Balanced Assessment Plans

Virginia Department of Education Guidance

In 2014, the General Assembly eliminated Standards of Learning (SOL) tests in 5 content areas. Initial guidance required school divisions to create and annually update Balanced Assessment Plans (BAPs) in each of the replaced SOL assessments. These Balanced Assessment Plans will more fully detail the local alternative assessment plan for each of these courses and will indicate the types of assessments used to measure the content and skills covered in the course. Assessment plans may include a variety of assessment types, but must include some performance assessments.

VDOE Social Studies Performance Assessments

Culpeper's Balanced Assessment updates:

  • Superintendent's Memo 214-21 provides the most recent guidance on Balanced Assessment Plans.

  • August/September 2021: Social Studies and Science division leaders updated balanced assessment plans for the 2021-2022 school year.

Balanced Assessment Plans

Local Alternative Assessment Courses