New in the Latest 2019 Update

Rapid Annotator 2.0 - 2019 Updated by Gulshan Kumar

During Google Summer of Code 2019, Gulshan Kumar has made some improvements and implemented some changes in the Rapid Annotator 2.0. Currently, a test installation can be found here . Please report bugs to Peter Uhrig. The source code can be found on Github. Some indications on how to use the system can be found in Gulshan's GSoC blog.

Latest Features

Notice that in this new release, some new features are available in the homepage.

  1. You can now submit a request to be granted Admin Rights:

2. You will get notified of changes associated with your account, e.g. new administrator privileges.

3. Finally, the status column now displays weather a project is currently in progress or has been already fully annotated.

Instructions on Access and Use

Please choose from the three options below how you would like to add your data to the Rapid Annotator. Find out some other new features on the tutorial links:

  1. Manually Uploading Files (Latest), e.g. if you have a set of .mp4 or .jpg files that your would like to upload
  2. Via Spreadsheet (Latest), e.g. if there is a set of files to annotate already available on the web and you have a list of URLs
  3. From a CQPweb Concordance (Latest), if you would like to import a concordance from CQPweb into the Rapid Annotator