The Clarkstown Central School District Enrichment Program is designed for all students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Each grade level has a curriculum that is designed to extend the learning that students are already doing within their homeroom classes. During Enrichment children learn about and engage in the engineering design process, also known as the EDP. 

As students engage in the EDP they are presented with real world problems and work to find solutions with hands-on activities. Students also apply this process to various coding activities. The coding activities include “unplugged” coding activities that require no electronics as well as online coding and the coding of different types of robotics. 

Our Enrichment program helps students practice essential 21st century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. As a natural extension of problem solving, children also learn the importance of flexibility and perseverance, understanding that sometimes the first idea is not the best one and it is okay to try again.