Types of Power

From Last Lesson

"What is needed is the realization that power without love is reckless and abusive and that love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love. What has happened is that we have had it wrong and confused [and pursued] goals through power devoid of love and conscience" (p. 247)

Which of the theoretical lenses we discussed do you find the most compelling and why?

Prescribed Content 

Activating Your Thinking


What do we learn about power from these four clips?

Lesson Content

Barack Obama on On Hard, Soft and Smart Power

As for the senior ranks of my national security team,  they all considered themselves internationalists to one degree or another: They  believed that American leadership was necessary to keep the world moving in a better direction, and that our influence came in many forms.  Even more liberal members of my team had no qualms about the use of “hard power” to go after terrorists and were scornful of leftist critics who made a living blaming the United States for every problem around the globe. Meanwhile, the most hawkish members of my team understood the importance of public diplomacy and considered the exercise of so-called soft power, like foreign aid and student exchange programs, to be essential ingredients of an effective US foreign policy. 

The question was one of emphasis. How much concern did we have for the people beyond our borders, and how much should we simply worry about our own citizens? How much was our fate actually tied to the fate of people abroad? To what extent should America bind itself to multilateral institutions like the United Nations, and to what extent should we go it alone in pursuit of our own interests? Should we align ourselves with authoritarian governments that help keep a lid on possible chaos - or was the smarter long-term play to champion the forces of democractic reform (A Promised Land, 2020, p. 311)?

Soft power the evolution of a concept.pdf

Guiding Questions:

Skip Page 5

Viewing Questions:

Soft Power: The Evolution of a Concept

Notes from Lamy et al.: Foreign Policy Strategies and Tools - 143-151

Foreign Policy

Power Indices

Inquiry Questions:

Global Politics in Action

China's Self-Defeating Economic Statecraft.pdf

Guiding Prompt:

As you read this article, create a 3 column table. 

China's Self-Defeating Economic Statecraft - Answer Key

Guiding Prompt 

Autocracy - The Bad Guys are Winning

Guiding Questions

Guiding Questions

Non-Military Power

Read the section entitled "Power From Power" and explain how state actors who benefit from the move to Green Power will be able to benefit from the transition.

Choose one of these three articles to read. How do you see power being utilized by the various state actors in each article?

Extension Activities

The Can-Do Power: America's Advantage and Biden's Chance

The Can-Do Power.pdf

Reading Prompt:

In this article just prior to President Joe Biden's inauguration, former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, explores the various ways in which China and the United States have, and could in the future, both lose and gain power across the globe. 

While reading this article, identify the ways in which both the United States and China have lost both soft and hard power in recent years and ways in which they could regain power within global politics. 

Guiding Questions:

Checking For Understanding

Who Is Militarizing The South China Sea.pdf

What roles do each of the following types of power play in the conflict?

AUKUS case study