
From Last Lesson

What are the key features of the realist school of international political theory?

Activating Your Thinking

The liberal story cherishes human liberty as its number one value. It argues that all authority ultimately stems from the free will of individual humans, as expressed in their feelings, desires, and choices. In politics, liberalism believes that the voter knows best. It therefore upholds democratic elections. In economics, liberalism maintains that the customer is always right. It therefore hails free-market principles. In personal matters, liberalism encourages people to listen to themselves, be true to themselves, and follow their hearts—as long as they do not infringe on the liberties of others. This personal freedom is enshrined in human rights.

The term "liberal" is sometimes used in a much narrower partisan sense, as the opposite of "conservative." Yet many so-called conservatives also embrace liberalism. Test yourself. Do you think people should choose their government rather than blindly obeying a king? Do you think people should choose their profession rather than being born into a caste? Do you think people should choose their spouse rather than marrying whomever their parents select? If you answered "Yes" to all three questions, congratulations, you are a liberal.

  • From 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Harari, pp. 44-45.

Realist Simulation A

Prescribed Content

Definitions and theories of power

Lesson Content

Liberalism Questions

Viewing Prompt

In what ways does Nye believe that the United States and China can cooperate together?

Viewing Questions:

  1. What is the important distinction between liberalism and realism?

  2. What is the liberal perspective on collective security?

Viewing Questions:

  1. In what ways does globalization drive liberal political theory?

  2. What are the three types of liberal theory preferences and what are their foci? (Have each member of your table focus on one and share after watching the video.)

  3. What is the major contrasting perspective between realists and liberals as to why states go to war?

Global Politics in Action

Guiding Questions:

  1. What are the features of neoliberalism as described by Joseph Stiglitz?

  2. Why does there need to be a restoration of balance between markets, the state and civil society?

  3. What checks need to be put in place for the market to play a role in social cooperation?

  4. What role does government need to play in addressing the concentration of power in the hands of a few corporations?

  5. Why does the link between economic power and political influence need to be addressed?

  6. What does Stiglitz believe needs to be the focus of a new, non-neoliberal agenda?

  7. What does he call this new focus?

Neoliberalism - Stiglitz
The New Chinese Foreign Policy.pdf

Guiding Prompt

Identify 5 areas where the author believes an embrace of cooperative liberalism will deescalate conflict between China and the United States.

Enemies of My Enemy _ Foreign Affairs.pdf

Fascinating article that suggests the conflict between the United States and China may bring the onset of a decidedly democratic world order.

The Inevitable Rivalry - America, China and the Tragedy of Great-Power Politics.pdf

Guiding Prompt

Read the introductory section as well as the sections entitled "The Road Not Taken" and "A Failed Experiment". Why does Mearsheimer argue that if the US had taken a realist approach, then there wouldn't be the conflict there is with China.


TOK and Global Politics

Evaluating arguments in HS

Checking For Understanding

Choose a current political issue and explain both how it would be viewed by a liberal and why it would be viewed that way.

For Next Lesson

Please take notes on the following excerpt from Lamy et al.:

  • Marxism: 103-107

  • Feminist Theory: 108-112

  • Constructivism: 112-115

Critical Theory Question