
Photo by Jessica Jones

Old, Withered, and Smiling From Ear to Ear

Grace Poytress

Imagine a time

A place

Years from now, where I won’t be afraid to die

Where I would know that I had lived a full, healthy and happy life

Where I would accomplish whatever I put my mind to

Where I would wake up with a taste for adventure

And where I would go to sleep with no regrets

Years will pass me by in the blink of an eye

And with each blink, tears will roll down my cheek

Tears of sadness, anger, happiness, love

Tears of a woman who had lived a life worth living

A life with struggles and hardships

That will test me to no end

But a life with wonderful memories

That will be etched into my brain

Living on for decades due to its careful stitching

Memories of my wedding

Memories of having my first child

And the next one

Even memories the have little or no significance to anyone else

Ones that matter just to me

I will look back on the scrapbook of my life which I’ve created in my mind

And know that I had given life my all

Every ounce in me was given to make my sure time on this earth was worth it

Worth the pain

Worth the frustration

Worth the loss

Worth all the hard times I would go through

Just to see the brighter side

I hope one day, far from now that I’m happy with all that I’ve done

Old, withered and smiling from ear to ear

But for now, I’ll try not to think about it too much

I’ll think about going to prom

And graduation

And going to college

I’ll think about what any average seventeen year old kid thinks about

I don’t want to worry about the future to much

I want to live in the now

Pot on a Stove

Skylar Hughes

My mom is a pot on a stove,

Covered with an opaque lid

So you don’t see the bubbles

Until they’re spilling out

Over the hot grate.

Boiling water splashes over the side

And all you can do

Is take off the lid and hope

To avoid the worst of the hot water

Before you can back away

Until it boils again.

My mom is a pot on a stove

Covered with a lid.

And when I turn up the temperature,

I sit and I wonder

Why my hand was burned

In the end.

Jin Xin Parlow

On the End of this Pencil

Bryce Hamilton

It is round and flat

laying on it’s back.

It is simple and square

with its white colored glare.

It can take mistakes

when you have made too much.

With a short stroke of the white rubber

Any word can be reduced to illegible blabber.

Jessica Jones

I Must Become a Menace to My Anxiety

Abigail Colomb

I will no longer be controlled

by irrationality

Be afraid.

I plan to give you reasons for your irrational thoughts,

and hours of wasted time.

I will not politely adhere anymore

and this is dedicated in particular

to the one who wastes my time

and causes me to

miss out

then sees me

so afraid

and carries on

continuing this impressive terror

I plan to fight back on an afternoon

surrounded by people I love singing

terrible revenge in merciless




I have watched the impossible happen

I have overcome this


I have laid anxiety down

in a grave too easily escaped

the dead can still rise

I live like a deer

Who lives in constant fear

Always aware, and paranoid

In constant fear

Never able to relax, always on edge

I must be in control of my own thoughts

I Want to Remember

Angelica Taylor

I want remember when I was a baby:

To see myself grow up

I'm curious about what happened and why it happened

Pictures don't show or say much

Like emotion - touch or feel.

Just expression.

But I want to see my parents together,

To see the small bits of happiness they had

To be able to see the fights, the laughs, and the tears.

Because those might mean the most in the smallest ways.

I want to ask questions about them,

not me.

Like how they met, what they loved about each other

But, the real question is what happened

Was it a bomb exploding in their minds, like a wake up call?

Or was it me?

I want to understand what it was like to be

in a relationship fueled off drugs

To learn from their mistakes

so that I won't make the same.

I want to remember the struggles,

the choice of having diapers or weed,

food or beer, lights or sleep,

parties or a home.

The thought process they had to decide,

do I want this or my two children.

What does it feel like waking up in the morning

knowing there’s nothing you can do?

I want them to say they made a mistake

I want them to look us in our eyes

And say: I'm sorry.

I’m sorry I made your life difficult at a young age.

I’m sorry that I can't take back what I did

that scarred you for life mentally.

I can only say I’m sorry.

The End

John-Thomas Spradlin

It was not in our blood,

It came to us very late.

With deep scars to make healed,

When we began to hate.

Too easily we were moved,

Our modern world ill-fit to wait

Till every lie became truth

Ere we began to hate.

The voices began even and low,

The eyes steady and straight

Then a fuse was set to blow,

When we began to hate.

It was preached by the crowd,

It was more powerful than the state.

No one was innocent,

When we began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred,

Sleeping silent in our hearts.

Through the chill years to come,

When time shall count from the date

That we began to hate.

Faith Crittenden

A Display of Autumn Leaves

Sarah Buras

They position themselves in random clusters

on the ground, blade to blade,

each an emblem of diversity

crumpled with stringy veins

which complement the leaves’

comfortable palette

like calm flames of a fire

in an outside blaze

fiery, glowing

prismatic; think warm

the wildly rain-bowed

spectrum of an amber sunrise

think an inviting sunset

radiant, and radiant

and all of them in every way

capturing our most vulnerable feelings

- nothing about them


Amari Hunt

I Have Always Wondered

Amber Cofield

I have always wondered

What heaven looks like

Is it streets of gold

And pearly gates

Or a marvelous forest

With a shimmering lake

Is heaven a place

Filled with relatives and love

Or a place you’ll find

Has none of the above

Is heaven tall buildings

Mansions they say

Or small cottages

And places to stay

Heaven I think

Is a place many go

And family waits

Watching you below

I have always pondered

The idea of a place

Where no crime exists

And everyone is safe

I constantly wonder

What people do

In a place where people

Are crowded like a zoo

Is heaven a place

That actually exist

Or is it a figment

A visage of shadowy ships

Shadowy ships

That pass by

Ships that souls

Use to say goodbye

The Indian Dream Girl

Khushi Patel

In an country with independence

In a city always full of colors and lights

The Indian dream girl dreamed

Of pounding beats

Tapping small roots of trees and the rain pounding its heart of

Splash splash splashing with loud thunder sounds

It fills the farms with water and growing

plants that tip water over leafs.

But everyone on the island believed you can

only go out if you were a boy to be seen

On the islands girls were to be home, while a boy

would to go out to be free

So the Indian dream girl

Had to keep dreaming



Drumbeat dreams

At the door of the Indian gates

She could hear boys playing sports and leading off to work

When she closed her eyes she could also see her own imagination

playing a sport and going to the hospital to work.

When she walked under windy trees

With bright colors of holi spreading everywhere in the park

She heard a peacock sing the morning song bringing

a new day and waking everyone else up

She could hear her own dreams comporting her own

pounding heartbeat.

Her hands seemed to fly

As they reached

And reached higher to where her heart pounded

all her dreams

My sister was so excited that she

invited her to have a chance for

a bachelor's degree

But my father said only boys work

So the Indian girl had to keep

On dreaming

And dreaming


Until her father agreed to find her

a medical teacher

who could teach her the

concept of becoming a doctor.

The Indian dream girl’s teacher was amazed

She taught her more and more

And she studied

And she studied

And she studied

Until the teacher said she was ready

To take her doctor’s exam where everyone else could see

her beating to the beats of her dreams

A girl to be the first to take a doctors

exam they all could see.

Both girls and boys clapped their hands and took proud for the one.

The only one

The Indian dream Girl

Y-Nhi Nguyen

Ashton Judy

A Woman Who is Truly Phenomenal

Kalia Bracy

A pretty woman never wonders where lies can be

She’s not pretty, or built like a lean statue

But as I continue to say on what she truly is

They seem to think it's all a dream

I announce,

It’s the stretch within her arms

The sway of her imperfect hips

The shortness of each step she takes

The pout made from her lips

She is a true phenomenal woman

A woman who is truly phenomenally

Yes, that is she.

As she walks into the space

Just as forward as could be

And to everyone's eyes

Where they shine and sparkle

Making their eyes stay into a gaze

Then they follow her,

Like a flock of birds

I announce,

It’s the passion of her shape

And the soul from her daze

The swing of her sway

And the tickle of joy in her face

She’s a woman,

Who is truly phenomenal.

A woman who’s phenomenal

Yes, that is she.

Everyone wonders why she’s such a gift.

What they see, is nothing but a shock

They try to think

But nothing can compete,

Her outside puzzle

When they try to solve her

They all want a hint

I announce,

It’s all about her

Her glow into her smile

The broadness of her shoulders

The gift of her style

She’s a woman,

Who is truly phenomenal

A phenomenal woman

Yes, that is she.

Now you can see

Just why she walks as she can be

She doesn’t get frightened

Or must be timid while your around

When you see her walking the opposite direction,

You just might want to do the same

I announce,

It’s her smile that forms from ear to ear

The bend of her knees as she walks

The palm of her bare-steady hands

The need of her stare

Cause she’s not just any woman

She’s truly phenomenal

A woman who’s phenomenal

Yes, that’s she.