World Language
Level 1: French/Spanish • Full Year
This class will focus on reading, listening, speaking, and writing using the most frequently used verbs and forms. Students will be able to communicate effectively even after just one year of study! Students will build stories as a class, read comprehensible novels and interact with the cultures of the languages throughout the year in both present and past tense.
Indicators addressed:
World Language 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e
Level 1: Arabic • Full Year
Arabic is an exciting language to learn. This Level 1 class will focus on learning vocabulary and the alphabet as well as culture. You will work towards required level 1 language graduation proficiencies.
Indicators addressed:
World Language 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e
Level 2: French/Spanish • Full Year
The second level course builds upon the proficiency achieved in Level 1. Students will continue to practice the five skills. Class time will focus on building stories, reading comprehensible novels and interacting with the culture of the language.
Indicators addressed:
World Language 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e
Level 3 • Full Year
Indicators addressed:
World Language 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e
The focus in Level 3 continues to build language skills while increasingly using them for more in depth communication. We continue to practice and assess the five skills in a variety of contexts and students are expected to be able to sustain longer oral and written communications in both the presentational and interpersonal modes.
In Level Three Spanish we will...
Study native level texts, current events in Spanish, and well known Hispanic people.
Listen to native speakers.
Plan and fundraise for a trip to a Latin American destination.
Level 4 • Full Year
Indicators addressed:
World Language 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e
The principal text for this text is Notre Histoire Niveau Trois/Quatre which will cover six AP Themes that allow students to communicate about real-world issues. Students who are proficient at this level will achieve an area of distinction in World Language.
In Level Four Spanish we will...
Study novels in Spanish, follow current events in Spanish and listen to native speakers
Participate in kinesthetic activities based around vocabulary acquisition.
Plan and fundraise for a trip to a Latin American destination .