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Morning Announcements

September – Watermelon (omit without gardens)

The Friday before (9/1/17): (This month, we are harvesting watermelon from our school gardens.) Here in Texas, watermelon is in season June, July, August, and September. Eating foods when they are in season provides us with the best flavor and most nutrients. Watermelon season is coming to an end, and you won’t want to miss out on their juicy and nutrient-packed sweetness.

The Monday of (9/4/17): At the end of this week we will be serving watermelons during lunch in the Power Up Café. Its high water content makes watermelon juicy, which can help quench our thirst and help us stay hydrated during the hot days we experience here in Texas. Another important trait of watermelon is its pinkish-red color which is given by a healthful nutrient called lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant found in red fruits and vegetables. Can you list off any other fruits and vegetables that are red? Lycopene’s superpower abilities helps keep our hearts strong and healthy so we can run around and play each day.

The Friday of (9/8/17): We hope you had a great week! Today in the Power Up Café, we will be offering this month’s Cy-Fair Garden Fresh fruit, which is watermelon. Remember that watermelon’s juicy nature helps us stay hydrated, and its pinkish-red color is created from the presence of the nutrient called lycopene. Enjoy this refreshing fruit!