United States History II (1865 to present)



Geography PBA #1 : Students will create a travel brochure which highlights a city significant to the development of the U.S. It will also focus on the region and state in which the city resides (including immigration).

Reconstruction: 1865 to 1877


Students will create a brochure or slideshow detailing the Reconstruction Amendments and explain how each affected the meaning of citizenship.

Reconstruction Brochure

Reshaping the Nation and the Emergency of Modern America: 1877 to the Early 1900s


The J.P. Morgan investment company (CHASE) is looking for the best new inventions to invest in. You have been selected to present your invention to a group of potential investors. You have a minimum of three minutes to convince them to provide funds to jump-start your business.

Teacher Facing Document - Shark Tank

Student Facing Document


Turmoil and Change: 1890s to 1945



Spanish American War - Yellow Journalism

Student Handout

Teacher Lesson Plan


The students will assume the roles of workers for the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration and will create an exhibit about the Great Depression for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library. Students will choose the best objects to put in the museum exhibit. Objects are to reflect the economic causes of the Great Depression, the economic impact on Americans, and the major features of the New Deal.

The New Deal


Windows movie maker project on major events of World War II.

Secondary option

World War II


The United States since World War II



C3 Teachers Document Based Question (DBQ) essay - “Was the Cold War Avoidable?”

1. What was the relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States at the close of WWII?

2. How were the Soviet Union and United States fundamentally different? What are the differences between communism and capitalism?

3. How did the close of WWII set the scene for the Cold War?

Cold War


You work for a local tour company and are a part of a new group tour for the Civil Rights Movement. The company is exploring the idea of creating historical postcards for a future advertising campaign. They need you to create three postcards persuading others to visit the 3 specific places you have selected. The historical postcards need to have information about where you visited and why the 3 places you visited are the most historically important.

Teacher Facing Document

Student Facing Document
