United States History I

(to 1865)

As part of the Balanced Assessment Plan, students will complete one PA from each strand. Please click the link to the Performance Based Assessment. If you are logged into your CCPS Google account, it will automatically create a copy in your Google Drive.



Travel: Journal Real Life GIS Geographic Regions

You are the trip planner for your family as you journey across the nation visiting each of the geographic regions. As you visit each region, you plot it on your online map. In addition, you will write journal entries about each region detailing the region's physical features and climate.

Geography PBA


Exploration to Revolution: Pre-Columbian Times to the 1770s



USI. 5

Students utilize the FRAME to scaffold the writing of an essay

How did Native Americans utilize capital, natural, and human resources?

Native Americans


REQUIRED Students serve as graphic designers and create a brochure for future explorers explaining the costs and benefits of exploration!

Exploration Brochure


You have been hired to create an interactive map for a museum showing how the United States (and North America) have changed since pre-Columbian times through the European Exploration.

Museum Display


The student will apply social science skills to understand the factors that shaped Colonial America. Students will analyze and interpret geographical information using a GIS. They will also investigate and research information to develop a map with written summaries.

Colonial America


Revolution and the New Nation: 1770s to the Early 1800s



Revolutionary Newspaper (VaSCL)

A newspaper reports the events occurring in the world around us. In the 1700s and 1800s there were no televisions, radios, cell phones, or internet. People received their news from newspapers. Write what you think the newspaper said about the causes and results of the American Revolution. Be sure to include what you think both important and ordinary people said about the war, important documents created by Americans, and opportunities for their future.

Revolutionary War


Students will be able to analyze the difficulties the Founding Fathers had while creating our first governments

Forming a New Nation


Expansion and Reform: 1801 to 1861


Students will be able to compare and contrast the emerging reform movements that focus on the abolition of slavery and women’s suffrage.

Reform Movements


You are working with a textbook company and need to create an interactive map to help students understand the reasons for and impact of westward migration.

Westward Expansion


Civil War: 1861 to 1865


You are a board game developer and have been tasked to create a board game with events and significant people of the Civil War.

Civil War Board Game