Message to the Parents

Instructor: Katie Harris, M.F.A.

 So let's be real... you've heard the rumors, and they are pretty much all true *wink*

I tell all of my kids - 90% of them will not be graphic designers. I get that. They took the class because it is cool.  H O W E V E R - I am dedicated in to making each of my student 



Ok... because if you're still reading this, you obviously want to know more about me on a personal note (#creeper.... *just kidding*) ... (kind of kidding... but not really)




 Ok... because you probably don't believe anything I have said above... please see the memes from our famous Meme Wall (created by my advanced students) to "learn" more about me... Shoutouts to NySiere, Jenil & Matthew for some of my favorite memes! 

Meme Slide Show
Katie Harris, Graphic Design Instructor, Augusta Georgia