Welcome to the Evans High School Band Program!

Through this website, you will find guidelines that have helped this program be the positive experience it has been for many students and the community.  We ask that you read the handbook carefully and understand that this organization has high expectations for each individual student, whatever their potential might be.  If you can uphold the standards listed below, you will find success and an understanding and appreciation of music.  And hopefully, memories of a lifetime!

♪   Be prompt.

♪   Be prepared.

♪   Be polite.

♪   Be positive.

♪   Be proud. 

Mission Statement

The Evans High School Band is a co-curricular program that serves to give students a well-rounded music education that consists of varying educational, performance, and community service opportunities. Students who join the Evans High School Band gain life lessons such as discipline, time-management, commitment, multi-culturalism, and teamwork. Participation in the Evans High School Band will facilitate students’ opportunities to experience the aesthetic pleasure of music, the success of being a vital member of a musical ensemble, and values necessary to be a pivotal member of society.  This occurs when students gain a better understanding and appreciation of music, the process of making music through a variety of ensembles and genres, and become actively involved in the band program.

Evans High School Band Objectives

The Evans HS Bands and Color Guard form an integral part of school life and is recognized as an all-school activity.  It is one of the largest and most active voluntary student organizations, and its members form an active cosmopolitan group.  The primary objectives of the band program are: 


1.       Cultural - To foster the continued development of music appreciation and 

         understanding through the study and performance of the best in music. 

2.       Educational -To develop interested and discriminating listeners, provide a well 

         rounded music education, and prepare students for musical activities beyond high 


3.       Service -To lend color and atmosphere to certain school and community affairs 

         while promoting and enhancing the dignity and reputation of Evans High School at 

         all appearances. 

4.       Citizenship -To develop the ability to function as a responsible member of the 

         group, to enhance the student’s ability to interact with others in a positive manner, 

         and to develop the ability to function as a responsible member of the community. 

5.       Recreational - To provide all students with the opportunity for worthy use of leisure 

         time, an emotional outlet, and good social experiences.