - FR1)

    3. Enter the width and height values .

  5. Tape down the material use with to mill Use nitto tape (double sided tape)

    1. No overlaps

    2. No wrinkles

    3. Make sure to put away once done

  6. Z Height

    1. Move probe over FR1

    2. Click on Bit Breaker menu choice

    3. Probe Material Thickness

  7. Check placement

    1. Are you cutting material?

    2. Are you too close to anything?

    3. Align bracket on the left side

  8. Move

    1. Rehome - setting x and y origin

    2. Origin

    3. Loading - use this to load your material

Material Preparation Phase

  1. Open file

    1. Placement

    2. Scale

    3. Parts To Mill

      1. Engraving Cutout

      2. Engraving Depth - 15 mm

      3. Milling Tools

Start Milling

The next step is to upload the file into the Bantam Tool software. I followed the workflow and the provided links to get the appropriate measurements.

Using the 80-degree engraving bit, I secured it into the milling machine and followed the steps to begin engraving the dog tag.

After securing the dog tag to the base with Nitto tape, it was time to start engraving the dog tag.


Using a scalpel, I scraped and removed the finished product from the base of the machine.


Final Product