"All of my classes are designed to develop creative problem solving skills across every discipline. Let's face it, not every student will honestly become living artists-- but what everyone can take from any of my classes is the ability to think creatively for solutions, and never stop trying to solve a problem because one solution didn't work."  -- Harris 


Remember, these pages give you generic information about the Google Classroom and the AP Studio Art Portfolio. These are NOT where assignments will be posted. To find the "actual" classwork/notes/assignment/lectures, login to YOUR specific google classroom. Use the Google Classroom link above to get the code for your specific class, and if you have ANY questions, send me an email. 

Ashley Orlet, Graphic Design, 2020Submitted for AP Studio Art Portfolio, SCORE 5

Graphic Design 

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The moment you open your eyes, graphic design is playing a role from the cereal box you grab....to the way you shop .....to the new things you notice, and the things you remember

In this, Graphic Design fuses photography, typography, psychology, and design principles to creatively problem solve and communicate in our visual world... sometimes without us even realizing it *wink* 

This CTAE Pathway is where creatives learn how to utilize their specialized skills in the workforce: "Where Art Meets Money"

Are you still wondering....?

According to the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), graphic design is defined as “the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content.” In other terms, graphic design communicates certain ideas or messages in a visual way. These visuals can be as simple as a business logo, or as complex as page layouts on a website.

Graphic design can be used by companies to promote and sell products through advertising, by websites to convey complicated information in a digestible way through infographics, or by businesses to develop an identity through branding.

Graphic design is composed of many fields and specializations, ranging from print and web design to animation and motion graphics. Graphic design offers opportunities and options for individuals of almost any interest. If you’d asked someone 30 years ago to define graphic design, their answer would have likely been focused on print-related examples like magazines, movie posters and advertisements. Now we’re living in the digital age, which has given birth to several new types of graphic design.

The beautiful thing about graphic design is it has stood the test of time and has show incredible growth for a sustainable future career. Digital trends heavily suggest that the importance of graphic designers to companies is exponentially growing, which will only improve salaries and job security for those in the field.