welcome to the realm of harris

PLEASE NOTE: The classes I teach are ALL studio based courses which require a different mindset. Work ethic and practice are heavily valued. In this, late work and grading policies will be different compared to your other classes. Please read and make yourself aware of these policies at the beginning of the school year to ensure success.

ALSO: EHS and CVA as a school may decide to adjust the late work and re-grade policy. In the event that this happens, this page will be updated and communicated in Google Classroom.


I do accept late work - H O W E V E R - there are policies to be aware of for this class. Because all of my classes are intensive and project based, late work will be delayed in grading and impact the amount of feedback I am able to give.


Late work submitted within 5 days of the assignment's original due date: I understand life gets in the way. If you need to turn in work up to 5 days late, I will happily accept it and still be able to provide you feedback as normal.

Late work submitted between 5-10 "class/working" days after the assignment's original due date: When you turn work in late (first do a happy dance... late work is better than no work at all..), there will be an additional google form to fill out prior to me grading your assignment. Don't worry, it is only 3-4 questions (Name, Assignment Name, reason for late submission, things I can do to manage time better in the future...). This form will be available in Google Classroom under the section called "LATE WORK." If you do not submit the late work form, the work will not be graded. Please remember, it is your responsibility to submit your late work form without Ms. Harris reminding you.

Late work submitted after 10 "class/working" days after the assignment's original due date: At this point, a permanent zero will be placed in infinite campus. No re-grades or re-submissions will be accepted after this point.

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Because these classes are intensive project based and take time for grading, the policy for grading work is as follows:

On the day the project is due: Ms. Harris will input zeros for all students who did NOT turn in the assignment. I do this to communicate with parents and students will see that the student is off track in turning in assignments. For all other students, as long as you turn in your work on time, the grade will stay blank until it has been evaluated by Ms. Harris.

If you miss the 10 day window to turn in missing or late work, the "M" will be changed to a permanent zero. If there is any point you wish to receive more feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am happy to type or even schedule a meeting to discuss how you can improve your work.

NOTE FROM HARRIS: I feel confident inputing grades this way, because if you do the work and submit it on time, you will be fine in this class. As a matter of fact, students average 83 and above for all assignments submitted on time. The only time students fail my course is by not submitting work on time (if ever).

RESUBMISSIONS OF SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: OK.. so you submitted your work, but you are not happy with your grade. You have up to 10 days (including weekends) to resubmit for a re-graded assignment. Once you submit something that needs to be re-graded, the Google Form inside our Google Classroom must be completed called "Re-Grade Form." You will only get one shot at this for each summative assignment- so make it worth it!

Summative Assessments: Tests & Major Projects *think the BIG grades*

Formative Assessments: All smaller assessments

NOTE ABOUT GRADING: In this course, you are graded by the amount of work, or "work ethic," you put in on the project. If you are given two weeks to knock out the assignment but you rush it in 30 minutes, it will impact your grade. You learn by trying and practicing in this class... think of it like a sport. You CANNOT toss one ball into a basketball goal for the first and only time in your life and be on the NBA. Those guys have to practice to keep their skill as well as improve. I want to see you practice. I am ok with "face planting" and not doing so great on assignments-- what I am NOT ok with is for you to not practice.

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Students must use their CCBOE email accounts to communicate with Ms. Harris. Be sure to include your full name, subject, and class period. Weekly agendas will be posted at the start of every week in google classroom, and I will always be on Google Meets a little early if you would like to jump in and ask any questions.

PARENTS: Please feel free to communicate with me via email at, and see the above "grading & feedback" section for my communication with grading.


My job is to prepare you for industry. In that, I allow cell phones in class, but it is YOUR responsibility to learn a balance between working and your cell phone. Remember, I grade on the amount of practice/work you put in the class. You cannot clock into your job and sit in a corner on your cell phone endlessly scrolling on social media... you would be fired. Same concept in here. Make the quick text and get back to work. If a cell phone becomes an issue, you will see this in your grade dropping as your work ethic will have dropped.

***If the class in general cannot handle this gracious freedom, cellphone policy will be revoked for that specific class period with a message posted in Google Classroom.


On the computers in lab 187, gaming is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate disciplinary action whether you bring games from home, on your cell phone or you attempt to play on the computer prior to getting busted. If you finish an assignment early, you may experiment inside Photoshop. If you ask me individually, I will even allow you to use the time to catch up on other classes IF you are caught up in my class and ask me prior to starting (just a respect thing... don't get it twisted).