Marching Mustang Invitational

South Effingham High School

Our first competition is among us! This is a great opportunity for us to showcase the work that we have done, receive some helpful feedback, and support other schools from around the state who have been working just as hard as we have! 

Please keep in mind that OUR success is measured by the process of preparing for performance and the quality of what we put on the field and should not be based on individual opinions of our show. Your goal should be to do your very best and walk away feeling proud of the work that you have done. 

General Admission

General admission is $10.00 at the main gate. Children who are under the age of 5 are free.


Calendar Updates

In light of the recent events, I want to address the importance of flexibility regarding our band schedule. Our primary goal is to provide our students with a successful and fulfilling remainder of the season. However, this will require some adjustments to our usual plans. 

Click here for a list of changes.

Copy of HeleneUpdate

Evans vs. Lakeside

Be prepared, be prompt, be polite, be professional….don’t be selfish….this will ensure our success!  Let’s have a great night!  Play great in the stands and on the field and have a good time! 

Good luck, band!  Show some spirit!


Evans vs. Grovetown

Be prepared, be prompt, be polite, be professional….don’t be selfish….this will ensure our success!  Let’s have a great night!  Play great in the stands and on the field and have a good time! 

Good luck, band!  Show some spirit!


Evans vs. Thomson

Copy of Evansvs.Thomson.docx

Summer Band Camp is coming!

Please see the attached information related to our upcoming band camp. This year’s band camp will continue with our standard design and is crucial in the development of our production and member training. The information listed is not meant to overwhelm, but simply inform you of the ins and outs of band camp.

Member Camp Info&Needs.docx.pdf


Join us this summer for our Uniform Fittings and Summer Rehearsals! This is a great time for new students to meet upperclassmen and to keep their chops up before band camp begins in July! 

Students: Please wear athletic shorts and a t-shirt. Returning students should bring their bibbers.


This year, we will begin using the BAND app to communicate with students/parents who are participating in Marching Band. There are 2 different groups to join depending on which groups you are participating in. Please use this link to sign-up! 

Fridge-Friendly Calendar

The band calendar for the 2024-2025 school year has been set. In addition to viewing the full calendar via the Calendar tab, you can also download and print this "fridge-friendly" version! 

24-25 _Fridge Friendly_ Band Calendar.pdf

Summer Camp Schedule


July 15-17


Pre-Camp (All Marchers)

July 18-19


Competition Camp

July 22-26


RaiseRight Gift Card Fundraising

Offset Your Fundraising Dues As You Shop

Once you're registered, it's quick and easy to purchase an e-gift card (available in your app wallet) at the store before you check out. 

We see band families earning hundreds of dollars each year simply by planning their shopping and using the app.

Each of these actions can earn money to offset your band dues!

- Shopping for back to school at Old Navy? Earn 10% 

- Preparing for home improvements at Home Depot? Earn 4% 

- Buying a new TV for football season at Best Buy? Earn 4%

- Making a Target or Walmart run? Earn 2.5%

- Planning a dinner out at Outback? Earn 7%

NOTE: Amounts earned can change. Consult website or app for details.

RR Overview Flyer.pdf

Cleaning Instruments

During this time, it is important that we all take time to clean out our instruments to prevent any further sickness from spreading around. Attached to the right are a series of videos that you will be able to view that will help in assisting you to clean your instruments.