
ELAN is a professional tool for the creation of complex, fine-grained annotations on video and audio resources; see https://tla.mpi.nl/tools/tla-tools/elan. It is a java-based desktop application that runs on Windows, OS X, and Linux. Red Hen is integrating ELAN into the Red Hen workflow by creating standard annotation templates, providing basic instructions to get started, writing export scripts that convert ELAN annotations into Red Hen metadata formats, and writing import scripts that allow ELAN to read Red Hen files. Annotations from ELAN can in turn be made available to students and researchers in machine learning, who use the annotations to create classifiers that aim to discover the same patterns in a larger dataset and thus automate certain aspects of the annotation task. This page includes introductions to finding co-speech gestures and tagging them in ELAN.

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How to Work with ELAN

The following tutorial is for ELAN 5.3. Some changes have been made for the current version, ELAN 5.8, and further changes are to be expected with each new build.

Use these instructions to get started annotating videos from the Red Hen datasets in ELAN. See also How to request clips.

For a video presentation of some of the basics and some explanation of why this is worth the work, see https://www.pscp.tv/redhenlab/1lDxLADoMYqKm?t=27m51s

Getting started with ELAN

Go to ELAN's site at https://tla.mpi.nl/tools/tla-tools/elan/download/ and select the latest version for your operating system. On a Mac, move the ELAN_5.X folder into the Applications folder, or on a Windows PC into the Program Files folder. Then open the folder and drag the ELAN_5.X.app to you Menu Bar, so that it's easy to start the program.

For your working video, audio, and annotation files, please create a different folder called Elan_projects in Documents or on your Desktop. Keep all the media and annotation files in this folder.

A set of sample files has been created by Elisabeth Zima at the University of Freiburg and Francis Steen at UCLA. Download them to your working folder, Elan_projects:

If you have ffmpeg installed on your computer, you can generate the wav file yourself instead of downloading it, using this command:

  • ffmpeg -i 2014-10-13_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom_12-493.mp4 2014-10-13_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom_12-493.wav

(Note that ELAN can use a range of media files, including .mp4. A .wav file is not a requirement.)

Click on the 2014-10-13_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom_12-493.eaf file and ELAN will open with the associated video file 2014-10-13_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom_12-493.mp4 and the audio file 2014-10-13_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom_12-493.wav.

Get to know the interface

Click on the .eaf file you just downloaded to start ELAN. If the media files don't load, see "troubleshooting" below; it's a known bug.

Expand the window to use your entire screen. Your opening view should look something like this:

Transport controls

Below the video image you find the player controls. Use the mouseover to see the meaning of each transport button. Flanking the play button are the controls for moving one pixel at a time, and next them the buttons for moving one frame at a time -- video typically has 29.97 (US) or 25 (EU) frames per second. A major advantage of ELAN over online video annotation tools is that it gives you ultimate precision in controlling the video, with rapid response times. Try out each of the buttons and note the effect.

To the right of the main transport bar is a second transport bar for playing a selection. Click on a segment of the Brooke Baldwin transcript to highlight it, and then click on the leftmost S (Select Play) icon to play just that segment:

Try "Loop Mode" and notice how the waveform lines between the two timelines tracks the speech. The waveform is very useful for determining pauses and speech boundaries, and thus to define a speech segment.

You can mark a selection using your mouse. Place the cursor anywhere on the timeline, and then click and hold the mouse button down while you drag to the left or right, as in a regular copy task. When you have marked a selection, press Select Play to play what you marked.

Navigate using view types

ELAN gives you multiple ways to view your data. If you select Grid view, you get a very useful list of annotations, with timecodes:

You can use the Grid view to navigate and then press Play or Play selection.

You can also select Text view, which shows the transcript as a continuous text:

Like Grid view, Text view can also be used for navigating.

To walk from one annotation to the next, start by marking an annotation, either in the timeline or in Grid or Text view. Press the "Play selection" button and then the right or left arrow button to move to the next selection. For each selection, press "Play selection" and then the arrow to move to the next annotation.

Modify and add text annotations

Let's start with the text transcript, adjusting boundaries, correcting an existing annotation, and adding a new annotation.

Adjust the boundaries of a text annotation

To adjust the start and/or end times of an annotation, first select the annotation. To get the right zoom level, use the slider at the bottom right corner:

Make sure you see the entire annotation and the area on both sides that you are adjusting into. Use the audio waveform to guide you in selecting the new start and end points. Click and hold from the chosen point in the timeline and mark the new extent of the annotation, growing or shrinking it on either side. Then right-click on the transcription text timeline, and from the context menu select "Modify Annotation Time". I find this function to be a bit finicky and you sometimes don't get the right context menu, but with a couple of attempts it typically works fine. Try ELAN's instructions on this for more help.

Note that if you extend an annotation into the neighboring annotation, to the right or left, your modification will push that annotation so that the two share a boundary. This is a helpful feature for getting the phrase boundaries right.

Correct a text annotation

Let's say you notice a mistake in an annotation—how do you correct it? The simplest method is to select the annotation by clicking on the timeline, and then right-clicking on the text. In the context menu, select "Modify Annotation Value". Edit the text and click somewhere outside of the annotation.

You'll note that the transcription follows a simple logic—in brief, these are the GAT2 conventions used:

capital letters: accentuated syllable

(.) short pause

- truncated syllable

: lengthening

The GAT2 convention is easily readable, and adds some information that may be useful for charactering co-speech gestures.

A more complex convention is the Santa Barbara Discourse Transcription convention.

For Red Hen projects, we may also decide to transcribe speech into regular English, rather than using GAT2 or the Santa Barbara convention. The reason for this is that we want annotated gestures to be searchable, and to be easily aligned with the closed captions. A separate project for audio analysis will provide acoustic information through automated feature extraction.

Create a new text annotation

To create a new text annotation, you simply mark out the area by clicking and holding while you sweep over the timeline, as above. Select a short phrase with natural break, maybe five to ten words. Once you've marked a segment, click the "Play selection" button to verify you have the phrase you want. Then right-click in the row of the speaker and select "New Annotation Here".

In the Grid view, select the speaker from the pulldown menu, say "Thomas Frieden -- speech transcript", to see the results. Verify by playing each transcribed segment.

Make sure you save the file when you're done.

The online version of the sample 2014-10-13_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom_12-493.eaf file may be updated with new features occasionally; you can check the last update time by viewing the file date in the download directory.

Modify and add gesture annotations

Elisabeth Zima, who annotated the clip for us, included handedness codes (1 for right hand and 2 for left) and Right Hand Gesture Phase codes PR (Preparation) and STRO (Stroke), decomposing the gesture into its components:

In the RH-Gesture Phase you see the detailed gesture component annotations, explained if you request "Modify Annotation Value":

We may get to this approach eventually, but this is not how we'll start. Instead we'll focus on labeling the meaning of the whole gesture.

Modify an existing gesture annotation

Call up the clip in Elan and watch the first gesture annotation. You'll see that what Brooke Baldwin is doing with this gesture is establishing a "Distancing Other Space", which is used to place the idea that the CDC "is not so sure" the nurse really followed the right procedure. She's using space to create a discourse landscape or semantic topology, and locating the CDC's view on the matter far out in that landscape. This makes it clear not only that there's a significant difference between the version of events claimed by hospital officials on the one hand and the CDC on the other, but that the hospital's version (which Brooke presents without gestures) is the normative center, the default or reference view that the CDC is challenging. This normative claim is presented silently and by implication; there is no explicit endorsement. Yet the fact that she's creating the space with a fully extended arm signals that the CDC's view is controversial; it tacitly removes the CDC view from the normative center and into the fringe, portraying it as an outlaying view that we by default and implicitly distance ourselves from. (Scott Lidell -- "real space" is the ground to hold and arrange conceptual space)

You can see another example of this Distancing Other Space gesture in Hillary Clinton's testimony to a Senate Hearing on media. As she is saying "AlJazeera is winning, the Chinese have opened up a global English language and multi-language television network, the Russians have opened up an English-language network," she's gesturing with a fully extended arm to establish this "other" space far away from the normative center. That normative center is "we" and "the BBC", gesturing towards the center of her own body, in effect standing in for America and the West.

So the level we will be annotating at is to label the overall semantic meaning or communicative intent of an entire gesture. We won't be focusing on the details of how the gesture is composed, but we need to be good at the labeling. In addition, we will include gaze direction information. The gesture annotations might looks like this:

You see I've labeled the second gesture "Precision Grip" -- this is how Brooke introduces "a source with direct knowledge of the case," thus adding credibility to this unnamed source. Our task will be to characterize gestures at this level, and create a collection of recognizable gestures classified by their communicative intent, or semantic meaning.

Create a new gesture annotation

As an exercise, try adding an annotation for a gesture towards the end of the clip, at 00:05:51.8, where Brian Stelter says "I wish I knew".

Click Search in Elan's main menu and select "Go To..." In the pop-up, paste in 00:05:51.8 and press enter.

Mark the time from folded hands to folded hands, enclosing the entire gesture. Pay attention to when he says, “I wish I knew”, since that is the statement accompanying the gesture.

Make sure you are satisfied with your annotation boundaries. Under “Selection,” below the video and to the right, there is an "S" with a triangle arrow. You can click on this in order to hear and view the segment according to the specific boundaries you have set. You can also use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT+SPACE.

You can even set it on “loop” in order to view the selection over and over again until you are sure that this is where you want to set the boundaries.

Once you're satisfied with your boundaries, let's label the gesture. Position the cursor inside the marked area, on the Hand gestures line, and double-click. You can also right-click and select "New annotation here," or select "Annotation" from the main menu and then "New annotation here." You should see a white field open for the label. Let's label it "Positive Ignorance"—the arm and hand movements occupy an expanding epistemic space that signals a positive attitude to learning something and acknowledging a complete absence of knowledge.

How to find the gestures to annotate

When studying gesture, you can either examine human multimodal communication and annotate what you see, or you can look for specific gestures in a large dataset. Both approaches are useful and necessary: we want to discover new gestures, but we also want to create ordered collections of the same gesture to study how it is used in different contexts. One method for creating such collections is to leverage manual annotations with machine learning.

Machine learning

An important dimension of gesture annotations in Red Hen is that they can be used for machine learning tasks. In machine learning, a computer program will examine our annotations of a certain gesture, say the Positive Ignorance gesture, learn something about it from our annotations, and then robotically find many more instances of the same gesture in other news program videos. In this way, your work of labeling a small number of gestures can be used to label a very large number.

Typically a training set for machine learning may require around a hundred annotations. The machine learning program uses the annotations in the training set to create a so-called "classifier." This classifier learns to recognize the gesture based on your annotations. To check our results, we can run the classifier on a small number of videos, until it finds some examples of the gesture it learned. We can then examine its candidate gestures and provide feedback on whether the gestures have been correctly identified. In this way, the classifier improves with our feedback.

Once we're satisfied with the performance of the classifier, we can use it to find thousands of instances of the same gesture in hundreds of thousands of video files—far more than any human could accomplish.

Search for gestures by keyword

Now, how to we find many instances of the same gesture? One approach is to search for when speakers say the phrases that we find is associated with a particular gesture. For instance, the Positive Ignorance gesture goes with the phrase "I wish I knew". We can search for that phrase in the NewsScape search engine, and the check the search results to see if the speaker is using that particular gesture.

To access the NewsScape search engine, go to the Red Hen video annotation class and click on one of the Login buttons—there's one in the middle and one in the top right corner. Once you've logged in to your UCLA account, enter the enrollment key you received from your professor. In the list of courses, click on the link Communication Studies Archive Edge Search Engine.

In the search window, enter the phrase you want to search for, select the search results to display 100 results at a time, and set the "from" date to the beginning of the Archive in the "Date and time" section:

The start date will be changing, as we are adding materials from the digitizing project managed by Prof Groeling; at the moment it is January 1, 2005. Press Search to see your results; you'll get around 930 hits.

Most of the search results do not have the gesture we are looking for. Scroll down until you get to this search result from Fox on November 9. Click on the thumbnail image in the search results to start the video:

You'll see O'Reilly makes a one-hand version of the "I wish I knew" gesture. The camera leaves out the start of the gesture, but the remaining parts are shown well.

To save this search hit, right-click on the | text | link next to the show title to open it in a different tab, and copy the name of the show from the TOP line, then close the tab with Ctrl-w. Paste this file name into an e-mail, adding the time of the gesture in the bottom left-hand corner of the player, in this case 34:17:

2015-11-10_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 34:17

In addition, right-click on the little paper icon at the end of the text block and select "Copy Link Address", as shown in the image to the right. The URL will look like this:


Hotlink the file name in the e-mail with this URL. Send the e-mail to your professor, who will make the file available to you for download and annotation.

If you find several instances of the same footage, such as in a commercial, you don't need to tag every instance. Just tag the first one, and note that it recurs. Skip any clip that does not show a gesture.

For more information on the search interface, see How to use the NewsScape Edge search engine.

Interesting co-speech gestures

For examples, see below on this page. In general, talk shows are the best source of clear views. Note that in the Edge video player, the number of frames is always shown as "Select frame at ... seconds". This number you can use at the end of the URL to get the right location of the gesture.

Creating and sharing the clips

To turn a list of links such as the Positive ignorance gestures into clips, follow this procedure:

  1. Copy the list of links to a plain text file, say FIL=2016-02-17_Elan-project-clips

  2. Pick out the gesture links with this command: grep 20 $FIL and manually fix any anomalies in $FIL

  3. Remove the initial numbers and also the comments after the links: grep 20 $FIL | cut -d"." -f2-99 | cut -d" " -f2-3

  4. Clean the file: grep 20 $FIL | cut -d"." -f2-99 | cut -d" " -f2-3 | sed 's/\./:/' | sort > $FIL.txt

  5. On cartago as user csa, feed that file with a list of links and times (see example file) to the clip-bulk script:

  6. clip-bulk $FIL.txt mp4 ~/elan-clips

  7. This creates the clips and puts them on the web server, where the students can download them:

  8. http://vrnewsscape.ucla.edu/elan-clips/

We're now also able to do this using just the permalinks by referencing the list of file names and UIDs; see the clip-bulk script for details.

To annotate these clips, we still need generic annotation templates.

Start a new annotation project

This section walks you through how to create a new annotation project for a video clip. See also ELAN's How to create a new annotation document.

The section was originally written for the Winter and Spring 2016 Work-Study project.

It is now used throughout Red Hen Lab.

Setting up your workspace

To start a project with a new video clip, you need two files. First select the video clip you want to annotate from the web site you have been given, such as http://vrnewsscape.ucla.edu/elan-clips, and place it in your Desktop/Elan_projects (or Documents/Elan_projects) folder. Second, download this Red Hen annotation template:

  • http://vrnewsscape.ucla.edu/dropbox/Redhen-04-single.etf

  • Or, if you have difficulty turning that into a useable file, then copy and paste the following text into a plain text file named Redhen-05-single.txt, save it, and then change the extension of the file to .eaf, so that the new file is named Redhen-05-single.eaf; then open it in ELAN.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ANNOTATION_DOCUMENT AUTHOR="Unknown" DATE="2016-02-28T16:48:38-08:00" FORMAT="2.8" VERSION="2.8" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.mpi.nl/tools/elan/EAFv2.8.xsd">

<HEADER MEDIA_FILE="" TIME_UNITS="milliseconds"/>




<TIER LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF="Coordinates" PARENT_REF="Speaker" TIER_ID="Rectangle"/>


<TIER LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF="Coordinates" PARENT_REF="Gesture" TIER_ID="Circle"/>



<TIER LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF="Arms &amp; hands" PARENT_REF="Gesture" TIER_ID="Arms &amp; hands"/>








<CONSTRAINT DESCRIPTION="Time subdivision of parent annotation's time interval, no time gaps allowed within this interval" STEREOTYPE="Time_Subdivision"/>

<CONSTRAINT DESCRIPTION="Symbolic subdivision of a parent annotation. Annotations refering to the same parent are ordered" STEREOTYPE="Symbolic_Subdivision"/>

<CONSTRAINT DESCRIPTION="1-1 association with a parent annotation" STEREOTYPE="Symbolic_Association"/>

<CONSTRAINT DESCRIPTION="Time alignable annotations within the parent annotation's time interval, gaps are allowed" STEREOTYPE="Included_In"/>


This template is designed for annotating a single gesture by one individual. Place it in your Desktop/Elan_projects (or Documents/Elan_projects) folder. If the file gets the .xml extension when you save it, see Troubleshooting.

Next, select File | New from the main ELAN menu. You will see this window:

First click on "Add Media File" and select the video clip you want to annotate from your Elan_projects folder -- the one you just downloaded.

Second, click on "Add Template File" and select Redhen-04-single.etf in your Elan_projects folder.

Click OK.

Very important: After you have imported your file and added the Red Hen Templage, select "Edit | Set Author" from the main menu. Enter your name into the text box. This is your work and your should be credited; your name will accompany your annotations as they make their way into the Red Hen dataset.

Third, give your project a name. Click File | Save As from the main menu, and then select the video file you just added -- for instance, 2007-03-07_1900_US_KTTV-FOX_Montel_Williams_Show_797-1277.mp4. You always want your Elan project to have the same name as the video file you are annotating.

Click on the file name in the "Save As" field and move to the end of the file name -- it will end in "mp4". Change that to "eaf", which is Elan's file format.

Click Save.

You should now see your video and the template looking something like this:

You have now set up your workspace and are ready to begin the annotation. We will walk through the steps one by one.

Finding the gesture in the video

The clips in http://vrnewsscape.ucla.edu/elan-clips use the links you created in task #3, Positive ignorance gestures, adding two minutes before the time you indicated for the gesture, and three minutes after. This means the phrase "I wish I knew" is most likely around two minutes into the clip. To go there directly, click on Search | Go To in the main menu, and enter the minutes and seconds like this:

By using 00:01:45, you'll be taken to 15 seconds before the most likely point for the phrase and the co-speech gesture.

If it's not at the two-minute mark, try searching for it before and after until you find it.

While you watch the video looking for the phrase and gesture, think about how you can name or characterize the main speaker.

Define the extent of the gesture

The first task is to define the start and end of the phrase and co-speech gesture.

Once you've found the right location, you may need to adjust the scale of the timeline with the slider at the bottom right-hand of the screen -- for details, see Adjust the boundaries of a text annotation. The gesture typically only lasts a second or two, so you'll probably want to zoom in:

The start and end times you create for the Speaker tier will be used for all the annotation categories, so it's important to be accurate. Use the Play Selection button to verify you've set the boundaries correctly.

Annotate the Speaker and Speech tiers

To add annotations within your selection, you first pick the kind of annotation you want to add. Click on Grid and select Speaker.

As a confirmation, you'll see the word Speaker in the coding template is now underlined—that tells you this is the currently active tier.

Note that if you lose the bounding box further down in your annotation work, you can get it back by selecting the Speaker tier in the Grid selector in this way.

To label the speaker, right-click within the selection on the Speaker line and select "New Annotation Here":

Inside the Speaker field you then enter either the name of the speaker, if you know it (in this case Margaret Cho), or a general description, such as Talk show guest:

Note: in ELAN 4.9.3, the "New Annotation Here" menu item is found under the "Annotation" menu at the top horizontal menu bar of ELAN:

After annotating the Speaker tier, select the Speech tier and add a GAT2 transcription, as described above.

Create a bounding box for the speaker

The third tier in the RedHen-04-single annotation template is called Rectangle. This is a new feature. Its purpose is to draw an imaginary box around the gesturer, so that the machine learning programs can find the person on the screen.

When you just click on the paused video image in Elan, the location of your pointer is copied into your paste buffer. This means you can click on the video image to define one corner of a rectangle that defines where on the screen the speaker is located:

In this screenshot I show two pointers, from two successive clicks. In the lower left, when I click I can paste this value: 68,325. That means I marked a location on the screen that is 68 pixels from the left edge (x-coordinate) and 325 pixels from the top (y-coordinate).

In the upper right, after clicking I can paste this value: 423,8. That means I marked a location on the screen that is 423 pixels from the left edge, and 8 pixels from the top.

In this way, I can mark the opposite sides of an invisible rectangle that encloses the speaker. If we could see the bounding box, it would look like this:

So we cannot actually see it, but when you click and paste in opposite corners like this, the computer program that looks at your annotations for machine learning projects will know that you drew a box and figure out where the speaker is located on the screen.

You see the cursor (pointer) in the upper right-hand corner of the video picture: when I click there, I can then paste (Ctrl-v, or right-click and "Paste") into the Rectangle field.

When you click and then paste the numbers into the Rectangle field, you'll also see this: [448.0,336.0]. These numbers give the width and the height of the video image, the picture size. When you're done, the whole field should look like this:

68,325 [448.0,336.0]-423,8 [448.0,336.0]

That's just the first coordinate point (with the picture size), then a hyphen, and then the second coordinate point (with the same picture size again). You see the result below:

Once you get the hang of it, this is very fast. Check the numbers you have pasted to verify that they are different and that they make sense in terms of the x- and y-coordinates.

Describe the gesture

Finally we get to the gesture. In the Gesture field, you want to simply describe the gesture. The gesture description should capture the communicative intent rather than the physical motion (which we describe below). In this case, I use "Mock aggression". The terms you use could describe the emotion associated with the gesture, or in other ways convey what the gesture means. In the case of the "I wish I knew" gestures, most of them should be described as "Positive ignorance". Use a brief phrase that characterizes the overall meaning of the gesture.

Create a bounding circle for the gesture

The next tier, Circle, is very similar to the Rectangle tier. However, in this case you are marking a circle instead of a box, and you are marking just the gesture your are describing and not the whole person.

Start by clicking in the center of the gesture, where you see the pointer in this picture. When I paste that point, I get 239,286.

Next, click on the outermost boundary of the gesture, as you see in the pointer near the bottom right corner. When I paste that point, I get 425,306.

If we could see the circle that these two points define, it would look like this:

This circle helps inform the machine learning program where the gesture is located.

The final result will look something like this -- as with the rectangle, you won't actually see the bounding circle, but the numbers tell us where the gesture is happening:

Head, body, or arms & hands

Finally, briefly describe the physical movements that constitute the gesture. This is where I'm asking for your help: we need to develop a standardized set of terms -- a so-called 'controlled vocabulary'. For the moment, just add in a brief description on one or more of the three tiers.

If the gesture is mainly happening with the head, use the head tier. If it involves the whole body, add your description in the Body field.

In this example, the gesture is mainly in the arms and hands, so I use the description "Raise both firsts in front of shoulders." You might have another that is something like "Spread lower arms and hands from center to sides". As we collect your suggestions, we'll develop standard descriptions.

The final annotation looks like this:

Make sure you save the annotation and submit the .eaf file as instructed.

Advanced functions

List functions here that may be useful in special cases.

1. Identify a location or area in a picture or video frame

While ELAN 4.9.2 does not support drawing a bounding box, you can manually obtain its diagonal corners. Click on the image and the coordinates are copied to the clipboard, with the video picture size in square brackets: 335,162 [640.0,352.0].

2. Video player zoom

To examine a video frame in greater detail, right-click on the video image to get the context menu and select Zoom. The options are 100%, 200%, 300% and 400%. Pan the enlarged image by clicking and dragging.

3. Template design

The Redhen-04-single.etf template has this content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ANNOTATION_DOCUMENT AUTHOR="Unknown" DATE="2016-02-28T16:48:38-08:00" FORMAT="2.8" VERSION="2.8" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.mpi.nl/tools/elan/EAFv2.8.xsd">

<HEADER MEDIA_FILE="" TIME_UNITS="milliseconds"/>




<TIER LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF="Coordinates" PARENT_REF="Speaker" TIER_ID="Rectangle"/>


<TIER LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF="Coordinates" PARENT_REF="Gesture" TIER_ID="Circle"/>



<TIER LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF="Arms &amp; hands" PARENT_REF="Gesture" TIER_ID="Arms &amp; hands"/>








<CONSTRAINT DESCRIPTION="Time subdivision of parent annotation's time interval, no time gaps allowed within this interval" STEREOTYPE="Time_Subdivision"/>

<CONSTRAINT DESCRIPTION="Symbolic subdivision of a parent annotation. Annotations refering to the same parent are ordered" STEREOTYPE="Symbolic_Subdivision"/>

<CONSTRAINT DESCRIPTION="1-1 association with a parent annotation" STEREOTYPE="Symbolic_Association"/>

<CONSTRAINT DESCRIPTION="Time alignable annotations within the parent annotation's time interval, gaps are allowed" STEREOTYPE="Included_In"/>



Here are suggestions for how to work around various things that could go wrong; feel free to add.

Media files do not load

The most common problem with ELAN 4.9.2 is that the media files do not load automatically. Make sure that you have a folder on your Desktop called Elan_projects, with all of your media files. Save the .eaf files to the same folder. If you always have the .eaf file in the same folder as your media (.mp4 and .wav) files, you should avoid the media loading problem.

You know you've run into the problem when you see a warning. On a Mac, you may get this error message:

This looks ominous, but it's just a bug in ELAN; it has nothing to do with QuickTime. To work around it, click OK and then in the main menu of ELAN select View | Media Player, and then the input file:

If the Media Player does not give you the option of loading the correct video file, select Edit | Linked files from the main menu, and then select the mp4 and wav files.

When you load the media files manually like this, you may find that when the video plays, you hear several instances of the same sound track. If this happens, click on "Controls" and the radio button "Solo" next to the first video file:

You may find that the media loading issue comes and goes; this workaround should always work.

Avoid changing the names of your media files; it's important for Red Hen conversion that they have the same name as your annotation file.

Template file saved with xml extension

Some people report that when they save a template file from the web, such as Redhen-04-single.etf, the extension .xml gets tacked on, and Elan is unable to use the file. The solution is to remove the .xml extension from the file name. On a Mac, the safe way to do this is to right-click on the name in Finder and select "Get info". Under Name & Extension erase the .xml extension.

Examples of using ELAN to work on co-speech gesture

Work flow overview

Lilia Oseguera, Research Assistant. February 19, 2016

Just to give you all a better idea of how the Elan Workflow will proceed, so you all will be able to see the bigger picture in regard to what this project is attempting to accomplish, here is a list of the 10 integral steps (most of which you will engage with at one point or another) that go into this media project:

1) Finding Co-Speech Gesture Candidates

Co-Speech simply means any body movements (head, arms, hands, etc.) and facial expressions (including eye movements) that accompany speech. In this project, we are specifically targeting the gestures people use while speaking, so even though body language does have great significance in and of itself, the gestures you all find have to be connected to a certain fragment of speech.

2) Generate a List of Words That Accompany the Gesture

In this step, the most important thing to keep in mind is to find patterns in these videos where you see a particular gesture repeated with a specific phrase. These patterns allow us to give certain co-speech gestures a more generalized meaning.

This “list of words” can refer to one of the following:

Phrase: An example of a phrase would be, “I wish I knew,” which is the phrase we coded for in the previous task. This same phrase can also be looked up in different tenses such as the past, present, or future. Under the past tense, this phrase would change to, “I wish I had known,” or simply, “I wish I’d known.”

Colloquial Expression: These are informal words, phrases, or slang we use in everyday speech that doesn’t have to be necessary grammatical. It can vary from region to region (Like the Northern California “Hella” or the Southern “Y’all” or “How do you do?”). It can also be words like “Gonna,” “Ain’t”, or “Wanna.”

Specific Grammatical Construction: The same phrase can be said in different grammatical constructions, such as “Mary said to go home” can become “Home is where Mary said to go.”

Popular Exclamations: Examples of these would be—“Oh my gosh!” “What!” “Hey!”

3) Locate Instances in Edge Search Engine:

This is when you will look through the Edge Search engine by typing in the phrase you have chosen, and then go through each video and seeing if the gesture you are coding for appears with the selected phrase. You all also performed this step while looking for “I wish I knew” instances that contained the Positive Ignorance gesture.

4) Create hyperlinks for these instances:

Another step which you have all performed in the previous assigned tasks. This involved going to the “text” category next to the video, and copying the name of the video and adding a time stamp that indicates the beginning of the gesture.

5) Generate a “Batch Job” list of these links:

This is a step that none of you have performed as of yet. It involves gathering all the hyperlinks you all have submitted and running them through a computer terminal in which a sequence of commands (such as the subtraction of a symbol in the links or the replacement of period for a different punctuation mark) can be applied to all the hyperlinks simultaneously so as to create uniformity amongst the links that will be easily read by a computer program.

6) Run the “Batch Job” to create the clips:

Once the commands have been performed, you will see a uniform set of links that can now be run through a computer program to create clips.

7) Download the Clips

Professor Steen has recently performed this step with the links you all have sent using a script on the terminal that allowed him to add 2 minutes to the beginning of the clip and 3 minutes afterward to create the five minute video clips. As of now, he has gathered 115 clips of five minutes each.

8) Annotate the Clips in Elan (w/Preset Template)

This is a step you should all be familiar with since it was the first task that was assigned. It involves opening up the video clips on the Elan program and annotating the gestures by setting parameters for when the gestures start and finish. Although we now have the created video clips from the hyperlinks you all sent in, as of yet we do not have the preset template that allows you all to click on the grid category and select a specific speaker to annotate for. As soon as we have the preset template ready, you all will be able to annotate the links you sent.

9) Export Annotations with Python Converter (Project Database) (not ready yet)

This is a step none of you will be performing, but is a huge part of this media project. The python converter is currently being created by a student that will allow us to input the data you all have collected and allow the machine to analyze it.

10) Use machine learning to find more instances (not part of the job)

Again, this is not a step any of you will be performing, but this is where the culmination of all your hard work comes into being. The computer program will be able to find more instances of the gestures you have annotated automatically, finding patterns quickly and allowing us to view how prevalent the co-speech gesture is in the news database in order to draw conclusions as to the significance of these repeated occurrences.

Hopefully, you all now have a better understanding of the media project and the connection between the different steps we have assigned.

Assignment #1

  • See above: Getting started with Elan; Get to know the interface; Modify and add text annotations

Assignment #2

  • See above: Getting started with Elan; Modify and add gesture annotations

Assignment #3

  • See above: How to find the gestures to annotate; Search for gestures by keyword

Assignment #4

Lilia Oseguera. February 19, 2016

Find 50 interesting gestures on the Edge Search Engine like you did in the previous task and send them to me. This will engage you all in Steps 1-4 of the workflow process above. Please explain and comment on each gesture and write down the expression that typically goes with the gesture. Create your hyperlinks in the exact same manner as we did before by adding timestamps (hh:mm:ss). Group your links in a categorical manner such as by Gesture Name, Phrase, or Type of Movement (Head, Eyes, Expression), so as to organize the links.

Take your time and make insightful contributions.

We approximate it will take you all about 10 work hours to complete this task. Hopefully, you can complete the assignment by Wednesday or Thursday of this upcoming week.

Assignment #5

Lilia Oseguera, Research Assistant. March 2, 2016

For Assignment #5, you will be asked to annotate clips from the "I wish I knew" gestures that you sent in for Task #3.

I will be assigning you all a partner so that you can confer and help each other while creating your own annotations. Each of you will be annotating five clips. You and your partner will be annotating the same clips, and may use each other as a reference point in order to submit more objectively analyzed annotations.

This is individual work, but again, you can use your partner to confer on points that might seem ambiguous or simply when you need help on the task.

Once you have annotated your clips, send them to me and I will be able to provide you all with further instruction.

Examples: Interesting Co-Speech Gestures

Search phrases

Add subheadings for the different types of gestures and list the links. List each search phrase separately, preferably in alphabetical order.

By the way

For the phrase search "By the way":


1. 2016-02-18_0200_US_FOX-News_The_Kelly_File 31:34 -- "By the way" Right hand knuckle point straight forward.

2. 2016-02-25_0730_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 32:27 -- "By the way" Right hand knuckle point straight forward.

3. 2016-02-25_2000_US_CNN_Newsroom 09:11 -- "By the way" Left hand hitchhiker thumb point to left side, closed fist.

4. 2016-02-25_1600_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 20:37 -- "By the way" Left Hand/Arm point, cannot see fingers

5. 2016-02-25_1600_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 47:18 -- "By the way" Left hand point across body, moving hand down. Holding cards. Tilt head down to right with hand.

6. 2016-02-25_1400_US_CNN_Newsroom 52:37 -- "By the way" Said twice. 1. no gesture 2. Forward raised index finger pointing up, closed palm facing forward.

7. 2016-02-25_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friend 08:12 -- "By the way" Upward palm, light hand tilt/point, to her front right. Downward head movement with hand.

Other Hand Gestures

1. 2016-02-25_2200_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 03:11 -- "By the way" Double hand, rotate wrists to open palms, thumbs pointed upward. Open space.

2. 2016-02-25_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 03:45 -- "By the way" Slight opening of right hand, thumb pointing out to right.

3. 2016-02-25_1230_US_KNBC_Today_in_LA_at_430am 20:51 -- "By the way" See end of gesture. Double hand gesture, upward receptive palms with shoulder shrug.

4. 2016-02-25_1200_US_MSNBC_Morning_Joe 29:21 -- "By the way" Hard to see. Hands vertically pressed together, push forward on words.

Head and Body Gestures

1. 2016-02-25_1500_US_FOX-News_Americas_Newsroom 45:11 -- "By the way" Move head from left to right

2. 2016-02-25_1100_US_MSNBC_Morning_Joe 38:56 -- "By the way" Tilt head forward and down, slight movement side to side.

3. 2016-02-25_1000_US_CNN_Early_Start 32:55 -- "By the way" Shoulder shrug.

Bodily Gestures

1. 2016-02-20_2200_US_CNN_Newsroom 07:46 -- "By the Way" Finger Pointing towards other person (or towards camera) using listener’s past point as support/buildup for own argument

2. 2016-02-20_1300_US_MSNBC_Up_with_Steve_Kornacki 30:12 -- "By the Way" Finger Pointing towards other person (or towards camera) brings up one last topic of interest before guest signs off

3. 2016-02-20_0735_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 06:50 -- "By the Way" Finger Pointing towards other person (or towards camera) brings up one topic of interest that is off current train of thought for comedy

4. 2016-02-19_2302_US_WEWS_NewsChannel_5_at_6pm 23:04 -- "By the Way" Finger Pointing towards other person (or towards camera) brings up one topic of interest that is off current train of thought

5. 2016-02-20_1800_US_MSNBC_Remember_Justice_Scalia 37:19 -- "By the Way" Finger Pointing upwards. Brings up topic of interest that further delves into purpose of event

6. 2016-02-19_1500_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 43:57 -- "By the Way" Finger Pointing upwards Brings up specific case of topic being discussed

7. 2016-02-18_1800_US_FOX-News_Happening_Now 25:09 -- "By the Way" Finger Pointing upwards Brings up topic of interest that further delves into purpose of event for comedy

8. 2016-02-18_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 15:27 -- "By the Way" Finger Pointing upwards Brings up separate but relevant ‘funny fast’ for comedy

9. 2016-02-18_0100_US_MSNBC_All_In_With_Chris_Hayes 11:23 -- "By the Way" Finger Pointing upwards Brings up side fact that improves/validates reputation of speaker's POV

10. 2016-02-17_2200_US_MSNBC_MTP_Daily 14:20 -- "By the Way" Finger Pointing upwards Brings up separate case that support argument

11. 2016-02-17_1500_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 31:09 -- "By the Way" Finger Pointing upwards Brings up an American amendment as possible alternate solution to past catastrophe

12. 2016-02-20_1100_US_CNN_New_Day_Saturday 14:15 -- "By the Way" Two Hands Pointing Fingers upward Bringing another important fact up into view (Sanders)

13. 2016-02-19_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 35:55 -- "By the Way" Two Hands Pointing Fingers upward Bringing up fact in support of past speaker’s answer

14. 2016-02-18_1100_QA_AlJazeera_News 44:43 -- "By the Way" Two Hands Pointing Fingers upward Bringing up an important, relative derivative fact that further exacerbates current problem (Sanders)

15. 2016-02-16_2300_US_MSNBC_With_All_Due_Respect 25:28 -- "By the Way" Two Hands Pointing Fingers upward Brings in fact that incorporates separate topic (economics) to support argument (Sanders)

16. 2016-02-20_2200_US_MSNBC_Nevadas_2016_Democratic_Caucus 09:19 -- "By the Way" Touch with an open palm Used to respectfully interrupt current speaker to praise current speaker herself

17. 2016-02-19_0000_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 32:40 -- "By the Way" Touch with an open palm Used to respectfully interrupt current speaker to clarify that she (Adele) does not not enjoy holding shows

18. 2016-02-19_1300_US_MSNBC_Morning_Joe 32:36 -- "By the Way" Two Outstretched Palms facing away from speaker, bent elbows, hands near chest Defensive to justify speaker’s objectivity, thus reputation, as a journalist

19. 2016-02-19_0300_US_FOX-News_Hannity 03:45 -- "By the Way" Two Outstretched Palms facing away from speaker, bent elbows, hands near chest Bringing up point in attempt to support/defend POV (Trump)

20. 2016-02-17_0735_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 27:47 -- "By the Way" Two Outstretched Palms facing away from speaker, bent elbows, hands near chest Bringing up thank you as side-note, understanding a favor by guest for coming to show

21. 2016-02-20_1300_US_MSNBC_Up_with_Steve_Kornacki 29:51 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Flat Palm facing downward (often thumb facing downward), toward listener Bringing up personal anecdote speaker shares with guest

22. 2016-02-18_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 32:45 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Flat Palm facing downward (often thumb facing downward), toward listener Bringing up personal fact related to topic

23. 2016-02-18_0300_US_KCBS_The_Insider 21:49 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Flat Palm facing downward (often thumb facing downward), toward listener Bringing up interesting side fact for interest of listeners

24. 2016-02-16_1400_US_KNBC_Today_in_LA_at_6am 29:16 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Flat Palm facing downward (often thumb facing downward), toward listener Bringing up interesting side fact for interest of listeners

25. 2016-02-18_0300_US_FOX-News_Hannity 40:11 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Flat Palm facing downward (often thumb facing downward), toward listener Bringing up interesting side note of topic

26. 2016-02-18_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 11:48 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Flat Palm facing downward (often thumb facing downward), toward listener Brings up defensive side note

27. 2016-02-16_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 01:16:37 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Flat Palm facing downward (often thumb facing downward), toward listener Bringing up side note that was out of defense for speaker’s reputation

28. 2016-02-19_1400_US_KTTV-FOX_Morning_News_at_6AM 24:51 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Palm facing upward (often thumb upwards), towards listener Bringing up side not that is related/personal to listener

29. 2016-02-19_0735_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 06:57 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Palm facing upward (often thumb upwards), towards listener Brings up funny side note for comedy

30. 2016-02-18_2200_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 44:27 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Palm facing upward (often thumb upwards), towards listener Brings up funny side note for added comedy

31. 2016-02-18_2200_US_KTTV-FOX_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 33:57 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Palm facing upward (often thumb upwards), towards listener Brings up personal interest in audience

32. 2016-02-18_0735_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 52:42 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Palm facing upward (often thumb upwards), towards listener Side note of praise for listener in their support

33. 2016-02-18_0700_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 15:50 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Palm facing upward (often thumb upwards), towards listener Bringing up side note of people with reputation who support speaker’s argument, engaging

34. 2016-02-17_2200_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 09:38 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Palm facing upward (often thumb upwards), towards listener Bringing up side note of authenticity

35. 2016-02-17_2200_US_MSNBC_MTP_Daily 16:19 -- "By the Way" Outstretched Open Palm facing upward (often thumb upwards), towards listener Bringing up side fact that engages audience (Trump)

36. 2016-02-20_1500_US_MSNBC_Remember_Justice_Scalia 13:29 -- "By the Way" -Head Nod- directly adds on fact while smoothly continuing train of thought Directly adds on fact while smoothly continuing train of thought

37. 2016-02-19_0600_US_KTTV-FOX_Ten_OClock_News 56:05 -- "By the Way" -Head Nod- directly adds on fact while smoothly continuing train of thought Directly adds on fact while smoothly summing up train of thought

38. 2016-02-19_0400_US_CNN_Don_Lemon_Reports 15:55 -- "By the Way" -Head Nod- directly adds on fact while smoothly continuing train of thought Directly adds on fact while smoothly continuing train of thought

39. 2016-02-19_0400_US_CNN_Don_Lemon_Reports 48:32 -- "By the Way" -Head Nod- directly adds on fact while smoothly continuing train of thought Directly adds on fact relevant to train of thought

40. 2016-02-18_0403_US_CNN_Don_Lemon_Reports 00:37 -- "By the Way" -Head Nod- directly adds on fact while smoothly continuing train of thought Directly adds on fact while smoothly continuing train of thought

41. 2016-02-17_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 23:56 -- "By the Way" -Head Nod- directly adds on fact while smoothly continuing train of thought Directly adds on past speaker’s fact while smoothly continuing train of thought

42. 2016-02-17_0730_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 12:22 -- "By the Way" -Head Nod- directly adds on fact while smoothly continuing train of thought Directly adds on fact while smoothly continuing train of thought

43. 2016-02-18_1500_US_CNN_Newsroom 30:20 -- "By the Way" -Head Shake- Adds fact that opposes and shames proposed opponent’s argument

Facial Expressions

1. 2016-02-18_1800_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 06:44 -- "By the Way" Frowning - Added fact adds shame, questionability of events

2. 2016-02-18_1300_US_CNN_Newsroom 31:16 -- "By the Way" Frowning - Added fact adds questionability of predictability of events

Come together

For the phrase search "Come together":

Categorized by distance in-between hands and number of hands

Hands meet, but gap of space in-between them

1. 2016-01-26_0300_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 50:24 -- "Come together" Arms outstretched, brings them back to her body, fist meets fist

2. 2012-09-20_0630_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 42:09 -- "Come together" Brings hands in front of his body together, but fingers do not touch, fingers curl in

3. 2012-02-12_1058_US_CSPAN_US_Presidential_Politics 09:16 -- "Come together" Brings hands with index finger pointed up near one another quickly

4. 2011-09-21_2200_US_MSNBC_Cenk_Uygur 58:52 -- "Come together" Brings hands together, hands open, palms facing one another, and fingers pointing at the camera; at every word, brings hands slightly closer

Fingers intertwine as they meet

1. 2014-05-29_0331_US_ComedyCentral_Colbert_Report 09:25 -- "Come together" Brings fingers together in front of body, fingers slide within one another

2. 2014-02-06_0200_US_CNN_Piers_Morgan_Tonight 52:24 -- "Come together" Brings fingers together in front of body, fingers slide within one another, moves locked fingers up and down along with emphasis of his speech; gesture not seen entirely

3. 2013-10-30_2200_US_MSNBC_Politics_Nation_With_Al_Sharpton 47:13 -- "Come together" Brings hands together in front of body, fingers in a locked position with one another

Only one hand meets at center

1. 2010-07-30_2100_US_FOX-News_Glenn_Beck 01:25 -- "Come together" Slightly moves curled hand away from himself, but returns hand to his body, moving hand at every word closer

2. 2010-04-03_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jay_Leno 27:26 -- "Come together" Places hand away form himself, then brings it back in front of his body, bringing closer at every word

Did you know?

For the phrase search "Did you know?":


1. 2016-02-23_2200_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 28:00 -- "Did you know?" Can see end of gesture. Right hand point, forward and backward motion.

2. 2016-02-23_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 37:48 -- "Did you know?" Right hand point with card in hand. Bobs up and down on words.

3. 2016-02-21_1600_US_FOX-News_MediaBuzz 36:59 -- "Did you know?" Scripted. End of gesture visible, right hand finger point.

4. 2016-02-20_0230_QA_AlJazeera_America_Tonight 1:49 -- "Did you know?" “(when) did you know?” Right hand point, downward slightly.

5. 2016-02-19_0300_US_KNBC_EXTRA 07:43 -- "Did you know?" Right hand, finger pointed up, and shaken sideways on words.

6. 2016-02-18_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 36:55 -- "Did you also know?" Left hand finger point up on “also”, point forward on “know”

7. 2016-02-18_0600_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 45:16 -- "Did you know?" Right open hand point outward to subject. Partially visible.

8. 2016-02-23_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 23:25 -- "Did you know?" look to behind desk, motion right hand back and down, then forward.

9. 2016-02-17_0500_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 53:37 -- "Did you know?" Left hand soft finger point.

10. 2016-02-16_0100_US_KNBC_Channel_4_News 50:41 -- "Did you know that?" Right hand finger point and shake slightly delayed on “that”.

Other hand movements

1. 2016-02-24_1500_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 20:15 -- "Did you know?" Scripted. Small rotation movement, hands

move slightly apart and out, then back together.

2. 2016-02-21_0200_US_KNBC_4_News_at_6pm 42:12 -- "Did you know?" Left hand. Open hand gesture, spread fingers pushing forward on words. Slight head tilt to left.

3. 2016-02-17_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 44:33 -- "Did you know?" Complex double hand gesture, open fingers, hand going back and forth.

Head and Body

1. 2016-02-18_1600_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 29:10 -- "Did you know?" slight head shake up to the right on “know”

2. 2016-02-24_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 33:37 -- "Did you know?" Head turn to left, eyes looking up. Slight shoulder raise.

3. 2016-02-16_0200_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 22:17 -- "Did you 'sorta' know". Slight head tilt downward. Expectant look.

4. 2016-02-16_0200_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 03:15 -- "Did you know?" Head tilt downward, head up on “you”, down on “know”.

5. 2016-02-15_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 15:36 -- "Did you know? Head tilt down to right. Eyebrow furrow.

Did you know what was going on

For the phrase search "Did you know what was going on":

Hand Gesture

1. 2014-07-16_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_Craig_Ferguson 36:31 --"Did you know what was going on" Points at interviewee with index finger

2. 2012-11-13_1600_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 32:40 --"Did you know what was going on" Points at news anchor with index

3. 2011-07-25_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 22:34 --"Did you know what was going on" Moves hand up and down multiple times

4. 2011-07-19_1400_US_KNBC_Today_Show 04:01 --"Did you know what was going on" Nods head multiple times

5. 2010-10-23_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 29:21 --"Did you know what was going on" Lifts and spreads hands away from body, palms up

6. 2010-09-28_2000_US_CNN_Ricks_List 22:15 --"Did you know what was going on" Raises hands, curls fingers slightly, and moves hands in circles

7. 2010-04-12_2200_US_CNN_Situation_Room 05:15 --"Did you know what was going on" Raises hand, points to person with whole hand, then brings hand back down

8. 2009-04-22_2000_US_CNN_Situation_Room 24:38 --"Did you know what was going on" Slightly points at interviewee using entire hand, back of hand facing interviewee

9. 2009-02-09_0300_US_KCBS_60_Minutes 21:12 --"Did you know what was going on" Brings hand up to point at interviewees, then brings it back down slightly, multiple times

10. 2008-04-18_1700_US_KTLA_Jerry_Springer_Show 52:00 --"Did you know what was going on" Points at specified person with index finger

11. 2010-11-12_0300_US_KCBS_Entertainment_Tonight 20:38 --"Did you know what was going on" Lifts left hand up and brings it down multiple times

Head Gesture

1. 2011-07-19_1400_US_KNBC_Today_Show 04:01 -"Did you know what was going on" Nods head multiple times

2. 2007-04-11_1300_US_CNN_Newsroom 47:12 -"Did you know what was going on" Interviewer shakes head multiple times

Don't get me wrong

For the phrase search "Don't get me wrong":

Body Gestures

1. 2015-10-01_0030_US_KCET_Nightly_Business_Report 11:09 --"Don't get me wrong" Leaning back. Prolonged Blinking.

Hand Gestures

1. 2016-03-01_0400_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show 04:28 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Palms in front of waist

2. 2016-02-23_0400_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show 03:54 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Palms facing frontwards towards audience

3. 2016-02-19_1900_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 27:08 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Palms facing downwards towards audience, with rapid head shaking

4. 2016-02-19_0000_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 03:31 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. While singing/performing, hands towards shoulders, palms facing audience

5. 2016-02-19_0000_US_WKYC_Channel_3_News_at_7 14:32 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Palms narrower than chest, at chest height

6. 2016-02-03_0200_US_CNN_CNN_Reports 26:31 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. At chest level

7. 2016-01-14_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 09:10 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Palms facing camera, waved

8. 2016-01-01_0100_US_HLN_Nancy_Grace 05:32 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. with head shake, Palms facing away from speaker

9. 2015-12-31_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 35:03 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. With nodding, slight pause before speaking phrase, looking down away from listener, prolonged blink

10. 2015-11-26_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 09:21 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Palms facing toward each other, palms resting on table, right hand holding pen

11. 2015-11-24_0000_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 02:27 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. with slight shoulder shrug

12. 2015-10-02_2100_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 32:38 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. With nod

13. 2015-09-23_1500_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 46:36 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Head leans toward left

14. 2015-08-20_0630_US_KCAL_The_Insider 23:36 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Palms facing away from speaker, slight nodding, defensive

15. 2015-08-14_2100_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 36:56 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Defensive of ‘perverted’ comment by male, prolonged blink, hand facing female listener

16. 2015-08-05_0630_US_KCAL_The_Insider 10:55 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Slight side nod, palms facing away from speaker

17. 2015-06-27_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 48:36 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Palms facing away from speaker

18. 2015-06-16_2200_US_WEWS_NewsChannel_5_at_6pm 14:38 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Slight pulling back of head

19. 2015-06-05_0630_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 05:10 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Hands motioning outward away from center chest

20. 2015-06-03_0100_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 20:37 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Defensive, slight head shaking

21. 2015-06-02_0600_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 28:52 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. While walking across stage, hands outwards away from speaker

22. 2015-04-09_1700_US_KABC_The_View 02:02 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Palm facing away from speaker,head tilted to right

23. 2015-03-26_2300_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 53:09 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Slight head shaking, repetition of “don’t”x3

24. 2015-03-19_0200_US_KNBC_EXTRA 21:13 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Palms face upward, arms border around listener, looking toward listener

25. 2015-02-27_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 52:50 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. With slight head shake, palms downward toward listener

26. 2015-01-27_0300_US_CNN_CNN_Tonight 08:12 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. With head tilting right, right palm open towards camera, left palm holding right hand mitten

27. 2015-01-19_1900_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 07:24 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Defensive, clearing past statement, rearing back of head

28. 2015-01-02_0837_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_Craig_Ferguson 42:39 --"Don't get me wrong" Double Open Arms. Hands facing towards each other

29. 2016-02-26_2200_US_KTTV-FOX_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 31:26 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Palm extended towards listener, facing downward

30. 2016-01-30_0600_US_HBO_Real_Time_with_Bill_Maher 36:28 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Palm facing downward

31. 2016-01-26_0730_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 08:40 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Hand downward, with slight head shake

32. 2016-01-22_1100_US_CNN_New_Day 05:15 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Palm facing camera, prolonged blink

33. 2016-01-16_1500_US_KABC_Today_in_LA_Weekend 13:05 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Palm is facing speaker, waved

34. 2015-12-17_1500_US_KCET_Democracy_Now 45:46 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Palm frontwards, holding pen

35. 2015-11-22_0300_US_WUAB_Cleveland_19_News_On_43 38:29 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Palm towards listeners, prolonged blink, slight nod

36. 2015-11-10_0431_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show 07:59 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Prolonged blink, palm facing towards side leaning toward (left)

37. 2015-11-06_0431_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show 06:04 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Hand extended towards audience, elbow resting on table, slight head shaking

38. 2015-10-31_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 03:14 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Slight head shaking

39. 2015-10-27_0331_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show 09:06 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Head leaning left

40. 2015-10-24_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 02:01 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Hand swoops down to knee level then upwards towards left shoulder

41. 2015-10-14_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 10:14 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. With nodding, palm reached out towards audience, palm downwards

42. 2015-10-13_1400_US_KNBC_Today_Show 33:29 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Extended hand moves left and right

43. 2015-10-08_0630_US_KCAL_The_Insider 09:00 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Leaning forward towards listener, palm downwards flapped up and down

44. 2015-09-22_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 06:58 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Forearm on table, hand with pen, with nodding

45. 2015-09-02_0300_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show 14:12 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Palm held towards chest, other hand holding mic

46. 2015-08-31_1700_US_KABC_The_View 19:13 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. One hand scratching head, other palm towards audience

47. 2015-08-30_1800_US_MSNBC_Meet_the_Press 50:22 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Hand towards listener, staring

48. 2015-08-20_1800_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show_Retro_Stewart_Final_Broadcast 34:29 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Hand held towards chest, affirmation, other hand holding mic

49. 2015-08-20_1800_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show_Retro_Stewart_Final_Broadcast 54:58 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Palm held towards audience

50. 2015-08-20_1700_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show_Retro_Stewart_Final_Broadcast 08:22 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Palm held upwards, slight shrugging of shoulders

51. 2015-07-15_0600_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 08:52 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. With slight head shaking

52. 2015-07-11_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_Jams_Corden 04:17 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Slight twist in wrist

53. 2015-06-14_0629_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 04:38 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Slight nodding of head, hand palm up motioning towards listener, lifting of eyebrows and widening of eyes

54. 2015-06-05_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 56:20 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Palm downwards, with nodding

55. 2015-05-30_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 11:50 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Looking towards camera, hand extended palm down towards camera

56. 2015-05-26_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 39:56 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Only hand held up towards listener, arm resting on armrest of chair

57. 2015-05-22_1600_US_CNN_Legal_View_With_Ashleigh_Banfield 18:44 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Hand held with palm facing away from speaker, slight nod

58. 2015-05-01_1300_US_KTTV-FOX_Morning_News_at_6AM 29:56 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Palm upwards, slight shoulder shrugging

59. 2015-03-27_0000_QA_AlJazeera_News 55:07 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Palm facing toward camera, looking downward

60. 2015-03-20_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 53:07 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. Hand moves left to right, says phrase twice

61. 2015-03-18_0331_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show 03:35 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. lifted eyebrows, palm facing downward, tilt of head left

62. 2015-03-13_2300_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 49:45 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. palm towards camera, with head shaking

63. 2015-03-11_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 42:44 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. with nodding, extended hand towards listener

64. 2015-02-12_1600_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 35:06 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. with slight head shake, hand away from speaker towards ground while sitting on high chair with feet off the ground

65. 2015-02-10_0000_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 31:40 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. downward palm extending towards listener

66. 2015-02-06_1700_US_WOIO_19_Action_News_at_Noon 21:42 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. with nodding, head tilted to right, palm downwards extended toward camera

67. 2015-02-03_1400_US_CNN_Newsroom 44:46 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. extended hand to illustrate past phrase, slight nodding

68. 2015-01-30_0000_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 46:18 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. extended palm towards camera, head turning to left

69. 2015-01-07_0600_US_KABC_20-20 07:43 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. hand motions toward listener, holding paper

70. 2015-01-04_0200_US_KCBS_CBS_2_News_at_6 04:13 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. hand extending toward camera holding gadget

71. 2015-01-02_0735_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 14:33 --"Don't get me wrong" One Open Palm. looking towards off-camera listener, palm upwards extending towards camera

72. 2016-02-19_0000_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 05:09 --"Don't get me wrong" One Pointing Finger. While singing/performing, pointing upwards

73. 2016-02-05_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 45:06 --"Don't get me wrong" One Pointing Finger. Pointer towards listener, turns to look away from listener, for comedy

74. 2015-12-28_0400_US_KCBS_60_Minutes 24:45 --"Don't get me wrong" Both Hands Overlapping on Chest. Nostalgic, loving, sympathetic manner

75. 2015-04-17_0600_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 07:25 --"Don't get me wrong" Prayer Hands. Fingers spread apart, slight head shaking

76. 2015-01-18_1600_US_MSNBC_Melissa_Harris-Perry 26:45 --"Don't get me wrong" Prayer Hands. Head tilting to right, hands finger tips touching on table

Head Gestures

1. 2015-12-17_0200_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 18:07 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking.

2. 2016-02-24_2000_US_CNN_Newsroom 54:44 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. with fast blinking

3. 2015-12-03_0730_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 03:23 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. with hand extended off-screen

4. 2015-11-17_2200_US_KTTV-FOX_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 14:05 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. extended chin

5. 2015-10-30_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 05:06 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. staring towards camera

6. 2015-10-24_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 08:50 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. embarrassment

7. 2015-10-16_1100_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 20:21 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. very slight/fast

8. 2015-09-29_0000_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 45:59 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. repeats “don’t”, anxious

9. 2015-08-21_2300_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 14:04 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. visible hand with pen open palm towards camera

10. 2015-07-28_0630_US_KCAL_The_Insider 24:19 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. very slight

11. 2015-06-06_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 43:59 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. frowning, seriousness

12. 2015-06-01_1300_US_FOX-News_Americas_Newsroom 47:51 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. slight head shaking

13. 2015-05-17_1530_US_KCBS_Face_the_Nation 14:15 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. staring

14. 2015-05-01_0000_US_HLN_Nancy_Grace 25:55 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. disgust

15. 2015-04-22_0200_US_MSNBC_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_ODonnell 40:54 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. prolonged blink

16. 2015-04-18_0100_QA_AlJazeera_News 05:12 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. staring towards camera

17. 2015-04-17_1400_US_FOX-News_Americas_Newsroom 04:38 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. staring towards camera

18. 2015-04-10_0230_QA_AlJazeera_Real_Money_with_Ali_Velshi 07:33 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. slight tucking in of chin

19. 2015-03-26_1400_US_FOX-News_Americas_Newsroom 15:26 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. slight smile

20. 2015-03-14_0100_US_FOX-News_The_Kelly_File 19:35 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking. smiling, smirking

21. 2015-03-11_0000_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 24:54 --"Don't get me wrong" Shaking.

22. 2015-12-28_1400_US_MSNBC_Live_with_Jose_Diaz-Balart 22:37 --"Don't get me wrong" Nodding.

23. 2015-06-22_0100_US_KCBS_CBS_2_News_at_6 49:46 --"Don't get me wrong" Nodding. Slight, for reassurance

24. 2015-03-19_1200_US_CNN_New_Day 14:07 --"Don't get me wrong" Nodding. Prolonged blink before phrase

Don't tell me what to do

For the phrase search "Don't tell me what to do":


1. 2016-03-04_0400_US_MSNBC_Hardball_with_Chris_Matthews 20:44 --“They don’t tell me what to do” Steady gaze, very sure of himself. Confidence, very slight head tilt forward.

2. 2015-06-11_2330_US_KCAL_Inside_Edition 03:11 “Don’t even tell me what to do” Very aggressive. Walks rapidly forward, threatening, with arms flinging at sides as if prepared to attack. Face is blocked off since it is a child

3. 2015-02-03_1100_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 10:50 --"Don't tell me what to do" Phrase not said in relation to the self. Uses right arm, to extend hand to a point that would be in front of the chest, but at a distance of about six inches. Hand goes toward chest as if pushing against it, with fingers curled toward it, but the hand does not actually make contact with body, simply hovers.

4. 2014-11-01_0100_US_AlJazeera_America_Tonight 45:40 “Don’t tell me what I need to do” Phrase said in relation to self. Both hands go toward the chest and rest there. Right hand rests on top of left hand, indicating the self. Sporadic head shakes

5. 2014-08-27_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 03:20 “Don’t tell me what to do” Phrase said in relation to the self. Using forearm and motioning downward, hand has index finger pointing and remains pointing during the phrase.

6. 2014-02-11_2300_US_HLN_HLN_Evening_Express 28:00 --"Don't tell me what to do" Mostly-scripted, slight room for improvisation. Actor showing aggression to pretend girlfriend to get a reaction from surrounding passerby. Body lunges forward across table, and uses right arm with right hand pointed index finger to point at the woman aggressively within inches of her face.

7.. 2013-10-22_1800_US_HLN_HLN_News_Now 40:38 --"Don't tell me what to do" Court Room scene, man at the witness stand is speaking and using the phrase to refer to what another man told him. Hands are palm down and spread out on either side of his body, shaking as if to say “no”

8. 2013-02-22_0600_US_KNBC_Rock_Center_with_Brian_Williams 44:33 --"Don't tell me what to do" Scripted. Shakes head slowly, eyes remain fixated on the woman next to him in the car, rest of body movements not visible.

9. 2009-09-24_0600_US_KNBC_Channel_4_News_at_11PM 06:39 --"Don't tell me what to do"Aggressive. Standing up and putting right hand out in front of her with arm extended as if putting up a stop sign.

10. 2009-04-03_1700_US_KTLA_Jerry_Springer_Show 44:37 --"Don't tell me what to do" Aggressive, standing up, points both hands to her chest incredibly fast.

Playful/Mock Aggression

1. 2015-09-10_1500_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 34:14 --"Don't tell me what to do" Uses left arm, points down with index finger on table to make a point. Energetic

2. 2015-08-06_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 49:57 --"Don't tell me what to do" Speaking in hypothetical, not referring to himself. Uses right arm to motion forward, hand extends outward, can see the back of his hand. Head moves slightly to left while making gesture.

3. 2015-06-11_0100_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 30:33 --"Don't tell me what to do" Referring to someone other than himself. Dramatic for comedic purposes. Right hand fists up leaving thumb and index finger forming an L-shape and other hand is not visible, but both forearms push downward as he motions. Head tilts up, defiantly

4. 2014-08-23_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 09:25 --"Don't tell me what to do" “You don’t tell me what to do” Phrase said while recollecting a story and voicing someone else. Uses right arm to extend toward camera, and hand is made to look like a pointing gun.

5. 2014-03-08_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 48:02 --"Don't tell me what to do" Mock aggression used for comedic purposes of imitating a New Yorker. Arms remain idle to the sides but head tilts up challengingly while saying the phrase

6. 2014-02-20_0735_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 32:56 --"Don't tell me what to do" Referring to himself humorously. Body language is very laid back, with left arm hanging on back of the chair. Points to himself languidly with both index and middle finger put together.

7. 2013-07-04_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon 50:01 --"Don't tell me what to do" Jimmy Fallon trying to be humorous by seeming defensive while saying the phrase. Both hands palm up in front of him as if questioning with a shrug.

8. 2012-06-30_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jay_Leno 22:33 --"Don't tell me what to do" Giving a hypothetical response. Seems scripted. Head moves side to side in the manner of having one ear go toward the shoulder back and forth.

9. 2012-06-10_0629_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 48:58 --"Don't tell me what to do" Comedy sketch. Amy Poehler points directly at camera with right arm extended all the way and finger pointing. Said with a smile on her face and very energetically.

10. 2011-12-15_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon 08:00 --"Don't tell me what to do" Jimmy Fallon, mock aggression, comedic. Left hand motions toward himself with back of hand facing the audience.

Do you have anything to add

For the phrase search "Do you have anything to add":

Hand Gesture

1. 2015-09-02_1700_US_KABC_The_View 02:24 --"Do you have anything to add" Lifts hands in front of body and spreads out arms slightly

2. 2015-07-31_0100_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 45:45 --"Do you have anything to add" Points towards primary speaker using entire arm

3. 2014-10-08_1800_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 28:19 --"Do you have anything to add" Lifts hand towards specified person and points with finger

4. 2013-08-08_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon 03:08 --"Do you have anything to add" Lifts arm and points hand towards the audience

5. 2012-11-28_0200_US_KOCE_The_PBS_Newshour 24:09 --"Do you have anything to add" Lifts hand and points with hand at interviewee

6. 2012-06-28_1900_US_CNN_Newsroom 53:06 --"Do you have anything to add" Lifts hand and points with finger at other news anchor

7. 2011-05-03_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom 19:49 --"Do you have anything to add" Lifts hand, points with hand, palm side facing up, at interviewee

8. 2010-06-27_0629_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 04:31 --"Do you have anything to add" Lifts arm and points with finger at indicated man

Head Gesture

1. 2014-04-17_1400_US_KNBC_Today_Show 06:18 --"Do you have anything to add" Shakes head back and forth multiple times

2. 2013-12-25_1600_US_FOX-News_Happening_Now 08:34 --"Do you have anything to add" Shakes head once

3. 2012-12-17_1500_US_FOX-News_Fox_News_Live 30:37 --"Do you have anything to add" Shakes head slowly back and forth

First things first

For the phrase search "First things first":

Double Hand Gestures:

1. 2016-02-19_1300_US_MSNBC_Morning_Joe 15:37 -- "First things first" Double hand gesture forward. Framing hands down with open space

2. 2016-02-12_1700_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 39:54 -- "First things first" Double hand gesture forward. Framing hands inward, with open space.

3. 2016-01-22_0100_US_HLN_Nancy_Grace 46:46 “Putting first things first.” Double hand gesture, raised with open space on “putting”. Hands pushing back downward on phrase.

Single Hand Gestures:

1. 2015-12-24_0735_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 39:45 -- "First things first" single hand/arm gesture. Sweeping outward to right, upward palm.

2. 2015-12-17_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 1:17 -- "First things first" single hand gesture, Right, soft forward point

3. 2016-02-09_2300_US_MSNBC_MSNBC_Live 38:48 -- "First things first" one hand gesture to right side. Palm down. Partially obscured.

4. 2016-01-01_0837_US_KABC_Nightline 05:10 -- "First things first" Limp wrist, slight hand rotation outward on gesture.

Head Body Gestures:

1. 2016-01-29_2200_US_CNN_Situation_Room 43:30 Forward head tilt on gesture.

2. 2016-01-27_1600_US_FOX-News_Happening_Now 16:34 Double eyebrow raise with emphasis on phrase.

3. 2015-12-31_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 17:33 Sideways head shake, slightly downward. Settling body into seat.

Here is the thing

For the phrase search "Here is the thing":

1. 2016-02-24_0500_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 25:47 "Here's the thing" One hand gesture, uses left hand to point forward

2. 2016-02-23_0400_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show 11:53 "Here is the thing" two hand gesture, using hand to create space between them

3. 2016-02-21_0000_US_MSNBC_Presidential_Primaries 34:19 "Here's the thing" both hand gesture, making space, slight head movement

Single pointing

1. 2016-04-12_1700_US_KABC_The_View 12:12 --"Here's the thing" gestured towards listener, to defend presenter

2. 2016-05-12_1100_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 34:26 --"Here's the thing" hand waves downwards and opens into downwards open palm

3. 2016-05-11_2300_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front 36:59 --"Here's the thing" towards listener at chest level

4. 2016-05-10_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 32:50 --"Here's the thing" pointing upwards while holding pen in gesturing hand

5. 2016-05-09_2300_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 06:59 --"Here's the thing" pointing towards listener

6. 2016-05-07_0230_US_KCBS_Entertainment_Tonight 02:51 --"Here's the thing" right hand waved in air

7. 2016-05-05_2300_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front 15:52 --"Here's the thing" hand at upper chest level

8. 2016-05-04_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 01:43 --"Here's the thing" towards general audience, with prolonged blink

9. 2016-04-21_1600_US_KABC_Live_With_Kelly_and_Michael 09:40 --"Here's the thing" left hand pointing towards listener, left hand pinching midair, both at chest level

Double Pointing

1. 2016-05-10_1500_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 15:28 --"Here's the thing" hands upper chest level, towards camera

Pinching (Index finger and thumb touching)

1. 2016-04-13_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom 09:00 --"Here's the thing" gesture with right hand at chest level, done to continue talking when fellow anchor attempts to interrupt

2. 2016-05-06_2100_US_CNN_Situation_Room 10:37 suddenly opens to palm with keyword ‘look’

3. 2016-05-03_1300_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 15:30 all fingers tucked in, gesturing at upper chest level, bobbing towards and away from speaker

4. 2016-04-27_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 41:51 thumb and pointer finger do not touch, gesture at upper chest level

5. 2016-04-27_0000_US_HLN_Nancy_Grace 43:26 at upper chest level in self-defense

6. 2016-04-26_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 36:55 all fingers tucked in, while looking upwards and leaning backwards

7. 2016-04-25_1100_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 38:18 all fingers tucked in, gesture at upper chest level

8. 2016-04-20_1900_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 39:00 right hand rest of fingers tucked in, palm towards audience at shoulder level

Double Hand Pinching

1. 2016-05-19_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 20:05 --"Here's the thing" both hands gestured in front of chest

Double Extended Palms

1. 2016-04-13_1300_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 36:10 --"Here's the thing" palms downwards, done to downplay embarrassing humor

2. 2016-04-13_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 41:09 --"Here's the thing" with right hand holding pen, gestured toward listeners

3. 2016-05-21_0500_US_HBO_Real_Time_with_Bill_Maher 11:18 --"Here's the thing" signaled towards listener

4. 2016-05-19_2300_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front 54:37 --"Here's the thing" both palms downward, one hand tapping table for emphasis

5. 2016-05-19_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 06:05 --"Here's the thing" continuation from parallel palms

6. 2016-05-17_1700_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 26:11 --"Here's the thing" while leaning back

7. 2016-05-16_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 04:58 --"Here's the thing" hands at lower chest level facing each other

8. 2016-05-13_1000_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 35:40 --"Here's the thing" palms flash open facing downward, each while resting wrist on a different knee

9. 2016-05-13_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 45:55 --"Here's the thing" right hand chopping on upwards facing left palm

10. 2016-05-11_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 03:25 --"Here's the thing" towards audience

11. 2016-05-09_2300_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 28:30 --"Here's the thing" hands at chest level

Single Extended Palm

1. 2016-04-13_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 05:48 --"Here's the thing" for humor

2. 2016-05-20_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 35:16 --"Here's the thing" towards listener

3. 2016-05-20_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 31:35 --"Here's the thing" with slight nodding

4. 2016-05-20_0631_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show 00:49 --"Here's the thing" some flexed fingers almost representing pointing

5. 2016-05-19_1900_US_KNBC_4_News_at_Noon 48:02 --"Here's the thing" slight rubbing with other hand thumb on gestured hand right before speaking/gesture

6. 2016-05-18_1400_US_MSNBC_Live 02:45 --"Here's the thing" towards image on screen to counter point

7. 2016-05-22_2300_US_FOX-News_Fox_Report 34:22 --"Here's the thing" back of hand lightly touching table for emphasis

8. 2016-05-18_0000_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 23:51 --"Here's the thing" with frowning of face, while leaning back

9. 2016-05-17_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 04:54 --"Here's the thing" rapid vertical movement of hand for emphasis

10. 2016-05-15_0600_US_KABC_KABC_Eyewitness_News_at_11PM 19:16 --"Here's the thing" turning of wrist, emphasized hand holding gadget

11. 2016-05-14_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 01:53 --"Here's the thing" palm facing upwards held at upper chest level

12. 2016-05-14_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 15:44 --"Here's the thing" closes extended palm into thumb-ups fist

13. 2016-05-13_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 07:23 --"Here's the thing" palm makes small wave and closes next to lower chest, other hand holding microphone

14. 2016-05-13_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 33:03 --"Here's the thing" while sitting on sofa, towards listener

15. 2016-05-12_0100_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 12:04 --"Here's the thing" palm extended towards viewers/camera, slightly leaning forwards

16. 2016-05-11_1600_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 43:26 --"Here's the thing" palm upwards upper chest level, slight frowning, raised chin, head shaking for frustration

17. 2016-05-10_0900_US_CNN_Early_Start 06:23 --"Here's the thing" palm facing towards camera

18. 2016-05-10_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 03:33 --"Here's the thing" right hand open palm towards audience at chest level

19. 2016-05-09_1100_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 27:51 --"Here's the thing" upwards on side, wave towards listener

Clasped Hands

1. 2016-05-13_2229_US_KCBS_CBS_Evening_News 18:55 --"Here's the thing" both palms clasped on back of high chair, leaning in slightly towards listener

2. 2016-05-13_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 03:58 --"Here's the thing" both palms clasped momentarily then held out at chest level with open palms towards listeners/camera

Bodily Gestures

1. 2016-04-14_0000_US_MSNBC_All_In_With_Chris_Hayes 43:00 --"Here's the thing" Leaning Back while sitting in chair

2. 2016-05-18_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 25:40 --"Here's the thing" Leaning Back while sitting in chair, shutting eyes closed, extended palm downwards

3. 2016-05-06_0000_US_MSNBC_All_In_With_Chris_Hayes 57:15 --"Here's the thing" Leaning forward; with prolonged blink

Facial Expressions

1. 2016-05-18_1700_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 25:57 --"Here's the thing" Shutting Eyes Closed/Rapid Blinking with hand grasping at upper chest level

2. 2016-05-01_1500_US_FOX-News_MediaBuzz 20:21 --"Here's the thing" head bobbing left and right, displaying discomfort with answering question

3. 2016-04-29_1500_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 46:36 --"Here's the thing" with slight head tilt to side

4. 2016-04-28_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom 07:34 --"Here's the thing" counterpoint to disagree with previous speaker’s statement

5. 2016-05-08_0629_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 49:53 --"Here's the thing" with smile for humor, looking towards camera

6. 2016-05-04_2300_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front 09:11 --"Here's the thing" Head nodding uplifted chin with prolonged blind

Single Palm

1. 2016-05-07_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 34:00 --"Here's the thing" right palm downwards waved up and down, with slight nodding

2. 2016-05-05_2300_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front 41:04 --"Here's the thing" forwards towards camera

3. 2016-05-05_1700_US_KABC_The_View 05:16 --"Here's the thing" right hand flexed palm while looking towards listener

4. 2016-05-04_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 27:07 --"Here's the thing" left palm open upwards with slight head shake and leaning backwards

5. 2016-05-04_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 24:17 --"Here's the thing" left hand with thumb upwards slightly tucked in

6. 2016-05-03_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 44:52 --"Here's the thing" Open palm facing inwards waving at chest level while leaning backwards in sofa

7. 2016-05-03_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 15:27 --"Here's the thing" closed upwards facing fist bobbing up and down at lower chest level

8. 2016-04-29_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 03:47--"Here's the thing" facing downwards in almost grasping form towards audience

9. 2016-04-29_0100_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 17:53 --"Here's the thing"gesture from pinching then open palm towards camera then pinching again

10. 2016-04-28_0200_US_KCBS_The_Insider 14:30 --"Here's the thing" facing downwards with thumb upwards and towards camera

11. 2016-04-27_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 03:10 --"Here's the thing" hand held open vertically with thumb towards self at shoulder leve

12. 2016-04-27_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 33:02 --"Here's the thing" palm open towards audience

13. 2016-04-26_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 11:48 --"Here's the thing" left palm facing sideways, with slight tilting back of head

14. 2016-04-21_1100_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 01:22 --"Here's the thing" right hand opens slightly while holding pen while resting on right knee

Double Palm

1. 2016-05-07_2300_US_KABC_Eyewitness_News_4PM 01:03:10 --"Here's the thing" both palms flat on table, right hand raised and lands on table

2. 2016-05-07_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 41:03 --"Here's the thing" both hands facing inward, parallel on table, right hand lifted and lands on table for emphasis, with slight nodding

3. 2016-05-01_1300_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America_Weekend 45:50 --"Here's the thing" both palms facing inwards/upwards at lower chest level towards listener

4. 2016-04-30_0800_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 16:30 --"Here's the thing" both palms opening upwards, with slight head tilt to side

5. 2016-04-27_1400_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 50:16 --"Here's the thing" palms thumb upward at chest level

6. 2016-04-27_1300_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 36:51 --"Here's the thing" both hands at chest level, left hand holding rolled papers

7. 2016-04-25_1700_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 33:17 --"Here's the thing" hand closer to camera gestures as open palm towards viewers, other palm open at chest level

8. 2016-04-24_1000_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 34:15 --"Here's the thing" both palms open, rest on table momentarily

9. 2016-04-20_2100_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 21:07 --"Here's the thing" both palms open held together in fluid motion at chest level while elbows rest on knees to support weight while leaning slightly forward on sofa

How could you

For the phrase search "How could you":

Arm Gestures

1. 2016-02-24_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 15:57 --"How could you"-Double Open Palms- looking to the sides, sarcastic

2. 2016-02-12_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 08:14 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms- sarcastic, frustrated, anger, redundant question

3. 2016-02-04_1600_US_KCBS_This_Morning 11:31 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms- with head shaking, speechless, meant to shame

4. 2016-01-30_0300_US_WUAB_Cleveland_19_News_On_43 39:05 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms- speechless, frustrated

5. 2016-01-21_0300_US_KCBS_The_Insider 21:32 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms- anger, resentment, hands held woven in front of chest

6. 2016-01-20_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 41:42 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms- redundant question, affectionate, humorous, with slight head shake

7. 2016-01-19_1600_US_CNN_This_Hour_With_Berman_and_Michaela 01:06 --"How could you"-Double Open Palms- with slight head shake, emphasizing ridiculousness of situation

8. 2016-01-12_0300_US_KCBS_The_Insider 06:49 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms- redundant question, humorous

9. 2016-01-08_0330_US_KCAL_Entertainment_Tonight 14:34 --"How could you"-Double Open Palms- redundant, frustration, meant to set up joke

10. 2016-01-05_0300_US_KNBC_EXTRA 03:17 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms- with head shake, meant to shame

11. 2015-12-30_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 43:14 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms-for joke, meant to be humorous

12. 2015-12-17_0837_US_KABC_Nightline 22:04 --"How could you"-Double Open Palms- humorous, affectionate

13. 2015-12-09_0000_US_CampaignAds_Republican_Jewish_Coalition 29:29 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms- speechless, finding something unreasonable, redundant question

14. 2015-12-03_1400_QA_AlJazeera_News 58:08 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms- speechless, finding something unreasonable, redundant question

15. 2015-11-26_0100_US_KTLA_Crime_Watch_Daily 49:10 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms- frustration, finding claim illogical, redundant question

16. 2015-11-18_0000_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front 16:18 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms- acting out questions of frustration/anger

17. 2015-11-03_1700_US_KCET_Democracy_Now 16:12 --"How could you" -Double Open Palms- while looking up, frowning, anger, frustration, shame, (*cartoon)

18. 2016-02-24_0200_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 49:06 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- expecting answer to question from specific person

19. 2016-02-18_0000_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 07:07 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- expecting weak answer to question from specific person

20. 2016-02-16_0300_US_FOX-News_Hannity 24:00 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- expecting weak answer to question from specific person, question meant to embarrass

21. 2016-02-08_1500_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 18:02 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- redundant question, affectionate, humorous

22. 2016-02-04_0700_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 17:07 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- hypothetical, redundant question

23. 2016-01-18_0000_US_FOX-News_Fox_Report 39:29 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- redundant question, meant to shame

24. 2016-01-11_1900_US_CNN_Newsroom 57:16 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- speechless, disgusted, rubbing face with hand

25. 2016-01-11_1200_US_CNN_New_Day 13:05 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- acting out speechless, angry reaction

26. 2016-01-07_1500_US_KCBS_This_Morning 08:48 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- speechless, frustration

27. 2016-01-05_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 32:37 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- questionable situation, meant to undermine probability that an event happened

28. 2015-12-24_0330_US_KCAL_Entertainment_Tonight 17:52 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- frustrated by unfairness

29. 2015-12-05_0100_US_MSNBC_All_In_With_Chris_Hayes 35:27 --"How could you"-One Open Palm Wave- acting out questions of anger and frustration

30. 2015-12-02_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 29:58 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- sarcastic, humorous

31. 2015-11-14_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 34:58 --"How could you" -One Open Palm Wave- other arm on table, sarcastic for humor

Face Gestures

1. 2016-02-12_0300_US_WUAB_Cleveland_19_News_On_43 46:44 --"How could you" -Shaking Head- embarrassment, shame, anger, genuine question of social status

2. 2016-02-09_0200_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 58:19 --"How could you" -Shaking Head- acting out question of social status, possible embarrassment

3. 2016-02-06_0000_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 04:46 --"How could you" -Shaking Head- meant to shame, speechless, frustration

4. 2016-02-06_0000_US_MSNBC_Hardball_with_Chris_Matthews 04:50 --"How could you" -Shaking Head- with raising of shoulders, meant to shame, possible anger/fustration

5. 2016-01-05_0300_US_FOX-News_Hannity 29:00 --"How could you" -Shaking Head- frustration, anger

6. 2015-12-05_0000_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front 12:19 --"How could you" -Shaking Head- found action to be unreasonable

7. 2016-02-26_0200_US_KOCE_The_PBS_Newshour 30:57 --"How could you" -Rapid Eye Blinking- with head shake, anger, confusion

8. 2016-02-07_0200_US_KABC_US_Presidential_Politics 13:44 --"How could you" -Rapid Eye Blinking- meant to be difficult question to answer, raising questionability of answerer’s abilities/reasoning

9. 2016-02-24_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 01:49:14 --"How could you"-Stare- lack of eye blinking, towards listener Fear, confusion

10. 2016-02-15_0300_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 43:10 --"How could you" -Stare- lack of eye blinking, towards listener Fear of ‘stupid’ action

11. 2016-02-08_0300_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 44:21 --"How could you" -Stare- lack of eye blinking, towards listener Fear, confusion, shame, speechless, sorrow

12. 2016-01-03_0300_US_WUAB_The_Simpsons 13:48 --"How could you" -Frown- clear displaying of anger (*cartoon)

13. 2016-02-16_0100_US_KABC_Eyewitness_News_5PM 33:33 --"How could you" -Looking Upwards- speechless, meant to shame, redundant question

14. 2016-02-13_0100_US_KTLA_Crime_Watch_Daily 15:13 --"How could you" -Looking Upwards- while crying, frustration, sorrow

How do you know

For the phrase search "How do you know":

Hand Gestures

1. 2016-04-09_0000_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 54:44 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Hand at waist level, towards listener

2. 2016-04-08_0600_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 20:01 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Hand held at face level with slight frown, gesture emphasizes “know"

3. 2016-04-07_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 11:06 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Hand held at waist level, right hand holding microphone

4. 2016-03-31_1500_US_KNBC_Today_Show 21:33 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Gesturing hand holding paper, gesturing towards television screen

5. 2016-03-31_1000_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 27:23 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Gesturing towards listener

6. 2016-03-29_2100_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 22:57 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Gesturing towards listener, question asks for factual evidence

7. 2016-03-18_1100_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 46:59 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Open friendly question that prolongs conversation

8. 2016-03-12_1800_US_FOX-News_Americas_News_Headquarters 47:57 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Gesturing hand at waist level, right hand holding microphone

9. 2016-03-10_0200_US_CNN_CNN_Reports 23:58 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Hand held near top of table, holding pen, with head leaning slightly towards right

10. 2016-02-23_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 31:56 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Hand hits table on side, for friendly comedy

11. 2016-02-09_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 56:02 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. For comedic effect, satirical question, said while looking towards audience

12. 2016-02-06_0600_US_KTTV-FOX_Ten_OClock_News 59:30 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Satirical question, for humor

13. 2016-02-04_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 27:28 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. For humor, towards listener, looking up towards general audience

14. 2016-03-29_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 01:24:27 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Downwards. Gesturing toward listener.

15. 2016-03-10_2200_US_KTTV-FOX_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 35:24 --"How do you know" Single Closed Fist. While slightly leaning towards listener

16. 2016-02-10_0400_US_MSNBC_MSNBC_New_Hampshire_Primary_Day_Coverage 38:81 --"How do you know" Single Closed Fist. Towards group audience, palm facing upwards.

17. 2016-04-09_0000_US_KTLA_Crime_Watch_Daily 51:34 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Hands at upper waist level above table

18. 2016-04-06_1700_US_FOX-News_Happening_Now 35:53 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. While staring at listener through screen

19. 2016-04-04_1600_US_KABC_Live_With_Kelly_and_Michael 12:45 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. While looking upwards, for comedic effect

20. 2016-03-22_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 43:31 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Towards listener

21. 2016-03-18_1500_US_KNBC_Today_Show 40:31 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. For comedic effect

22. 2016-03-11_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 50:38 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. For comedic effect

23. 2016-03-09_1600_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 14:08 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Palms touch top of table, move left and right

24. 2016-02-09_0200_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 39:38 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Hands rest on upper chest, with slight shoulder shrug

25. 2016-02-04_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 27:09 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Hands held towards each other near upper chest, inquiring about details of specific process from specialist

26. 2016-02-03_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 39:11 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Hands wider than shoulders at chest level, towards listener, for comedic effect

27. 2016-03-16_1500_US_KCBS_This_Morning 47:31 --"How do you know" Double Closed Palms. While looking up toward the speaker

28. 2016-04-06_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom 17:47 --"How do you know" Single Pointing Hand. Left hand pointing upwards

29. 2016-04-02_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 37:22 --"How do you know" Single Pointing Hand. While pointing towards listener, for comedic effect

30. 2016-03-19_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 53:25 --"How do you know" Single Pointing Hand. Toward listener

31. 2016-03-30_2330_US_KCAL_Inside_Edition 04:18 --"How do you know" Mimicking. Mimicking assault claim to delegitimize claim

32. 2016-04-09_0000_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 54:44 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Hand at waist level, towards listener

33. 2016-04-08_0600_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 20:01 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Hand held at face level with slight frown, gesture emphasizes “know"

34. 2016-04-07_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 11:06 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Hand held at waist level, right hand holding microphone

35. 2016-03-31_1500_US_KNBC_Today_Show 21:33 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Gesturing hand holding paper, gesturing towards television screen

36. 2016-03-31_1000_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 27:23 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Gesturing towards listener

37. 2016-03-29_2100_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 22:57 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Gesturing towards listener, question asks for factual evidence

38. 2016-03-18_1100_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 46:59 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Open friendly question that prolongs conversation

39. 2016-03-12_1800_US_FOX-News_Americas_News_Headquarters 47:57 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Gesturing hand at waist level, right hand holding microphone

40. 2016-03-10_0200_US_CNN_CNN_Reports 23:58 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Hand held near top of table, holding pen, with head leaning slightly towards right

41. 2016-02-23_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 31:56 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Hand held near top of table, holding pen, with head leaning slightly towards right

42. 2016-02-09_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 56:02 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. For comedic effect, satirical question, said while looking towards audience

43. 2016-02-06_0600_US_KTTV-FOX_Ten_OClock_News 59:30 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards.Satirical question, for humor

44. 2016-02-04_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 27:28 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. For humor, towards listener, looking up towards general audience

45. 2016-01-30_1100_US_CNN_New_Day_Saturday 23:40 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Upwards. Doubting claim, tilting of head towards left, slight frown

46. 2016-03-29_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 01:24:27 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Downwards. Gesturing towards listener

47. 2016-02-02_0730_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 24:28 --"How do you know" Single Open Palm Downwards. Hand towards listener

48. 2016-03-10_2200_US_KTTV-FOX_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 35:24 --"How do you know" Single Closed Fist. While slightly leaning towards listener

49. 2016-02-10_0400_US_MSNBC_MSNBC_New_Hampshire_Primary_Day_Coverage 38:81 --"How do you know" Single Closed Fist. Towards group audience, palm facing upwards

50. 2016-04-09_0000_US_KTLA_Crime_Watch_Daily 51:34 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Hands at upper waist level above table

51. 2016-04-06_1700_US_FOX-News_Happening_Now 35:53 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. While staring at listener through screen

52. 2016-04-04_1600_US_KABC_Live_With_Kelly_and_Michael 12:45 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. While looking upwards, for comedic effect

53. 2016-03-22_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 43:31 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Towards listener

54. 2016-03-18_1500_US_KNBC_Today_Show 40:31 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. For comedic effect

55. 2016-03-11_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 50:38 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. For comedic effect

56. 2016-03-09_1600_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 14:08 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Palms touch top of table, move left and right

57. 2016-02-09_0200_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 39:38 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Hands rest on upper chest, with slight shoulder shrug

58. 2016-02-04_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 27:09 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Hands held towards each other near upper chest, inquiring about details of specific process from specialist

59. 2016-02-03_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 39:11 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Hands wider than shoulders at chest level, towards listener, for comedic effect

60. 2016-02-02_0200_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 40:57 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Frustration with opposing claim, defending ‘victim’

61. 2016-02-01_1600_US_KCBS_This_Morning 44:34 --"How do you know" Double Open Palms Upwards. Hands lightly touch table, solidify claim with logical argument

62. 2016-03-16_1500_US_KCBS_This_Morning 47:31 --"How do you know" Double Closed Palms. While looking up towards speaker

63. 2016-04-06_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom 17:47 --"How do you know" Single Pointing Hand. Left hand pointing upwards

64. 2016-04-02_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 37:22 --"How do you know" Single Pointing Hand. While pointing towards listener, for comedic effect

65. 2016-03-19_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 53:25 --"How do you know" Single Pointing Hand. Towards listener

66. 2016-01-29_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 19:11 --"How do you know" Single Pointing Hand.Towards general direction of listeners, baffled by claim

67. 2016-03-30_2330_US_KCAL_Inside_Edition 04:18 --"How do you know" Mimicking. Mimicking assault claim to delegitimize claim

Facial Gestures

1. 2016-04-07_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 41:57 --"How do you know" Head shaking. While staring at listener

2. 2016-03-19_0030_US_KCET_Nightly_Business_Report 04:26 --"How do you know" Head shaking. While frowning

3. 2016-02-14_1900_US_CNN_Newsroom 21:11 --"How do you know" Head shaking. Mimicking spat between candidates

4. 2016-02-05_0300_US_WUAB_Cleveland_19_News_On_43 44:20 --"How do you know" Head shaking. For comedic effect, over dramatization

5. 2016-03-08_0837_US_KABC_Nightline 17:02 --"How do you know" Head Nodding. Towards listener in flirtatious manner

6. 2016-02-26_0200_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 04:53 --"How do you know" Head Nodding. Wide eyes, showing exasperation

7. 2016-02-18_1400_US_KNBC_Today_in_LA_at_6am 48:59 --"How do you know" Head Nodding. With double shoulder shrug

8. 2016-02-18_0230_US_KNBC_NBC_Nightly_News 17:44 --"How do you know" Head Nodding. Widening of eyes, emphasize seriousness of situation

9. 2016-02-17_0000_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 47:00 --"How do you know" Head Nodding. Delegitimizing claim

10. 2016-02-16_1900_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 52:11 --"How do you know" Head Nodding. Asking for factual evidence for claim

11. 2016-03-04_1900_US_CNN_Newsroom 47:01 --"How do you do" Chin Lifting. Towards listener, to challenge validity of claim

12. 2016-02-15_1600_US_KCBS_This_Morning 47:07 --"How do you do" Chin Lifting. Ease into, coaxing listener to speak and address question that he may be unwilling to answer bc was talked about ‘off the record’, rapid eye blinking

13. 2016-02-08_2200_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 11:32 --"How do you do" Chin Lifting. Slight tilt of chin, raising of eyebrow, doubtful

14. 2016-02-06_0300_US_WUAB_Cleveland_19_News_On_43 32:56 --"How do you know" Chin Lifting. Protruding of chin, for comedic effect

15. 2016-02-02_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 41:25 --"How do you know" Chin Lifting. Slight head tilting towards right

16. 2016-02-03_2100_US_CNN_The_Lead_With_Jake_Tapper 17:36 --"How do you know" Shoulder Shrug. With slight head shake

Facial Gestures

1. 2016-04-07_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 41:57 --"How do you know" Head Shaking. While staring at listener

2. 2016-03-19_0030_US_KCET_Nightly_Business_Report 04:26 --"How do you know" Head Shaking. While frowning

3. 2016-02-14_1900_US_CNN_Newsroom 21:11 --"How do you know" Head Shaking. Mimicking spat between candidates

4. 2016-02-05_0300_US_WUAB_Cleveland_19_News_On_43 44:20 --"How do you know" Head Shaking. For comedic effect, over dramatization

5. 2016-03-08_0837_US_KABC_Nightline 17:02 --"How do you know" Head Nodding. Towards listener in flirtatious manner

6. 2016-02-26_0200_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 04:53 --"How do you know" Head Nodding. Wide eyes, showing exasperation

7. 2016-02-18_1400_US_KNBC_Today_in_LA_at_6am 48:59 --"How do you know" Head Nodding. With double shoulder shrug

8. 2016-02-18_0230_US_KNBC_NBC_Nightly_News 17:44 --"How do you know" Head Nodding. Widening of eyes, emphasize seriousness of situation

9. 2016-02-17_0000_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 47:00 --"How do you know" Head Nodding. Delegitimizing claim

10. 2016-02-16_1900_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 52:11 --"How do you know" Head Nodding. Asking for factual evidence for claim

11. 2016-03-04_1900_US_CNN_Newsroom 47:01 --"How do you know" Chin Lifting. Towards listener, to challenge validity of claim

12. 2016-02-15_1600_US_KCBS_This_Morning 47:07 --"How do you know" Chin Lifting. Ease into, coaxing listener to speak and address question that he may be unwilling to answer bc was talked about ‘off the record’, rapid eye blinking

13. 2016-02-08_2200_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 11:32 --"How do you know" Chin Lifting. Slight tilt of chin, raising of eyebrow, doubtful

14. 2016-02-06_0300_US_WUAB_Cleveland_19_News_On_43 32:56 --"How do you know" Chin Lifting. Protruding of chin, for comedic effect

15. 2016-02-02_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 41:25 --"How do you know" Chin Lifting. Slight head tilting towards right

16. 2016-02-03_2100_US_CNN_The_Lead_With_Jake_Tapper 17:36 --"How do you know" Shoulder Shrug. With slight head shake.

I can't believe it

For the phrase search "I can't believe it":

Hands lift up and down (Disbelief)

1. 016-02-19_0300_US_KCBS_The_Insider 00:06:01 -- "I can't believe it" maybe positive ignorance

2. 2016-02-16_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 00:08:55 -- "Can you believe he's back?"

3. 2016-02-03_0831_US_CSPAN_US_Presidential_Politics 00:23:36 -- "I can't believe it"

4. 2016-02-02_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 00:43:26 -- "I can't believe it" right hand only

5. 2016-01-22_2200_US_WEWS_Live_on_5 00:01:03 -- I can't believe it"

6. 2016-01-15_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 00:28:31 -- "I can't believe it"

7. 2015-12-27_1400_US_KNBC_Today_Weekend 00:00:26 -- "I can't believe it"

8. 2015-11-29_1500_US_KNBC_Today_in_LA_Weekend 00:00:22 -- "Can you believe"; "I can't believe it was just thanksgiving" man gestures at 00:00:22, woman gestures at 00:00:25

9. 2015-11-11_0837_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 00:19:02 -- "Oh my God. Joshua Jackson is here. I can't believe it." Does gesture during multiple sentences including target phrase

10. 2015-10-13_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 00:27:44 -- "I can't believe it"

I didn't know that

For the phrase search "I didn't know that"

1. 2016-05-18_2100_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 01:08 --"I didn't know that" Very brief, hand goes to chest with back of hand toward person.

2. 2016-05-18_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 23:51 --"I didn't know that" Shakes head quickly twice, steady gaze

3. 2016-05-15_0500_US_KCBS_48_Hours 42:50 --"I didn't know that" Interview. Shakes head twice, steady gaze

4. 2016-05-13_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 42:20 --"I didn't know that" Hand lifts slightly off arm rest, and points with index finger upward on the word “that”

5. 2016-05-05_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 04:38 --"I didn't know that" Shakes head fast, excitedly, hands clap together, surprised

6. 2016-05-04_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 01:41 --"I didn't know that" Both arms go out, palms facing out, big expressive movement.

7. 2016-05-03_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 36:08 --"I didn't know that" Shakes head once while looking at interviewer, but moves right along with his story.

8. 2016-04-27_1600_US_KABC_Live_With_Kelly_and_Michael 03:09 --"I didn't know that" Shoulder shrug, smile on the face, both arms motion upward once, hands opened

9. 2016-04-25_0500_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 59:40 --"I didn't know that"Shakes head once, mouth parted a bit after saying phrase, eyes wide open, steady gaze

10. 2016-04-14_1600_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 30:08 --"I didn't know that" Bernie Sanders, does slight head shake twice

11. 2016-04-07_1100_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 46:01 --"I didn't know that" Points with right hand to the point in between her collarbones rather quickly, very slight shake of the head

12. 2016-03-30_2300_US_MSNBC_Hardball_with_Chris_Matthews 02:22 --"I didn't know that" Shakes head twice and smiles slightly

13. 2016-03-29_0000_US_HLN_Nancy_Grace 41:10 --"I didn't know that" Attempting to seem compassionate and understanding. Nods head slowly twice.

14. 2016-03-24_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 30:58 --"I didn't know that" Comedy sketch. Both hands clasping food, slight shake of the head

15. 2016-03-21_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 35:27 --"I didn't know that" Very quick shoulder shrug

I don't know

For the phrase search "I don't know":

Categorized by intensity of head shake

Light/Quick Head Shakes

1. 2016-02-25_1800_US_CNN_Wolf 28:22 -- "I don't know" Shakes head rapidly, begins gesture before saying the phrase

2. 2016-02-25_1700_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 22:12 -- "I don't know" Slight, quick head shake in the direction of his left

3. 2016-02-25_1500_US_KCET_Democracy_Now 23:44 -- "I don't know" Quick, shake accompanying the gesture

4. 2016-02-25_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 13:36 -- "I don't know" Lifts hands in the air, palms up, arms outstretched, as he shakes his head quickly

5. 2016-02-25_0735_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 28:54 -- "I don't know" Slight shake towards his left, in direction of interviewer

Slight Shake to one side

1. 2016-02-25_2000_US_FOX-News_Shephard_Smith_Reporting 09:34 -- "I don't know" Turns head slightly to the right and stops there; slight shake

2. 2016-02-25_1600_US_KCBS_This_Morning 40:01 -- "I don't know" Very slight shake, head moves to her left

3. 2016-02-25_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 09:50 -- "I don't know" Begins gesture by shutting his eyes, then moves his head to his left and stays there

Long Head Shake

1. 2016-02-26_1500_US_CNN_Newsroom 09:11 -- "I don't know" Prolonged head shake, indicating non-understanding, incredulous

2. 2016-02-25_1600_US_FOX-News_Happening_Now 11:47 -- "I don't know" Moves head to his left first, then right, and left again until centered, eyebrows rise with incredulity

Head Shake Along With Arm Gestures

1. 2016-02-25_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 13:36 -- "I don't know" Lifts hands in the air, palms up, arms outstretched, as he shakes his head quickly; Positive Ignorance

2. 2016-02-25_0200_US_FOX-News_The_Kelly_File 55:27 -- "I don't know" Slight, rapid shake along with arms thrown up in the air, away from body, palms facing up

I hate this

For the phrase search "I hate this":

1. 2016-05-20_2100_US_KTTV-FOX_The_Doctor_Oz_Show_34:26 --"I hate this" two hand gesture, hands are opened up in front creating space, palms facing each other

2. 2016-05-04_1100_US_KNBC_Early_Today_24:26 --"I hate this" one hand gesture, brings left hand forward, slight body movment, emphasizing point

3. 2016-04-01_0000_US_MSNBC_All_In_With_Chris_Hayes_42:01 --"I hate this" one hand gesture, uses right arm to point forward, slight body movement

4. 2016-01-31_0932_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_28:34 --"I hate this" one hand gesture, brings left arm forward, uses hand to emphasize point, slight head shake

5. 2016-01-06_0700_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley_23:47 --"I hate this" two hand gesture, brings arms up first forward then towards face, head shake

6. 2015-12-20_1600_US_MSNBC_Melissa_Harris-Perry_54:05 --"I actually hate this" one hand gesture, right open hand moves up and down emphasizing statement

7. 2015-12-18_0000_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show_35:58 --"I hate this" two hand gesture, places right hand over left hand, turns body towards left side

8. 2015-12-05_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon_50:58 --"I hate this" one hand gesture, brings right arm forward, open hand used to point forward

9. 2015-11-21_0730_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose_40:00 --"I hate this" one hand gesture, uses right hand to create pushing gesture, sweeps hand in front and towards right side

10. 2015-10-06_2300_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front_32:54 --"I hate this" two hand gesture, brings hands apart creating space, quickly moves them apart to emphasize point

11. 2015-09-16_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert_44:10 --"I hate this" one hand gesture, brings right hand forward, open hand palm facing up

12. 2015-09-04_0300_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show_12:52 --"I hate this show" One hand gesture, uses right hand to touch face, quickly moves hand forward, creates a sweeping motion

13. 2015-07-28_0100_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew_53:28 --"I hate this" one hand gesture, brings right hand forward, hand is in a fist brings arm back and forth emphasizing each point

14. 2015-07-11_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden_09:36 --"I hate this" two hand gesture, brings both hands up and creates space between them, fingers are together and hands are slighltly curved

15. 015-05-31_1500_US_MSNBC_Melissa_Harris-Perry_07:38 --"I hate this" two hand gesture, slight head shake, brings both arms up, uses hands to create space

16. 2015-04-30_2300_QA_AlJazeera_News_24:43 --"I hate" one hand gesture brings right hand forward, fingers are curled together, brings hand up and down to emphasize point

17. 2015-04-30_2100_US_CNN_Situation_Room_52:35 --"I hate this" one hand gesture, moves right arm up and down, hand is fisted

18. 2015-04-29_0500_US_KABC_20-20_37:40 --"I just hate this" one hand gesture, uses left hand to scratch left side of head, open palm, leans towards left side

19. 2015-04-21_0630_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose_18:43 --"I hate this" one hand gesture, left hand comes forward, open hand, fingers spread and creates pushing motion

20. 2015-02-15_0932_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_19:27 --"I hate this guy" one hand gesture, brings left arm up , uses left hand to point towards left side

21. 2015-02-14_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman_51:47 --"I hate this" two hand gestures, brings both arms forward, uses hands to create space, palms are facing up

22. 2015-01-14_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers_39:20 --"I hate this" one hand gesture, brings hand forward, open right hand, uses to emphasize point

23. 2015-01-02_0600_US_KTTV-FOX_Ten_OClock_News_41:28 --"I hate this" one hand gesture, uses right hand to create sweeping motio n, moves hand back and forth

24. 2014-12-25_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends_25:15 --"I hate this" two hand gesture, brings both arms forward, uses hand to create space, moves hands front and back

25. 2014-12-23_0000_US_KCAL_KCAL_9_News_at_4PM_45:31 --"I hate this" one hand gesture, brings right hand forward, slightly curled, moves hand back and forth

26. 2014-11-28_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman_06:50 --"I hate this" two hand gesture, starts with arms open in front, quickly brings hands together interlocking fingers as he says the statement

27. 2014-10-10_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers_42:24 --"I hate that" one hand gesture, brings hand forward then back point towards self

28. 2014-08-28_1700_US_KABC_The_View_03:34 --"I hate this" two hand gesture, brings both hands towards front, palms facing forward, creating space between arms

29. 2014-08-20_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live_28:29 "I hate this" two hand gesture, place one hand over the other, closes body in crossing legs and moving slightly towards right side

I have nothing to hide

For the phrase search "I have nothing to hide":

Arm Movement

1. 2016-02-25_0300_US_FOX-News_Hannity 56:24 --I have nothing to hide-- Opens and stretches arms out towards the audience, the brings them back down

2. 2016-01-29_0100_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 03:26 --I have nothing to hide-- Opens arms toward the camera

3. 2016-01-12_0700_US_KABC_KABC_7_News_at_11PM 06:43 --I have nothing to hide-- Opens arms wide toward the audience

4. 2015-12-23_1800_US_KABC_The_View 10:06 --I have nothing to hide-- Stretches left hand away from body, palm up

5. 2015-10-05_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 11:18 --I have nothing to hide-- Strikes arm away from body slowly

6. 2015-05-13_0000_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 43:36 --I have nothing to hide-- Twists wrists to open arms toward audience

7. 2015-04-24_1700_US_MSNBC_Ronan_Farrow_Report 13:29 --I have nothing to hide-- Opens up both arms toward audience

8. 2015-04-08_1200_US_CNN_New_Day 52:45 --I have nothing to hide-- Opens up arms wide, palms up

9. 2015-03-12_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 05:46 --I have nothing to hide-- Opens up arms slightly, fingers pointing toward the audience

10. 2015-03-11_1100_US_CNN_New_Day 25:52 --I have nothing to hide-- Opens up arms, fingers pointing toward the audience

11. 2015-05-05_1700_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 17:12 --I have nothing to hide-- Opens up right arm into the air

12. 2015-01-24_0000_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 30:53 --I have nothing to hide-- Lifts hands in front of body, palms facing himself, then brings them back down

13. 2013-10-17_1900_US_FOX-News_Studio_B_With_Shepard_Smith05:13 --I have nothing to hide-- Lifts hands and opens arms

14. 2013-09-11_0000_US_KABC_Eyewitness_News_5PM 36:52 --I have nothing to hide-- Opens closed fist in the air, then closes it again

Head Shake

1. 2015-10-31_0000_QA_AlJazeera_News 38:22 --I have nothing to hide-- Shakes head multiple times

2. 2015-09-04_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 32:23 --I have nothing to hide-- Shakes head and opens up arms wide up in the air

3. 2015-02-10_0300_US_WUAB_Action_News_At_Ten 17:35 --I have nothing to hide-- Leans slightly back, shakes head

4. 2014-11-20_0730_US_KCAL_The_Insider 22:33 --I have nothing to hide-- Shakes head multiple times

5. 2014-11-03_0300_US_KCBS_60_Minutes 31:20 --I have nothing to hide-- Shakes head

6. 2014-04-13_0400_US_KABC_20-20 55:39 --I have nothing to hide-- Lifts shoulders up and shakes head

7. 2014-03-24_2100_US_HLN_HLN_Evening_Express 11:49 --I have nothing to hide-- Shakes head

8. 2014-02-17_0200_US_CNN_Documentary_on_West_Memphis_Three 35:13 --I have nothing to hide-- Shakes head, and lifts left hand to point at himself using entire hand

9. 2013-06-06_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom 07:24 --I have nothing to hide-- Shakes head slowly

10. 2013-05-30_1400_US_KCBS_The_Early_Show 01:30 --I have nothing to hide-- Shakes head once, slight shake

11. 2013-05-23_0500_US_KTTV-FOX_Ten_OClock_News 38:49 --I have nothing to hide-- Shakes head

I'm angry

For the phrase search "I'm angry":

1. 2016-05-18_1200_US_CNN_New_Day_19:26 --"I'm angry" two hand gesture, body slightly turned towards right, counting motion using left hand, right hand is in front of body

2. 2016-05-16_2100_US_MSNBC_MTP_Daily_55:12 --"I'm angry too" one hand gesture, brings left hand back and forth, uses to point and emphasize, hand is fisted

3. 2016-05-04_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live_33:34 --"I'm angry" one hand gesture, uses left hand to motion forward, hand is open palm facing right side

4. 2016-04-25_2300_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew_18:05 --"I'm angry" two hand gesture, moves hands in front and then point back to self, hands slightly curled

5. 2016-04-21_2300_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew_02:30 --"I'm angry" two hand gesture, fingers in both hands pinched together, creates space uses hands, slight head nod

6. 2016-04-07_0300_US_KCAL_KCAL_9_News_at_8PM_01:59 --"I'm angry" two hand gesture, hands lowered and creating space, head shake

7. 2016-03-14_1600_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share_02:38 --"Yes I'm angry" one hand gesture, using right hand to motion forward, index finger used to point

8. 2016-03-13_1500_US_KABC_This_Week_07:03 --"I'm angry too" one hand gesture, moves right hand forward creating sweeping motion, slight head shake

9. 2016-03-11_1400_US_CNN_Newsroom_46:34 --"I'm angry" brings right hand towards right side, uses index finger to create circular motion"crazy" motion

10. 2016-03-04_1600_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016_31:20 --"I'm angry" one hand gesture, brings left hand in front of body, sweeping motion towards right side

11. 2016-03-02_0000_US_FOX-News_US_Presidential_Politics_08:45 --"I'm angry" one hand gesture, right hand is open and brings closer to body

12. 2016-02-24_2100_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016_16:33 --"I'm angry" one hand gesture, brings right hand up, hand is fisted, emphasizes point

13. 2016-02-24_1700_US_CNN_Legal_View_With_Ashleigh_Banfield_43:23 --"I'm angry" two hand gesture, hands are open, palms facing up, creating space between arms

14. 2016-02-23_1800_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share_17:07 --"I'm angry" two hand gesture, both arms come up, hands are open, creating space between hands then brings them both down

15. 2016-02-12_0300_US_FOX-News_Hannity_29:37 --"I'm angry" two hand gesture, brings hands in front creating space and brings them down, slight head nod

16. 2016-02-02_0000_US_CampaignAds_Donald_Trump_17:37 --"I'm angry" two hand gesture, brings both arms up creating space, open hand, palms facing forward

17. 2016-02-01_1200_US_CNN_New_Day_53:47 --"I'm angry" one hand gesture uses right left hand to point towards self, slight head turn towards right

18. 2016-01-28_2200_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live_04:33 --"I'm angry" one hand gesture brings left hand up, uses index finger to point forward

I'm over it

For the phrase search "I'm over it":

1. 2016-05-04_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon_02:57 --"I'm over it" one hand gesture, fingers curled in right hand, brings hand forward as he talks

2. 2016-04-09_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert_16:59 --"I'm over it" one hand gesture, brings right hand forward, starts with hand curled ends with creating sweeping motion and spreading hand forward

3. 2016-03-26_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon_09:01 --"I'm over it" two hand gesture, brings arms forward, using both hand palms facing up creates space, shoulder rise slightly

4. 2016-02-27_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers_38:00 --"I'm over it" one hand gesture, brings hand in front of body, palm facing down, shakes hand to make point

5. 2016-02-05_1700_US_CNN_Legal_View_With_Ashleigh_Banfield_12:23 --"I'm over it" one hand gesture, slight head shake, brings arm forward, using right hand creates fast sweeping motion towards right

6. 2016-01-12_0431_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show_22:42 --"I'm over it" two hand gesture, brings both hands forward creating space, head shake

7. 2015-12-09_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon_36:00 --"I'm over it" one hand gesture, slams left hand on desk, open hand palm facing down, slight head shake and body movement towards left

8. 2015-12-08_1800_US_KABC_The_View_18:57 --"I'm over it" two hand gesture, brings arms forward creating space, quickly moves both hands down and places on table, slight head shake

9. 2015-11-13_1800_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share_15:51 --"I'm over it" two hand gesture, brings arms up, both hands are opened, moves arms toward back and quickly brings them down

10. 20151012163001|2015-10-12_1630_US_KNBC_Today_Show_36:10 --"I'm over it" two hand gesture, hands are together, brings them slightly apart and slams them on desk

11. 2015-08-05_0230_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_21:08 --I'm over it" two hand gesture, brings both hands together and forward creating circular motion

12. 2015-03-06_0800_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley_15:16 --"I'm over it" two hand gesture, moves arms up, both hands are open, brings them up and quickly brings them down on lap

13. 2015-02-28_1500_US_KNBC_Today_in_LA_Weekend_16:37 --"I'm over it" one hand gesture, brings left hand up in front of body, quickly brings hand down on desk

14. 2014-11-27_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show_16:22 --"I'm over it" two hand gesture, moves both arms up, creating space, palms facing forward, brings arms down and onto desk after statement

It's unbelievable

For the Phrase Search "It's unbelievable":

Double Hand Gestures

1. 2016-01-07_0700_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 07:22 -- "It's unbelievable" Double hand gesture, open space, palms pushing downward

2. 2016-02-12_0431_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show 06:42 -- "It's unbelievable"

Scripted. Double hand gesture, arms opening outward. disbelief/ignorance.

Single Hand Gestures

1. 2016-02-19_1600_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 2:37 -- "It's unbelievable" Single hand gesture. Right. Marked pause, palm upward. Disbelief

2. 2016-02-18_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 7:57 -- "It's unbelievable" Single hand gesture, right hand, palm forward, wrist tilt up and down.

3. 2016-02-18_0500_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 3:53 -- "It's unbelievable" Single hand gesture. Right, upward facing palm moving outward. ignorance?

4. 2016-02-17_2200_US_MSNBC_MTP_Daily 09:21 -- "It's unbelievable" Single hand gesture, right. Hand grab from top right to center of body, facing forward.

5. 2016-02-15_0000_US_FOX-News_Fox_Report -- "It's unbelievable" Single hand gesture, right. Open hand, palm downward, tilted upward at angle.

Let me tell you

For the phrase search "Let me tell you":

Categorized by type of pointing gesture (i.e. index finger, entire hand, fist)

Index Finger Points

1. 2016-02-25_0000_US_MSNBC_Hardball_with_Chris_Matthews 50:16 -- "Let me tell you" Points with index finger at person speaking, need to inform from pointer

2. 2016-02-22_1400_US_CNN_Newsroom 13:01 -- "Let me tell you" Points towards audience with finger, not fully extended, slightly curled in, informative, not aggressive

3. 2016-02-19_2200_US_KTTV-FOX_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 39:53 -- "Let me tell you" Points at interviewer using finger, not aggressive, pointer finger curled in

4. 2016-02-15_1800_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 24:58 -- "Let me tell you" Points with index finger, slightly curled in , towards the direction of the floor, down direction, rocks finger down multiple times along with her words

5. 2016-02-14_0200_US_KCBS_US_Presidential_Politics 26:53 -- "Let me tell you" Points index finger in up direction, to state a fact

6. 2016-02-11_0300_US_FOX-News_Hannity 06:01 -- "Let me tell you" Index finger points at the camera

7. 2016-02-07_1600_US_KCBS_Face_the_Nation 09:13 -- "Let me tell you" Points with finger and thumb towards himself, back of hand is in the direction o the audience

Hands Points

1. 2016-02-24_0800_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 10:18 -- "Let me tell you" Points with whole hand, fingers open and extended towards the interviewer and palm towards him, only wants to inform

2. 2016-02-24_0300_US_KNBC_EXTRA 20:56 -- "Let me tell you" Points to co-anchor with hand flat and open, palm towards herself, fingers extended

3. 2016-02-14_1900_US_MSNBC_Meet_the_Press 32:50 -- "Let me tell you" Points with arm extended, fingers extended towards camera

4. 2016-02-11_0400_US_WKYC_Channel_3_News_at_11 06:16 -- "Let me tell you" Points side of extended hand towards audience, tips of fingers pointed upwards

5. 2016-02-09_0430_QA_AlJazeera_Inside_Story 12:54 -- "Let me tell you" Lifts both hands from the table, fingers extended and pointing at the camera, palms facing one another

6. 2016-02-08_2000_US_CNN_Newsroom 27:24 -- "Let me tell you" Lifts one hand up, fingers pointed upwards and angled off to the side, and shakes it up and down

7. 2016-02-05_1400_US_MSNBC_Presidential_Politics 37:41 -- "Let me tell you" Brings hand up and then down along with phrase, fingers outstretched, arm near body

Fist/ Palm Points

1. 2016-02-26_0500_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 45:18 -- "Let me tell you" Points at audience using palm, palm faces the audiences, fingers bent in towards palm

2. 2016-02-24_0730_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 23:18 -- "Let me tell you" Points at camera with both closed fists, thumbs pointing towards camera

Opens both arms, Uses Hands to Point

1. 2016-02-18_0500_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 24:43 -- "Let me tell you" Points to audience with both hands, fingers extended, forearms extended, palms up

2. 2016-02-10_0400_QA_AlJazeera_News 01:23 -- "Let me tell you" Opens clasped arms, hands slightly curled, fingers pointed in direction of camera

3. 2016-02-09_2200_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 28:31 -- "Let me tell you" Lifts hands from the table and outstretches them in the air, fingers extended, palms facing the interviewer

No Offense

For the phrase search "No offense":

Hand Gestures

1. 2016-02-27_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 19:15 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Towards listener, palm up, confirming mutual understanding, non confrontational

2. 2016-02-21_0100_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 12:32 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Palm towards possible offended, defensive, non confrontational

3. 2016-02-20_1500_US_CNN_Justice_Scalia_Funeral 20:23 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Palm away from possible offended, friendly relationship between speaker and listener, confirming mutual understanding

4. 2016-02-17_1700_US_CNN_Legal_View_With_Ashleigh_Banfield 34:27 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Wide gesture to majority of audience, non confrontational

5. 2016-02-14_0400_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 35:32 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Palm down, towards possible offended, non confrontational, allows officer to ask embarrassing/personal questions

6. 2016-02-12_0100_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 11:02 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. For clarification, palm towards listener, non confrontational

7. 2016-02-11_0100_US_HLN_Nancy_Grace 56:36 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Pen in hand, towards camera to off-camera possible offended, joking manner

8. 2016-01-25_1200_US_CNN_New_Day 46:09 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Leaning in towards possible offended, joking manner

9. 2016-01-23_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 26:01 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Hand on table, joking manner

10. 2016-01-08_0100_US_CNN_President_Obamas 01:05:39 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Hand towards general audience of possible offended, for sake of humor

11. 2016-01-07_1700_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 52:20 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Honest opinion, looking away from camera and reporter

12. 2015-12-24_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 24:30 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Pointing out irrationality of action, towards possible offended

13. 2015-12-16_0530_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 14:07 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Hand holds shoulder of possible offended, meant to show sympathy for opponent’s point of view

14. 2015-11-20_1500_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 22:36 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Towards camera, meant to express respect for possible offended not present

15. 2015-11-09_1900_US_CNN_Newsroom 58:49 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Towards camera for off-camera possible offended, pen in hand

16. 2015-11-08_0932_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood 07:48 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Palm towards possible offended, for humor

17. 2015-11-04_1400_US_MSNBC_The_Rundown_with_Jose_Diaz-Balart 06:58 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Defending possible offended by opinion of better alternate

18. 2015-10-23_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 51:16 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. With slight head nodding towards listener, joking manner, pen in hand

19. 2015-10-19_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 15:35 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Towards possible offended/camera, defensive of honest opinion

20. 2015-10-09_0130_US_KABC_World_News_Tonight_With_David_Muir 07:27 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Other hand holding device, palm towards camera, reading quote

21. 2015-10-01_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 51:13 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Lighthearted joke, hand holding pen on desk, gestured towards present possibly offended

22. 2015-09-24_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 28:10 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Gestured towards camera then present audience, joking manner

23. 2015-09-15_1700_US_CNN_Wolf 31:01 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Hand contacts possible offended “friend” with light tapping of palm

24. 2015-09-13_1400_US_KTTV-FOX_News_Sunday_with_Chris_Wallace 27:09 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. With head shaking, gestured towards fellow speakers

25. 2015-09-12_0630_US_KCAL_The_Insider 09:58 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Non confrontational to praise alternate, gestured towards camera, with slight head shake

26. 2015-09-01_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 02:24 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. With slight head shaking, palm at chest level with palm flat facing down

27. 2015-08-26_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 02:46 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Towards present off camera possibly offended, for joke/humor

28. 2015-08-06_1700_US_KABC_The_View 16:33 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Sincere, palm facing inward at chest level

29. 2015-07-19_1400_US_KCBS_CBS_News_Sunday_Morning 34:42 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. With palm up, for humor

30. 2015-07-19_1200_US_MSNBC_Up_with_Steve_Kornacki 15:51 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Palm towards possible offended

31. 2015-07-13_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 43:20 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Hand palm downward towards present possible offended in audience

32. 2015-07-07_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 56:45 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Hand towards possible offended, for humor

33. 2015-06-29_0430_US_CSPAN_US_Presidential_Politics 01:27:47 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Hand towards general audience of people possibly offended

34. 2015-05-29_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 16:57 --"No offense" One Open Palm Wave. Gesture away to side of possibly offended, with slight head nod

35. 2016-02-27_0735_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 51:50 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Joking manner, away from speaker, defensive

36. 2016-02-27_0735_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 51:53 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. With head shake, joking manner, away from speaker, defensive

37. 2016-02-19_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 33:35 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Bluntly non confrontational

38. 2016-02-16_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 23:51 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Non confrontational, for sake of joke/humor

39. 2016-02-15_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 46:48 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Hands towards chest, motioning towards off camera, non confrontational

40. 2016-02-10_2200_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 14:32 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Palms away from speaker, pen in one hand, width between palms wider than torso, defensive, non confrontational, joking manner

41. 2016-02-02_0431_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show 13:46 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. With shoulder shrug, both hands on table, width smaller than torso, looking to the side, joking manner

42. 2016-02-02_0100_US_HLN_Nancy_Grace 59:27 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Insincere, width wider than torso

43. 2016-01-19_2300_US_MSNBC_With_All_Due_Respect 29:26 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Hands wider than torso

44. 2016-01-08_0600_US_KTTV-FOX_Ten_OClock_News 43:41 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Hands lifted from table, non confrontational to praise alternate

45. 2015-12-23_0330_US_KCAL_Entertainment_Tonight 12:33 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Hands on table, joking manner, non confrontational

46. 2015-12-23_0000_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 33:13 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. With head shake, sincere, providing evidence against opposing opinion, hands close together motioning towards main listener in audience

47. 2015-12-21_2200_US_CNN_Situation_Room 01:54:52 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Speaker believes providing evidence against opposing opinion, pointing out personal characteristic of opponent

48. 2015-12-20_2300_US_CNN_Newsroom 12:00 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Both hands on table, one hand motioning towards possible offended, criticizing general group of people possible offended is part of

49. 2015-12-11_2330_US_KCET_Nightly_Business_Report 08:52 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Ams resting on car window, speaker lowering himself to be at eye level of possible offended, defensive, non confrontational

50. 2015-12-02_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 19:13 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. With slight head shake, for joke/humor

51. 2015-11-10_0431_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show 25:44 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Defensive against possibly offending specific sexuality

52. 2015-10-04_1800_US_MSNBC_Meet_the_Press 37:31 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Hands narrower than chest, towards camera

53. 2015-09-24_1700_US_KABC_The_View 48:42 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Defensive, sincere, gesture towards large audience

54. 2015-09-22_1600_US_KCET_Democracy_Now 50:48 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Hands' width narrower than chest

55. 2015-09-17_0331_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show 06:33 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Palms towards desk, said for joke/humor

56. 2015-09-08_1700_US_KABC_The_View 44:58 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. With shoulder shrug, defensive

57. 2015-09-08_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 35:08 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Friendly, palm reaches and touches hand of possibly offended

58. 2015-09-02_0000_US_MSNBC_All_In_With_Chris_Hayes 40:49 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Hands narrower than chest width, specifically towards present possible offended

59. 2015-08-04_1500_US_CNN_This_Hour_With_Berman_and_Michaela 32:35 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Hands at upper chest level, defensive

60. 2015-07-20_1700_US_KABC_The_View 10:54 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Defensive from backlash of public, looking towards present audience

61. 2015-07-09_1800_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 19:31 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Gestured towards general audience

62. 2015-07-09_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 51:58 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Quick gesture, narrower than chest, towards possible offended, sincere, for humor

63. 2015-07-09_0130_US_KNBC_NBC_Nightly_News 27:00 --"No offense" Double Open Palm Wave. Sincere, hands towards camera, one hand with pen and other with paper

64. 2016-01-16_0600_US_KABC_20-20 55:01 --"No offense" Pinching Chin. Risk of offending present people besides listener

65. 2015-10-31_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 11:09 --"No offense" Fist Bumping on Upper Arm. Sympathetic, friendly, joking manner

66. 2015-08-20_1700_US_KABC_The_View 28:46 --"No offense" Pointing with one hand. Quick side remark towards possible offended

Head Gestures

1. 2016-02-13_1500_US_MSNBC_Melissa_Harris-Perry 09:42 --"No offense" Nodding. Towards listener

2. 2016-01-06_2000_US_CNN_Newsroom 33:14 --"No offense" Nodding. Towards camera of listener, insincere

3. 2015-12-24_0330_US_KCAL_Entertainment_Tonight 24:32 --"No offense" Nodding. Describing uncomfortable situation

4. 2015-07-04_0500_US_HBO_Real_Time_with_Bill_Maher 13:31 --"No offense" Nodding. Sympathy, for joke

5. 2015-06-07_0629_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 42:33 --"No offense" Nodding. Exaggerated for humor towards present possibly offended

6. 2016-01-15_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 06:39 --"No offense" Shaking. Head towards possible offended, meant for sympathy, friendly

7. 2016-01-14_0300_US_WUAB_Cleveland_19_News_On_43 51:57 --"No offense" Shaking. Meant for sympathy

8. 2016-01-07_1900_US_CNN_Newsroom 38:51 --"No offense" Shaking. Blunt honest disapproval of opponent’s possible argument

9. 2015-09-15_0230_QA_AlJazeera_Ali_Velshi_on_Target 27:31 --"No offense" Shaking. Blunt honesty, meant for sympathy

10. 2015-07-29_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 08:53 --"No offense" Shaking. Sympathetic possibly offended

11. 2016-01-29_2300_US_MSNBC_MSNBC_Live 33:56 --"No offense" Shaking. Comment made off to the side, meant to shame/embarrass

That's a lie

For the phrase search "That's a lie"

Double Hand Gestures

1. 2016-04-13_2300_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 12:15 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, flip both hands upward, and look down at them.

2. 2016-01-16_0500_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 51:58 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, push both hands forward in "distancing" gesture. Lean body back to distance self.

3. 2016-04-09_0500_US_KABC_20-20 50:08 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, both hands in front of face, pushing forward. Head tilt forward slightly and eyes open wide on gesture

4. 2015-12-02_0000_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front 35:54 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, bringing hands in together, up and outward. Man shakes head on phrase, shouting.

5. 2015-10-21_0129_US_KCBS_CBS_Evening_News 30:34 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, pushing forward, head nod forward. Dispelling a myth, distancing self from previous phrase.

6. 2015-09-21_0400_US_KNBC_KNBC_4_News_at_9pm 09:55 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, large gesture, lopsided opening of hands outward to sides, with palms up. Matter-of-fact.

7. 2015-07-19_1500_US_FOX-News_MediaBuzz 24:03 --"That's a lie" Phrase said multiple times, no gesture until third time it is said. Double hand gesture, both palms raised and facing forward, pushing outward, distancing himself from the "lie". Dismissing tone at first, then more forceful.

8. 2015-06-18_0000_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 49:12 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, both hands raised in front of face, with chop movement going downward. Saying that interviewers need to be more forceful in holding her accountable for lies.

9. 2015-06-17_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 19:21 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, both hands pointing to self before phrase and pointing away from body with palms down on phrase.

10. 2015-06-05_1600_US_CNN_Legal_View_With_Ashleigh_Banfield 07:02 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, hands framed towards each other, opening with palms up on phrase. Tilt head to left, while raising left shoulder. Matter-of-fact

11. 2015-05-11_2300_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front 33:28 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture. Hands were raised for "hand up don't shoot" gesture, and on phrase he lowered them slightly and pushed them forward to emphasize phrase, before dropping them.

12. 2015-02-25_1100_US_CNN_New_Day 41:21 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, both hands lifted to left, then moved downward on phrase "if that's a lie". Pronounced shoulder shrug.

13. 2014-06-08_2300_US_FOX-News_Fox_Report 41:18 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, partially obscured, palms up and hands brought up and lowered on phrase. Pronounced Nod downward on phrase, with almost like an "eye roll" tone.

14. 2014-05-21_2300_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 15:35 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, Partially obscured, hands move outward to sides with palms up on phrase. Shake of head to right.

15. 2014-04-14_1700_US_MSNBC_Ronan_Farrow_Report 08:21 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, partially obscured, Move hands in together and back outward away from each other on phrase. Nod head up and down.

16. 2014-04-11_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 07:45 --"That's a lie" "if that's a lie" Double hand gesture, hands waving across each other before phrase, and flip hands upward on phrase.

17. 2014-02-27_1400_US_KTTV-FOX_Morning_News_at_6AM 21:24 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, Left hand point forward keeping arm close to body. Right hand raises slightly with gesture. Hard to see.

18. 2014-02-15_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 07:51 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, right hand raised and pointed outwards, left hands stays down and points on phrase, moves up after phrase. Nods head up and down.

19. 2014-02-12_0000_US_HLN_HLN_Jane_Velez_Mitchell 19:37 --"That is a lie" double hand gesture, hands raised, with semi-closed fists facing forward, moving up and down on phrase. Explaining to others.

20. 2014-01-02_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon 32:22 --"That's a lie"Double hand gesture, Bring hands in to clasp each other, wring them and drop them after phrase. Lean head downwards eyes wide. Gesture communicates that she is unsure, hoping that she is correct in game.

21. 2013-12-11_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 28:08 --"This is such a lie" repeated twice. First, Partially obscured, double hand gesture chopping downward. Second, Gesture visible, Hands brought up, and chopping downward on phrase.

22. 2013-10-30_0130_US_KABC_World_News_With_Diane_Sawyer 04:09 --"This is such a lie" Double hand gesture, bring hands in, and then push forward and open palms to face up. Shrug shoulders, lean head and upper body forward on gesture.

23. 2013-10-13_0000_US_CNN_CNN_Presents 19:09 --"This is such a lie" Said twice. First, Single hand gesture, left hand brought up and to left with palm facing up. Left shoulder shrugs. Second, Phrase repeated, Double hand gesture bringing right hand up and to right, palm up, to match left arm. Left arm brought out more to the sides. Head looks to right.

24. 2013-10-17_0200_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_Greta_Van_Susteren 23:14 --"That is an absolute lie" Talking over each other. Double hand gesture, hands pointing in towards speaker's chest, and then flipped upward pointing out to sides. Shaking of head with head cocked slightly to left. Video messed up, but gesture visible.

25. 2013-06-11_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 38:40 --"This is such a lie" Double hand gesture, raise both hands with palms facing forward, and moving from center of body, outward to sides. Circles head in a nod. Condescending tone.

26. 2013-05-20_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 18:58 --"That's a lie" Said twice:First, "well that's a lie", lean body back and face head forward, slight head shake after phrase. gap asking to "say it" nodding and shaking head and raising arms.

Second, "it's a lie" Double hand gesture, arms brought up to sides, partially obscured. Looking back up, nodding head.

27. 2013-05-04_1200_US_MSNBC_Up_with_Steve_Kornacki 23:19 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, palms flipped up, and hands moving outward from center. Nod head downward.

28. 2013-03-19_1500_US_CNN_Newsroom 20:39 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, bringing both hands up on phrase, partially obscured. Shaking head from right to left.

29. 2012-10-06_0200_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 12:48 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, bring hands upward and in together, then push out to sides on phrase. Partially obscured. Nodding head downward. Asking question accusingly.

30. 2012-09-05_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jay_Leno 27:56 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, both hands flipped palms upward, moving outwards and shrugging shoulders.

31. 2012-08-16_1700_US_KABC_The_View 47:56 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, shrug shoulders, and bring both hands upwards and to sides, flipping them so that palms are facing up. Head turns to look to audience/camera.

32. 2012-08-02_0331_US_ComedyCentral_Colbert_Report 25:31 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, hands already laid down on table in front with palms up. On phrase, hands turned outwards and back in, head turns slightly right quickly. Questioning gesture, during joke.

33. 2012-06-11_0100_US_KOCE_Moyers_and_Company 25:56 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, both hands raised and together before phrase, left hand brought slightly to right, and right hand moved to right and forward to point with hand.

34. 2012-06-01_0100_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 06:28 --"That's a lie" Stuttering, "tha-ju-da-that's a lie" Double hand gestures, Cross hands in front of her, brought out and up, then down together, then up and back, and pushed forward with hands opening outward on "that's a lie". Head moving back and forth during stutter, nod head down and up on phrase. Having trouble articulating, Grimace smile.

35. 2012-03-22_0100_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 07:32 --"That's a lie" Said three times. Second cut off and launches into talking. Head movements throughout. Almost incredulous over lie, but serious tone: First, Stares down at paper, eyes furrowed, and looks up and to camera with a straight face on phrase. Second, Eyebrow raise, "that is a lie" double hand gesture, moving from up to down making a circle in front of her. Third, "no" shakes head "that is a lie" bring hands outward from center, left hand chopping across to left, then brings back in after phrase.

36. 2012-02-07_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon 37:26 --"That's a lie" Head turns right to look around, and then forward, body leans back. Double hand gesture, right hand forward, brings left hand up to earpiece. Meant to portray self consciousness in a satirical song, to make fun of Justin Bieber. Scripted.

37. 2011-12-03_0330_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood 15:19 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, crossing hands over each other back and forth. Shaking head right to left dramatically before phrase, nodding on phrase. Making a joke dismissing previous statement.

38. 2011-11-15_0300_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_Greta_Van_Susteren 47:05 --"That's a big fat lie" Double hand gesture, Bring both hands in and push up and outward on phrase. Cocking head to left then right. Said again but offscreen.

39. 2011-11-09_1800_US_KABC_The_View 28:59 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, both hands raised and flipped to have palms up pointing outwards. Head nodding to right

40. 2011-10-11_2100_US_MSNBC_Hardball_with_Chris_Matthews 06:18 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture. Both hands laid out on table, palms up. Partially obscured, hands flip back over and brought in after phrase.

41. 2011-07-19_1600_US_KABC_Live_With_Regis_and_Kelly 12:53 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, both hands raised, palms down, and pushed down and back up on phrase. Head turned away o left, with eyes closed. Disgusted, half laughing and asking to please say its not true.

42. 2011-06-09_0700_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 36:54 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, hands are set down on table, brings both hands up together at wrists and back down on phrase. Raises eyebrows, and pushes head forward slightly

43. 2011-02-23_2300_US_MSNBC_Cenk_Uygur 32:16 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, both hands brought up and outward with palms up on phrase. Head shakes quickly. Matter of fact.

44. 2010-12-15_0300_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_Greta_Van_Susteren 24:07 --"That's a lie" Double hand gesture, partially obscured, hands brought up and pushed outward on phrase. Nods head down and moves body forward to left.

45. 2010-12-10_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 14:28 --"That's a lie" Said twice. First, Double hand gesture, closes left fist, drops right arm, faces audience and makes angry face. Saying what he will say to Bill O'Reilly. Second, About 20 second later. Closes left fist again, and brings right hand down. Same tone as before, brings shoulders up and body forward and down while looking to his left

Single Hand Gestures

1. 2016-04-20_0200_US_KNBC_EXTRA 16:05 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, pointing with right hand to the left. Playful correction of statement.

2. 2016-03-24_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 20:20 --"That's a lie" Shake head. Single hand gesture, right hand palm up, move from center to right. Accusatory.

3. 2016-03-30_1000_US_MSNBC_Morning_Joe 19:03 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand point pushing downward to add emphasis. "that is a lie"

4. 2016-01-17_1600_US_KCBS_Face_the_Nation 10:09 --"Well, that's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand reach forward and down.

Another gesture at 15:51- Shakes head, eyes wide.

5. 2016-03-16_2100_US_KTTV-FOX_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 15:10 --"That's a lie" Turns out to audience before phrase, with both arms out. Single hand gesture, right hand point to man on phrase.

6. 2016-03-11_0300_US_FOX-News_Hannity 45:02 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture. Left arm brought up over shoulder, and down on phrase. Arch body lean downward to right.

7. 2016-02-29_1700_US_CNN_Legal_View_With_Ashleigh_Banfield 31:27 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand pint off to left side. Imitating "Marco Rubio" accusing Ted Cruz of lying.

8. 2016-02-16_1500_US_CNN_Newsroom 09:41 --"That's a lie" Phrase said three times. First, no visible gesture. Second, Single hand gesture, point forward on "you know" hand down on "thats a lie" Third: Single hand gesture, "Okay symbol pushing hand forward to emphasize "that is a lie

9. 2016-02-24_1100_US_MSNBC_Morning_Joe 10:02 Single hand gesture, right hand palm down cut to the side. Fed up. "its a lie"

10. 2015-12-05_0600_US_KABC_20-20 10:16 Single hand gesture, left hand point forward, with palm up. Shrug shoulders after phrase on "she's lying".

11. 2015-11-26_0300_US_MSNBC_MSNBC_The_Last_Word_with_Lawrence 09:32 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, finger pointing up before phrase, tilts finger forward very slightly on "that's a lie"

12. 2015-11-24_0300_US_MSNBC_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_ODonnell 33:49 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand forward and moves down in emphasis on "thats" and "a lie"

13. 2015-11-09_1400_US_MSNBC_The_Rundown_with_Jose_Diaz-Balart 01:09:55 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left arm moving across body right to left, pointing to the left, on "that's", head movement up with wide eyes on "a lie". Questioning the phrase, as it was said by someone else.

14. 2015-11-05_1800_US_KABC_The_View 09:35 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand move to the right with palm down. Quick look to right with gesture. Quick aside, clarifying joke.

15. 2015-11-03_0300_US_FOX-News_Hannity 49:58 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand flip over to palm up, moving forward. Lean head forward on gesture. Matter-of-fact.

16. 2015-10-22_1700_US_KABC_The_View 27:58 --"That's a lie" Can only see beginning of gesture. Single hand gesture, left hand point forward to speaker. Playful response to a joke.

17. 2015-10-09_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 27:35 --"That's a lie" Phrase said twice in succession. First, Head nod with look to audience, then towards Jimmy, for emphasis on phrase. Second, Single hand gesture, left hand point quickly to her, with palm up, repeating phrase to agree.

18. 2015-10-01_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 39:09 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, hand pointing to self as it moves down in front of Hannity, body leaning forward. Accusing guest of deceit, gesture appealing to his own "honesty"

19. 2015-08-27_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 43:32 --"That's a lie" Lean head and body forward. Very accusing explanation to the guest.

Phrase again at 43:53: "thats a lie" higher voice, more exasperated matter-of-fact one. Obscured single hand gesture to the side.

20. 2015-08-14_2000_US_CNN_The_Lead_With_Jake_Tapper 41:44 --"It's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand palm up to left, gesturing to reporter. Shaking head. Trying to dispel mistruths.

21. 2015-08-05_1400_US_CNN_Newsroom 00:17 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, pushing right hand forward, to dismiss the "lie". Shaking head.

22. 2015-07-23_2100_US_MSNBC_The_Ed_Show 12:32 --"That's a lie" Phrase said twice. First: Head shake, and push forward in accusing manner.Second: Mostly obscured single hand gesture, Left hand brought up of emphasis, and head tilt to right on phrase. Accusing tone.

23. 2015-07-21_0100_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 53:22 "That's a complete lie" Single hand gesture, partially obscured, left and moving up and outward on phrase. Head nods down, slightly tilted to left. Explaining what others have said.

24. 2015-06-28_1500_US_CNN_Reliable_Sources 40:58 --"That's a lie" Surprised expression with eyebrows raised, lean head and body forward in emphasis on phrase. There may be single hand gesture, left hand pointing accusingly, but it is only visible after phrase.

25. 2015-05-21_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 35:36 "You know why that's a lie?" Single hand gesture, pointing with right hand forward. Rhetorical question.

26. 2015-05-16_0500_US_KABC_20-20 18:35 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, palm facing down, tilt hand slightly, tilt head slightly to right. Matter-of-fact.

27. 2015-05-01_1700_US_MSNBC_Ronan_Farrow_Report 09:02 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand pointing downward onto paper. Clarifying that what he just read on the report was a falsehood.

28. 2015-02-10_0735_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 07:52 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand moving upward, palm up on "a lie." light head nod. Said for comedic effect.

29. 2015-02-06_0200_US_FOX-News_The_Kelly_File 50:00 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand pointing forward on the word "see", then moves from right to left, pointing left on "that's a lie". Moves back after phrase. Said jokingly.

30. 2014-12-14_1900_US_MSNBC_Meet_the_Press 14:44 --"That's a lie" Wrong, that's a lie" Gesture occurs on "wrong", leads into phrase. Single hand gesture, partially obscured. Left hand moved so that thumb points upward. Head looks back up and forward on phrase.

31. 2014-10-10_2200_US_MSNBC_Politics_Nation_With_Al_Sharpton 04:38 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture right hand wave across chest, with palm facing down in the middle, pausing, and dropping at "lie". Shakes head slightly left tonight before hand gesture.

32. 2014-10-06_1630_US_KNBC_Today_Show 48:28 --"That's a lie" Shaking of head left to right at start of phrase, Single hand gesture, left hand raised and flipped over to have palm face up. Laughing, correcting what she said.

33. 2014-09-12_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 38:49 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand moves up to point to speaker to his right. Partially obscured. Asking as a question for clarification.

34. 2014-09-11_2300_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 05:25 --"That's a lie" Phrase said three times: First, off-screen, Second, repeated in affirmation on-screen. Nod head up and down on phrase Third, "that is a lie" single hand gesture points upward then brings hand down with head nod.

35. 2014-08-29_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 46:50 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, Left hand point up, then limply points outward to audience, while head looks out as well. Moves body back and forth with phrase. Pleasant, joking.

36. 2014-08-15_0300_US_AlJazeera_News 41:32 --"That's a lie" "That's that's that's a, you know, that that's a lie" struggles to find word. At "you know" single hand gesture. Bring right hand up, and lightly rotates in a circle moving forward and back, before dropping at "lie".

37. 2014-08-12_0000_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 52:46 --"That's a lie" That is.. that's a lie. that that's a lie" Said twice. First, Single hand gesture, right hand point to camera. Lean head to right while looking forward. Second, Hand moves to right quickly to transition from pointing forward to right. Quick head shake right to left looking down.


38. 2014-06-22_1500_US_MSNBC_Melissa_Harris-Perry 33:44 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand fingers spread with palm facing inward and pushed forward on phrase. Looking upward in thought. Asking a question.

39. 2014-06-04_1900_US_HLN_HLN_News_Now 31:02 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand pointing forward, moving up and down on phrase.

40. 2014-06-03_1900_US_FOX-News_Shephard_Smith_Reporting 00:00 --"That's a lie" "That's a total lie" Single hand gesture, points forward to camera. Body leans back with point. Laughing.

41. 2014-04-17_2100_US_MSNBC_The_Ed_Show 02:21 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, partially obscured, closed left fist move outward to left on phrase. Shake head slightly and lean forward on phrase.

42. 2014-04-08_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 00:59 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, raise left hand up on phrase, then down after. Head leaning in slightly. Laughing after.

43. 2013-12-19_0400_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show 09:17 --"That's a lie" Scripted. Single hand gesture, right hand point up, nod head, and push hands forward on phrase. Somewhat sarcastic, satirical defense of "liar"

44. 2013-11-20_0000_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 23:46 "Thats just a lie" single hand gesture, right hand waves off to side, shaking head slightly with phrase.

45. 2013-11-12_0300_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_Greta_Van_Susteren 18:30 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand raised, move forward right. Head leaning down an shakes slightly.

46. 2013-10-21_0200_US_CNN_Sunday_Night_News 04:31 --"That's a lie" Partially obscure, single hand gesture, bring hand up and forward on phrase, shaking head to left and looking up after phrase.

47. 2013-10-07_2300_US_HLN_HLN_Jane_Velez_Mitchell 11:44 --"That's a lie" Said four times in succession. Head shaking interspersed throughout. First, "Thats a lie" shouted, Single hand gesture, right hand brought up and pointing forward. Second, "That is a lie" same hand and brought across to left, and then back across to right. Shakes head. Third, "That's a lie" Pounds right fist on table in indignation. Head shakes right to left. Fourth, "That's a lie" Points right hand up and pushes forward and left.

48. 2013-08-11_1500_US_KABC_This_Week 32:12 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture. right hand raised out in front, pointing up to right, dropped right after phrase.

49. 2013-05-23_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jay_Leno 03:20 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture. Right hand raised to point forward and down. Lowered to point on phrase.

50. 2013-06-12_2300_US_Current_Young_Turks_With_Cenk_Uygur 47:35 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand brought down to point forward on phrase. Head shake after phrase hard to see before.

51. 2013-07-03_2300_US_HLN_George_Zimmerman_Trial_Live 27:02 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand brought up and forward on phrase, partially obscured. Nod of head.

52. 2013-04-05_0000_US_Current_Viewpoint_With_Eliot_Spitzer 49:01 --"That's a lie" Nod head up, to right, and down, leaning head in. Smiling slightly. Partially obscured single hand gesture, hand comes up on phrase.

53. 2013-02-20_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 07:33 "That's just a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand flipped up to right, palm up, shaking head. Possible left hand moves too but not visible. Phrase repeated, but no gesture on second one.

54. 2012-12-26_1800_US_KABC_The_View 38:41 --"That's a lie" Stuttering "that's, that's, that's a lie". Single hand gesture, right hand wave to right on first "that's", then lean head down and forward while shaking head and squinting eyes looking off to right.

55. 2012-12-19_1400_US_WWW_Democracy_Now 33:18 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture partially obscured, quick left hand movement, and head turns down to look at hand. Seems fed up an upset.

56. 2012-11-02_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 09:06 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand pointing forward, and arm brought downward on phrase, curving slightly to center and up at the end. Sitting up straight, relaxing back after phrase. Seems indignant.

57. 2012-09-28_0100_US_FOX-News_Hannity 17:20 --"That's a lie" Said a few times, speaking over each other, hard to make out repeated phrasing. First, "That was a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand brought up, pushed out forward and down. Partially obscured. Nod down while leaning head to left. Second, "that's a l-", but left and cuts across to left with palm down. Third, "that is a lie" (<-unsure of exact words) Left hand flips to palm up and moves out to side.

58. 2012-09-02_1500_US_CNN_Reliable_Sources 45:53 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand pushed forward, pointing accusingly. Head brought back and pushed forward with hand gesture, eyebrows raised.

59. 2012-08-30_1300_US_MSNBC_The_Daily_Rundown 55:31 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand pointing downward onto table, raised, brought back slightly and lowered back down again on phrase. Head lowered down glancing at paper, and brought back up to look at others during gesture.

60. 2012-07-13_1700_US_MSNBC_News_Live 23:45 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, Partially obscured, right hand points up on phrase, head shakes left to right.

61. 2012-06-19_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon 08:29 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand raised up and to right, palm facing in. Raise head slightly and look you on phrase. Scripted.

62. 2012-05-31_0100_US_FOX-News_Hannity 50:54 --"That-that's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand raised in "okay" gesture, pushed forward and down on phrase. Head turns down to left with eyes closed, and then back facing forward.

63. 2012-02-16_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 14:52 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand pointing up and moves to left, with a finger wag to woman after phrase. Head nods down slightly. Sounds slightly condescending.

64. 2011-12-07_2300_US_MSNBC_Cenk_Uygur 10:37 --"That's just a lie" Single hand gesture, partially obscured, brings left fist up and then down on phrase. Shaking head slightly.

65. 2011-11-16_2200_US_CNN_Situation_Room 45:33 --"I think that's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand moved outward to left with palm facing up. Nod head on "I think", and look up on "a lie", affirming what she said.

66. 2012-05-31_0100_US_FOX-News_Hannity 50:54 --"That's a lie" "That-that's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand raised in "okay" gesture, pushed forward and down on phrase. Head turns down to left with eyes closed, and then back facing forward.

67. 2012-02-16_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 14:52 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand pointing up and moves to left, with a finger wag to woman after phrase. Head nods down slightly. Sounds slightly condescending.

68. 2011-12-07_2300_US_MSNBC_Cenk_Uygur 10:37 --"That's a lie" "That's just a lie" Single hand gesture, partially obscured, brings left fist up and then down on phrase. Shaking head slightly.

69. 2011-11-16_2200_US_CNN_Situation_Room 45:33 --"That's just a lie" Single hand gesture, partially obscured, brings left fist up and then down on phrase. Shaking head slightly.

70. 2011-10-28_1100_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 48:04 --"That's a lie" Said twice in succession: First, Single hand gesture, right hand pointed forward moving up and down in a chopping motion. Second, Hand moves out to side still moving up and down.

71. 2011-10-16_0400_US_KCBS_48_Hours 35:36 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, holding cell phone to head, moves hand and phone forward to yell into phone. Looking down at phone. Partially obscured. Scripted.

72. 2011-07-22_0100_US_FOX-News_Hannity 49:05 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand facing palm up and brought down at wrist and to left on phrase. Looking forward.

73. 2011-07-11_0200_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 22:49 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand flipped out to left with palm facing up. Asking man to confess to lying in the face of facts.

74. 2011-04-15_0100_US_FOX-News_Hannity 37:55 --"That's an outright lie" Single hand gesture, partially obscured, left hand bought slightly up and back towards chest. Turn head left and pause. Very sure of self.

75. 2011-02-05_0200_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 28:57 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, Left hand off to left side, brought up and thrown back down with palm up. Slow nod downward with arm movement.

76. 2011-01-28_1700_US_KABC_Live_With_Regis_and_Kelly 03:04 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand raised and points down towards center, bringing arm down with it. Shakes head quickly, and shifts body to right with movement and back.

77. 2010-12-11_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 39:19 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture. Takes off glasses with right hand dramatically, before having both hands in fists on table. Leans body forward on them, looking to left where audience is and yelling phrase.

78. 2010-09-09_1700_US_CNN_Newsroom 25:45 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand raised up and points off to right. Nod head down on hand movement. Calm but serious in tone.

79. 2010-05-13_1700_US_CNN_Newsroom 20:14 --"That's a lie" Said four times: First, "That is a lie" shakes head left to right Second, That is a flat out lie" No gesture, just looking forward. Third, not visible. Fourth, "That is a flat out lie" Single hand gesture, Hand partially obscured and moved up and down in front of speaker.

80. 2010-08-05_0000_US_MSNBC_Countdown_with_Keith_Olbermann 39:29 --That's a lie Single hand gesture, left hand lightly pushed up and forward in a circle motion with palm facing inward. Explaining the situation to someone.

81. 2010-06-17_2200_US_MSNBC_The_Ed_Show 41:34 --"That's a complete lie" Single hand gesture, left hand brought downward on phrase. Voice raised, and angry.

82. 2010-04-27_1500_US_KCBS_The_Early_Show 07:06 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, flip over left hand in front of himself so that palm is facing up. Talking about lies, explaining about types of lies.

83. 2010-04-14_2000_US_CNN_Ricks_List 36:58 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, raise right hand to point up on phrase, leaning body and head to right. Refuting what she said immediately, and "correcting" her statement.

84. 2010-03-20_0000_US_MSNBC_Countdown_with_Keith_Olbermann 19:56 --"That's a lie" Head facing center, tilt head to right, then left, and then back center. Eyebrows raise, lips pursed with serious expression. Very sure of self, matter-of-fact.

85. 2010-03-26_2200_US_MSNBC_The_Ed_Show 32:18 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand brought up and forward, palm facing inward. Nod head downward as hand is brought up. Seems confused, clarifying that it is a lie as an aside, defending self.

86. 2010-03-02_0400_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 15:10 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand moves forward at wrist, pointing with index finger forward, with hand pointing to right, palm inward. Upset.

87. 2009-12-01_1700_US_KABC_Live_With_Regis_and_Kelly 21:43 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand palm up, hand gestures to center, and back out to side. Joking,

88. 2009-11-27_0805_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 09:08 "That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand palm up in front of speaker, raised and lowered on phrase. Telling a story.

89. 2009-10-15_0735_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon 30:49 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture points off to left with left hand, wags finger up and down. Nodding head up and down. Said matter-of-fact, but is a joke because no one can make out what was being said over so many voices.

90. 2009-09-13_1500_US_CNN_State_Of_The_Union 04:29 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand, index finger and thumb framing the air forward, and hand moves left, bouncing up and down slightly. Looking down, saying what someone said.

91. 2009-09-11_2100_US_FOX-News_Glenn_Beck 14:24 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand closed in a fist, moving up and down onto table. Looking at camera and leaning forward on phrase. Worked up, affirming what he is saying.

92. 2009-08-15_0400_US_KCET_Bill_Moyers_Journal 25:00 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, hands together before phrase, right hand in a fist moves forward and shakes on phrase. Asking a question.

93. 2009-06-10_1700_US_KTLA_Jerry_Springer_Show 04:57 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand brought up to eye level, pointing forward accusingly. Slouching, leans body forward and nods head on phrase. Angry and violent.

94. 2009-05-28_1700_US_KTLA_Jerry_Springer_Show 34:27 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, brings left hand forward, palm down on phrase. Stops walking as she does gesture. Upset, trying to be calm, but upset.

95. 2009-05-04_2100_US_FOX-News_Glenn_Beck 06:15 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, gesture makes right hand into a "zero" (looks like "okay" gesture) before phrase and moves hand up and down on phrase. Leans in and nods head with hand. Explaining why previous statement is false.

96. 2009-04-16_2200_US_MSNBC_The_Ed_Show 27:01 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand facing palm down, pushed downward twice on phrase. Nods head forward to right slightly. Responding to clip, accusing her of lying directed towards audience.

97. 2009-02-13_1800_US_KTLA_Jerry_Springer_Show 10:43 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand brought up with palm down and hand waves horizontally to the right on phrase. Shakes head and looks to right. Upset, refuting what she is saying.

98. 2009-02-03_2200_US_FOX-News_Glenn_Beck 02:59 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, partially obscured, right hand brought up in what may be a fist, and pushed downward onto table. Nods head downward on "lie". Commenting on what society says about athletes.

99. 2009-01-13_1500_US_KNBC_Today_Show 33:33 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand swept to left, with palm facing down and flipping to face inward on phrase. Body jumps up, head shakes slightly while tilted to left. Reporting what investigators are saying, based on investigation.

100. 2008-12-28_0727_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 14:58 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand rested on the table, swept from center to left, with palm down, and flipped up moving back to center. Scripted, imitating another person.

101. 2008-11-11_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Conan_OBrien 40:03 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, beginning of gesture not on screen. Right hand raised pointing with fingers forward at guest, dropped after phrase. Question, asking guest for clarification.

102. 2008-10-29_0000_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 02:20 --"Of course, is a lie" Single hand gesture, partially obscured, right hand pushes out to right, palm facing inward. Eyebrows raise slightly. Telling audience why what was said is "incorrect".

103. 2008-10-22_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 03:56 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, steps forward on phrase, hand opens from a fist, and points to the right and forward where she steps. Refuting what she just said, to say that she is making a joke.

104. 2008-10-04_0500_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 55:44 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand raised to point with finger. Small nod of head, and smiling. Scripted, confrontational, does not believe him.

105. 2008-08-15_0100_US_FOX-News_Hannity_and_Colmes 08:09 --"It is a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand brought up, palm facing left, and then moved down. Partially obscured. Head raised up and nodded down with hand. Responding to someone's interjection, continuing what he was saying.

106. 2008-08-13_1300_US_WWW_Democracy_Now 58:13 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand brought up almost to face, palm down, and moved up and down on phrase. Other hand raised, but not very visible. Saying what someone else is saying.

107. 2008-07-17_1700_US_KTLA_Jerry_Springer_Show 06:46 --"That's a lie" Repeated four times, but gesture only visible at end of second. Single hand gesture, left hand raised up to the left sightly, and dropped back down after phrase. Defensive, repeating phrase to dismiss what other person is saying.

108. 2008-07-09_0500_US_KCET_Frontline 13:54 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, Arm resting on table with hand raised, palm down, before phrase. Raised slightly and brought down on phrase, gesturing at other speaker. Question, asking for clarification of what other person said.

109. 2008-06-25_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Conan_OBrien 3:00 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand brought up, and pushed forward with a finger point of phrase. Saying what someone else was saying.

110. 2008-06-24_1700_US_KTLA_Jerry_Springer_Show 26:06 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand palm facing up, swept from center to right on phrase. Arguing with another person.

111. 2008-06-05_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Conan_OBrien 19:01--"That's a lie" Said twice:First, Single hand gesture, left hand vigorously pointing forward at stage, with whole arm thrown in. Whole body moving with throw of arm. Second, Strong pointing forward again, and then thrown down to side. Twists body to flee up the stairs.

Very angry, shouting and gesturing at stage.

112. 2008-05-29_1700_US_KTLA_Jerry_Springer_Show 26:11 --"I know that's a lie" Single hand gesture, left hand raised to point finger forward on "I know", dropped after phrase. Nods head down with gesture. Angry, defensive and shouting.

113. 2008-05-24_0600_US_KCET_Tavis_Smiley 07:31 --"That's a lie" Single hand gesture, right hand moved from limply finger pointing to the camera at left, to pointing forward at guest. Looks at guest on point. Telling her what other people were saying.

114. 2008-05-22_1700_US_KABC_The_View 29:49 --"I know that's a lie" Single hand gesture on "I know", quickly raises hand pointing towards center, brought up from right to left and then down. Closes eyes slightly, moving head with hand gesture.

Head/Face Gestures

1. 2016-04-29_1600_US_KABC_Live_With_Kelly_and_Michael 35:04 --"That's a lie" Shake head left to right. Matter-of fact.

2. 2016-04-28_1200_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 23:34 --"That's a lie" Tilt head to right, forward. Repeating what someone else said, unsure of it.

3. 2016-04-17_1500_US_CNN_Reliable_Sources 23:51 --“we know that that’s a lie” Dead pan, head tilt downward to left for emphasis.

4. 2016-01-30_0000_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 04:26 --"That's a lie" Light nod of head. As a joke, disbelieving.

5. 2016-01-28_0300_US_MSNBC_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_ODonnell 41:14 --"That's a lie" Head pushes forward on phrase, moment of complete stillness after phrase.

6. 2016-01-07_1800_US_MSNBC_Live_with_Thomas_Roberts 50:09 --"That's a lie" Very slight head nod forward on phrase.

7. 2016-01-01_0100_US_MSNBC_All_In_With_Chris_Hayes 27:31 --"That's a lie" Shake head side to side before phrase on "no you wouldn't". Cease shaking head on "that's a lie".

8. 2015-12-05_0837_US_KABC_Nightline 19:44 --"That's a lie" Shake head before phrase. Stop shaking head, face forward and rock head slightly back and forward on "that's a lie"

9. 2015-11-21_0600_US_KABC_20-20 54:29 --"That's a lie" "That's a LIE" emphasis on the word "Lie", Mouth wide open, head tilting forward.

10. 2015-11-19_0300_US_KCBS_The_Insider 03:26 --"That's a lie" Freeze and then head nod down and up on phrase for emphasis on "that's a lie." Reporting as fact.

11. 2016-03-24_0230_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood 26:26 --"That's a lie" Avoidant eye look to her right. Lying?

12. 2015-11-10_0300_US_MSNBC_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_ODonnell 23:53 --"That's a lie" Head nod downward on phrase, smirk. Predicting what will be said.

13. 2015-09-02_0000_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 04:04 --"That's a lie" Light head shake right to left, eyebrows raised. Trying to appear "honest", while accusing others of "lying".

14. 2015-08-28_0130_US_KABC_World_News_Tonight_With_David_Muir 02:35 --"That's a lie" Freezing of head wide eyes, on quick utterance of "that is a LIE" with emphasis on word "lie". Seems upset, and said defensively.

15. 2015-08-20_1130_US_KNBC_Today_in_LA_at_430am 01:28:31 --"That's a lie" Head movement, from side to face forward, intense eyes widen after phrase. Playfully "staring down" guest to tell truth, and anticipating response. Scripted.

16. 2015-07-21_1900_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 24:07 --"That's a lie" Earnest head nod downward while repeating back "that is a lie" in agreement.

17. 2016-05-09_1700_US_KABC_The_View 39:43 --"That's a lie" Head nod downward and to right on phrase. Swings right to face ladies. Practiced catchphrase from his show. at 40:18, phrase said again. Nod downward on phrase.

18. 2015-07-15_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 4:33 --"That's a lie" Eyebrow raise, slight head tilt to right. Matter-of-fact

19. 2015-05-18_1000_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 56:15 --"That's a lie" Head nod up and down. Politely refuting the claim.

20. 2015-03-09_0200_US_KCBS_60_Minutes 14:40 --"That's a lie" Eyes closed, Nod head downward to left on phrase. Phrase repeated again as "that's a total lie" but little movement. Defensive.

21. 2015-03-06_0300_US_FOX-News_Hannity 22:17 --"That was a lie" Curt nod up and then downward on phrase. Preparing to argue with someone.

22. 2015-01-30_0100_US_HLN_Nancy_Grace 10:49 --"Okay, that's a lie" Head nodding up and down, body moving with head movement. Angry.

23. 2014-12-30_2330_US_KCAL_Inside_Edition 17:22 --"That's a lie" Shaking of head from right to left. Defending self.

24. 2014-12-09_0837_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_Craig_Ferguson 14:29 --"That-that's a lie" Shaking head from right to left. Dismissing his prior joke as false.

25. 2014-11-25_2300_US_FOX-News_Special_Report_with_Bret_Baier 49:57 --"That's a lie" Very subtle nod of head up then down from left to right on phrase. Seems angry, but restrained in his reaction.

26. 2014-11-20_2100_US_HLN_HLN_News_Now 23:49 --"That's a lie" Tilt head to left and slightly forward on phrase, with body tilting as well. Slight pause before phrase for effect.

27. 2014-10-28_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 54:15 --"So that's a lie" Head looks downward at notes then looks back up. Partially obscured, right hand moves back towards his body.

28. 2014-10-03_1800_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 07:45 --"That's a lie" Stuttering at beginning of phrase 'that's such a lie" Shaking head right to left. Eyes look downward, and then back up.

29. 2014-09-24_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 34:49 --"That's a LIE" Raise head up and push forward on phrase with a serious face, and light tone.

30. 2014-09-17_0500_US_KABC_20-20 39:03 --"That's a lie" "That's" head nod down to left, then face forward and nod head down forward on "a lie"

31. 2014-08-21_1700_US_CNN_Wolf 28:39 --"That's a lie" Looking away from other person, said out of the side of his mouth, with his head moving to left. Dismissing other speaker, offended and upset.

32. 2014-07-03_0500_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 29:58 --"That's a lie" Head shake left to right, while lifting head slightly. Shifting body back and forth uneasily with arms behind back. Scripted.

33. 2014-06-20_2100_US_CNN_Situation_Room 34:12 --"That's a lie" Shake head slightly up and down on phrase.

34. 2014-05-21_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 45:03 --"That's a lie" Before phrase moves head to right and closes eyes, and looks up and moves head back to left on phrase. Seems exasperated, talking over other speaker.

35. 2014-05-04_1530_US_KCBS_Face_the_Nation 19:05 --"That's a lie" Said Three times. First, Nod head up and down, and raise eyebrows. Second, "thats just a lie?" Lower hands, lean head in and furrow brow, clarifying phrase. Third, same gesture as First but less pronounced.

36. 2014-03-25_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom 00:29 --"That's a lie" Small shake of head left to right before phrase, and transition into a slow nod on phrase for emphasis.

37. 2014-02-21_1500_US_KCBS_The_Early_Show 35:44 --"That's a lie" Nod head upward on phrase. Little emotion seen during phrase.

38. 2014-01-14_0700_US_KNBC_Channel_4_News_at_11PM 03:19 --"That's a lie" Tilt head from right to left on phrase with a nod forward at end. Upset, but keeping composure.

39. 2014-01-01_0400_US_AlJazeera_News 24:21 --"That's a lie" Lightly shake head right to left, head slightly turned to right, and eyes looking far right. Defending herself.

40. 2013-12-13_1600_US_CNN_Newsroom 51:41 --"That's a lie" Slow nod of head downward, straight faced, but joking

41. 2013-11-15_0000_US_HLN_HLN_Jane_Velez_Mitchell 34:14 --"That's a lie" Nod up and down on phrase, leaning body in forward during motion. Angry.

42. 2013-11-07_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 47:49 --"That's a lie" Stall between "that's" and "a lie". Shake head right to left, then lean head forward.

43. 2013-10-31_0000_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 03:56 --"That's a lie" Strong frown, and shake head right to left. Trying to portray innocence/ignorance against accusation.

Body Gestures

1. 2016-03-19_0500_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 42:42 --"That's a lie" Hard to see, but looks like he leans his body back on phrase.

2. 2016-02-25_1600_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 43:21 --"That's a lie" Lean forward before phrase, move back on phrase and look forward.

3. 2015-12-11_2230_QA_AlJazeera_TechKnow 18:55 --"That's a lie" Shoulder shrug forward on phrase. Matter-of-fact.

4. 2015-12-06_0600_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 46:01 --"That's a lie" Stand up and walk at man on phrase angrily. Scripted.

5. 2015-11-29_0729_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 31:45 --"That's a lie" Lean body forward on phrase to shout back. Scripted.

6. 2014-09-05_2200_US_MSNBC_Politics_Nation_With_Al_Sharpton 37:48 --"That's a lie" Lean body forward at right shoulder and furrow eyebrows to imitate someone trying to gain trust and inform voters.

That's Crazy

For the phrase search "That's crazy":

1. 2016-05-20_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon_43:22 --"That's crazy" two hand gesture, brings both arms up, uses hands to create space, palms facing each other

The point is

For the phrase search "The point is":

Finger Pointing

(getting to real objectively important issue at hand)

1. 2016-02-19_2200_US_CNN_Situation_Room 01:38:02 -- "The point is" reiterating the important part of the situation

2. 2016-02-19_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 31:57 -- "The point is" getting to real problem of the situation

3. 2016-02-08_1100_QA_AlJazeera_News 35:48 -- "The point is" getting to speaker’s main issue at hand

4. 2016-02-03_0942_US_CSPAN_US_Presidential_Politics 10:21 -- "The point is" getting to the important part of the situation

American ‘OK’ Sign

(often used when speaker is attempting to convince by educating his/her ideas)

1. 2016-02-19_0300_US_FOX-News_Hannity 30:07 -- "The point is" Christian father attempts to convince news anchor

2. 2016-02-09_0400_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show 15:42 -- "The point is" comedian attempts to convince watchers of reasoning behind Beyonce’s Super Bowl performance

Outreached one open palm

(emphasize speaker’s reason over general agreed reason for predictable events)

1. 2016-02-06_1300_US_CNN_New_Day_Saturday 18:17 -- "The point is" speaker tries to emphasize different reason for events

Extended Open Hands Facing Each Other Inwards Bobbing in the Air

(speaker tries to get back on track to essential issue at hand, often spoken in front of large audience)

1. 2016-01-31_2300_US_CNN_Newsroom 34:52 -- "The point is" explaining main reason behind supported course of action

2. 2016-02-18_0400_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show 18:01 -- "The point is" character tries to divert attention away from previous weak argument to another stronger one for comedy to convince that you shouldn’t eat McDonalds

3. 2016-02-17_1600_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 15:36 -- "The point is" speaker emphasizes safe course of action that must be taken during suicidal thoughts

4. 2016-02-17_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 01:06:18 -- "The point is" quickly strengthening and wrapping up argument when opponent counter argues

5. 2016-02-17_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 54:44 -- "The point is" starting point of counterargument

6. 2016-02-15_2300_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 56:49 -- "The point is" emphasizing real problem at hand

7. 2016-02-11_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 09:17 -- "The point is" emphasizing ‘real’ situation to introduce ending joke

8. 2016-02-09_0730_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 45:18 -- "The point is" emphasizing real problem at hand

9. 2016-02-09_0430_QA_AlJazeera_Inside_Story 27:20 -- "The point is" emphasizing most probable/believable outcome of situation

10. 2016-02-07_0100_US_FOX-News_Huckabee 42:16 -- "The point is" focusing on issues that are weakening subject’s argument/position

11. 2016-02-05_1700_US_CNN_Legal_View_With_Ashleigh_Banfield 47:54 -- "The point is" supporting reasoning behind course of action

12. 2016-02-05_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 26:44 -- "The point is" getting back on track of setting up funny anecdote for joke

13. 2016-02-05_0000_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front 05:52 -- "The point is" getting back on track after background to ask main question for issue at hand

14. 2016-02-04_0200_US_CNN_CNN_Reports 06:03 -- "The point is" Sanders recognizes inessential media question and gets back to discussing about his campaign

15. 2016-02-04_1900_US_CNN_Newsroom 12:30 -- "The point is" getting back to purpose of event: celebrating athletes present)

16. 2016-02-02_0200_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 09:06 -- "The point is" speaker tries to get back on track with issue

Extended Arms with Both Hands Fingers Pointy

(speaker brings ‘effective,original’ solution to problem of reputation)

1. 2016-02-07_0200_US_KABC_US_Presidential_Politics 45:06 -- "The point is" speaker brings idea to defend reputation of America

Extended with One Hand with Fingers Meeting at Pointy Tip

1. 2016-02-05_1300_US_CNN_New_Day 32:42 -- "The point is" (speaking in defense of target of opponent’s argument)

2. 2016-02-04_2200_US_MSNBC_MTP_Daily 28:12 -- "The point is" (speaking in defense of target of opponent’s argument)

Extended Downward Facing Palm of One Hand Towards Argument Opponent

(non confrontational defense of speaker’s own argument)

1. 2016-02-11_2200_US_CNN_Situation_Room 29:07 -- "The point is" speaker emphasizes respect for opponent’s argument, speaking from edge of table

2. 2016-02-02_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 11:09 -- "The point is" speaker tries to convince multiple opponents from disadvantaged position, faces multiple counter arguers, speaking from edge of table

Hands Held Gently Clasped Together in Front of Torso

1. 2016-02-17_2200_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 02:46 -- "The point is" said to comfort character in a positive manner, divert attention away from sad situation

This is who I am

For the phrase search: "This is who I am":

Referencing Self

1. 2016-05-13_1700_US_KABC_The_View 38:24 Both arms go up and hands are balled into fists, seems secure and powerful

2. 2016-05-05_0600_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 10:50 Does a crossing motion with left fist across chest while having a slight downward tilt of the head.

3. 2016-03-30_2100_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 13:41 Similar to Positive Ignorance gesture but used in an explanatory manner. Hands open up with palms facing each other and then close back up on top of her lap.

4. 2016-02-21_1500_US_KTTV-FOX_News_Sunday_with_Chris_Wallace 24:11 Uses both arms to point downward. Hands are both with index finger out and pointing down. Sure of himself, assertive

5. 2015-12-29_0200_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 42:54 Holding microphone with left hand and using right hand with open palm in an explanatory manner by circling his wrist a bit while maintaining an open palm. Gaze moves upward in a sort of optimistic way.

6. 2015-07-03_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 13:33 Both arms fling backward revealing the body, palms open and facing the camera. Slight left head tilt, Saying phrase proudly.

Referencing Other

1. 2016-05-13_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 11:44 Hands are shown with arms at a ninety degree angle, palms up and moving slowly up and down in an explicatory manner

2. 2016-02-18_0403_US_CNN_Don_Lemon_Reports 03:12 Both arms go up and hands are palms up and directed toward her left side as if pointing to a hypothetical person since she is not referring to herself

3. 2016-02-13_1400_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 24:44 Nodding, phrase referring to someone else not himself

4. 2015-08-25_1700_US_KABC_The_View 07:28 Speaking in hypothetical, not referring to the self. Both hands go palms outward toward the chest, indicating the self.

5. 2015-07-04_0630_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 07:15 Not referring to himself. Slight interlocking of both hands, and motioning forward, shaking hands up and down slightly to emphasize point

6. 2015-06-02_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 03:02 Not referring to herself. Both forearms come up, hands are open palms up. Explanatory gesture.


For the phrase search "Unbelievable":

Hands lift up and down (Disbelief)

1. 2016-02-18_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 00:07:54 "This is a real story" the keyword here is "unbelievable", said after the gesture is made. "Unbelievable" relates to the gesture's meaning

2. 2016-02-02_1500_US_KNBC_Today_Show 00:13:50 --"It's unbelievable"

For the phrase search "So she said yes":

Hands lift up and down (Disbelief)

1. 2015-09-25_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 00:49:09 -- "So she said yes"

We'll see

For the phrase search "We'll see":

Body Gestures

1. 2016-05-15_2100_US_CNN_Newsroom 00:45:28 --"We'll see" Right hand forward hand push. Indicating a future event by "pushing" the event forward (in time).

2. 2016-05-16_2100_US_CNN_Situation_Room 00:43:54 --"We'll see" Right hand, swipe across body. Indicating future by creating distance with a hand, gesture is quick. Seems to be an offhand statement.

3. 2016-05-16_1400_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 00:10:19 --"We'll see"Double hands, touching at tips, pointing forward. Giving information about a future event.

4. 2016-05-16_1000_US_CNN_New_Day 00:14:43 --"We'll see" Looks down, opens right hand with palm up. Uncertain about future, doubtful.

Head/Face Gestures

1. 2016-05-17_0000_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 00:08:37 --"We'll see" Nods head. Positive about future.

2. 2016-05-16_2000_US_CNN_The_Lead_With_Jake_Tapper 00:46:04 --"We'll see" Blinks, nods head. Uncertain about future, but positive.

3. 2016-05-16_2000_US_CNN_The_Lead_With_Jake_Tapper 00:46:15 --"We'll see" Raises eyebrows, blinks, nods head. Uncertain about future, positive.

4. 2016-05-16_1400_US_FOX-News_Americas_Newsroom 00:02:47 --"We'll see" Shakes head side to side, blinks. Uncertain about future but doubtful,and negative.

5. 2016-05-16_1400_US_KCBS_This_Morning 00:12:17 --"We'll see" Raises eyebrows, prolonged stare. Uncertain about future, doubtful and negative.

6. 2016-05-16_0500_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 00:44:28 --"We'll see" Nods head, smiles. Uncertain, but positive.

Well, what about

For the phrase search "Well, what about":

Double Hand Gesture

1. 2016-02-28_1500_US_CNN_Fareed_Zakaria_GPS 37:51 --“Well, what about-- Double hand gesture, hands inward moving up and outward on phrase with open space at end. Head tilt down and to left in circular motion.

2. 2016-03-14_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 33:58 --"Well, what about"-- Double hand gesture, open space, both open hands reaching forward left and down. Head look up into distance.

3. 2016-03-04_0100_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 10:33 --“Well what about me? What about me?”--

Double hand gesture, open space, both palms slightly up, with quick outward rotation at wrists on phrase. Body and head shake side to side. Imitating a frantic “Mitt Romney”

4. 2015-12-10_1600_US_CNN_This_Hour_With_Berman_and_Michaela 53:49 --"Well, what about"-- Double hand gesture. Lightly pull both hands part, then bring back together. Lean forward after phrase.

5. 2015-11-27_0200_US_KOCE_The_PBS_Newshour 49:19 --“Well, what about Hattie?”-- Tilt head to left on phrase. Double hand gesture. Palms upward an out after phrase, on “Hattie”

Single Hand Gesture

1. 2016-04-10_0629_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 12:40 --"Well, What about"-- Scripted. Single hand gesture, left hand, point with knuckle, cocking of head to right.

2. 2016-04-15_1100_US_MSNBC_Morning_Joe 16:57 --“Well, what about.”-- Single hand gesture, pointing to left, brings down hand on phrase.

3. 2016-02-27_2300_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 19:58 --“well, what about”-- Single hand gesture, right hand point forward and down. Accusing.

4. 2016-02-15_1600_US_KCBS_This_Morning 35:24 --“Well, what about”-- Single hand gesture, right hand. Point forward with hand on “well”, raise up “what”, lower on “about”.

5. 2016-02-14_0400_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 47:25 --“Well, what about”-- Single hand gesture. Right hand, close fist and throw forward in a claw.

6. 2015-12-01_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 13:06 --“Well, what about”-- Single hand gesture, Right hand moves to right after phrase. Looks to left.

7. 2016-02-28_0100_US_MSNBC_US_Presidential_Politics 21:06 --"Well, what about"-- Single hand gesture, left hand point forward on phrase.

8. 2016-02-24_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 02:47 --"Well, what about"-- Double hand gesture. Left hand flip upward and create open space moving outward, right hand move slightly outward.

Head Gestures

1. 2016-03-27_0629_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 13:35 --"Well, what about"-- Scripted. Confusion. Head shake on “Well”, turn left on “what about”. 13:38 and 13:40 “what about”, same head gesture decreasing in turn.

2. 2016-03-15_0000_US_HLN_Nancy_Grace 18:26 --“Well what about it"-- Very slight head cock to left.

3. 2016-04-11_1900_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 51:16 --“Well, what about"-- Light circling of head leaning forward, eyebrow raise.

4. 2016-01-21_0200_US_FOX-News_The_Kelly_File 13:41 --“Well, what about”-- Head nod/tilt to the left.

5. 2015-12-26_0600_US_HBO_Real_Time_with_Bill_Maher 36:07 --“Well, what about the box?”-- Scripted, look over right shoulder.

Body Gestures

1. 2016-04-10_0629_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 12:40 --"Well, What about"-- Scripted. Single hand gesture, left hand, point with knuckle, cocking of head to right.

2. 2016-04-13_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 32:57 --“Well, what about you?”-- Body jumps. Grabs for phone with both hands.

3. 2016-02-26_2300_US_MSNBC_With_All_Due_Respect 42:58 --“Well, what about”-- Shift body and left arm, look upward. Trying to change another person’s mind.

4. 2015-12-09_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 09:48 --“Well, what about”-- Shoulder shrug.

5. 2016-02-24_2200_US_CNN_Situation_Room 01:20:32 --"Well, what about"-- Look downward, lightly rotate head and body. Transition phrase, while reading next question.

We had no idea

For the phrase search "We had no idea":

Head Body Gestures

1. 2016-02-18_0100_US_KTLA_Crime_Watch_Daily 4:45 -- "We had no idea" Slight head shake, right/left.

2. 2016-04-12_19:00 QA_AlJazeera_America_Tonight 19:12:11 -- "We had no idea" Head pan, Eyes wide open.

We must move forward

For the phrase search "We must move forward":

1. 2016-02-12_0300_US_MSNBC_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_Odonnell 50:42 --"We must move forward" Points with index finger towards the audience

2. 2012-09-05_0200_US_KOCE_The_PBS_Newshour 03:06 --"We must move forward" Points with index finger at the audience

3. 2012-07-11_2139_US_CampaignAds_Barack_Obama 02:53 --"We must move forward" Points with index finger at the audience

4. 2010-10-04_2200_US_MSNBC_The_Ed_Show06:30 --"We must move forward" Points with index finger at audience

5. 2007-10-07_1600_US_KNBC_Chris_Matthews05:08 --"We must move forward" Points with both hands, arms, hands and fingers outstretched, toward the speaker

6. 2016-02-10_1500_US_KCET_Democracy_Now 25:14 --"We must move forward" Slams down hand/ fist. Brings hand down to emphasize words , fingers pointing toward the audience

7. 2015-03-02_0530_US_CSPAN_US_Presidential_Politics 54:39 --"We must move forward" Slams down hand/ fist. Pinches thumb and finger together and brings it down then up

8. 2015-01-06_2200_US_CNN_Situation_Room 01:15:29 --"We must move forward" Slams down hand/ fist. Brings hand up and down, each time coming down farther away form his body

9. 2008-10-28_0130_US_KCBS_CBS_Evening_News 01:36 --"We must move forward" Slams down hand/ fist. Brings down left clenched fist in emphasis

10. 2008-09-30_1200_US_CNN_American_Morning 05:39 --"We must move forward" Slams down hand/ fist. Brings down left hand, fingers curled in and pointed to the side

11. 2006-11-24_0700_US_KABC_Eyewitness_News_11PM 31:43 --"We must move forward" Moves hand away from body and away form listener, fingers outstretched

12. 2006-11-04_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity_and_Colmes45:38 --"We must move forward" Moves right hand away from body and toward the audience, with back of the hand facing the audience

13. 2015-09-26_0200_US_WUAB_Cleveland_19_News_On_43 24:32 --"We must move forward" Moves curled hand in circles, hand rests on the table

We will get through this

For the phrase search "We will get through this":

Categorized by intensity and number of nods

Single Head Nod

1. 2015-01-23_0100_US_MSNBC_All_In_With_Chris_Hayes 22:46 -- "We'll get through this" One single, curt nod towards the audience and cameras

2. 2014-01-27_1400_US_FOX-News_Americas_Newsroom 20:00 -- "We will get through this" One, prolonged sharp nod

Longer Head Nod, Two Nods or More

1. 2015-11-19_1600_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 20:36 -- "We will get through this" Head nod in confirmation, directed towards his left

2. 2015-08-27_1200_US_CNN_Newsroom 09:47 -- "We will get through this" Head nod in determination

3. 2015-07-24_2100_US_CNN_Situation_Room 01:23:25 -- "We will get through this" Very slight head nod towards his left

4. 2014-12-16_1300_US_CNN_New_Day 45:18 -- "We will get through this" Many nods, determined tone of voice

5. 2013-06-14_1600_US_CNN_Your_World_Today 00:48 -- "We will get through this" Head nods, continue even after phrase is spoken

6. 2013-03-08_1000_US_CNN_Early_Start 43:14 -- "We will get through this" Two slight nods in "this is what's going to happen"

7. 2012-12-16_2330_US_KNBC_NBC_Nightly_News 27:43 -- "We will get through this" Head nod, determined tone of voice, hopeful

Nods Emphasizing Each Word

1. 2014-12-15_1800_US_MSNBC_Ronan_Farrow_Report 46:32 -- "We will get through this" Three nods, one to match each word to emphasize what will happen

2. 2014-05-28_0130_US_KCBS_CBS_Evening_News 03:00 -- "We will get through this" Slow nods, one at each word, that help emphasize and confirm her words

What about

For the phrase search "What about":

Double Hand Gesture

1. 2016-01-01_0830_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 47:05 --"What about"-- Gesture on second “what about”. Double hand gesture, raise both palms slightly upward, exasperated.

2. 2016-02-08_1700_US_CNN_Legal_View_With_Ashleigh_Banfield 31:57 --“What about”-- Double hand gesture, raised palms upward on phrase, questioning speaker.

Single Hand Gesture

1. 2016-04-18_1500_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 35:57 --“Alright, what about"-- Single hand gesture, right hand point forward.

2. 2016-01-26_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 44:53 --“What about”-- single hand gesture, right hand point downward.

3. 2016-01-17_1500_US_KTTV-FOX_News_Sunday_with_Chris_Wallace 12:46 --“What about”-- Single hand gesture after phrase. Right hand, closed fist, point forward and down.

4. 2016-01-15_1200_US_CNN_New_Day 53:47 --“What about”-- phrases. Single hand gesture, Left arm point to alternating right/left on each. Body leans with arm.

Head Gesture

1. 2016-04-05_1900_US_CNN_Newsroom 1:29 --“Wha- What about you”-- Look to left on stammer, turn head back to subject on question.

What do you suggest

For the phrase search "What do you suggest":

Points with finger/ hands/ arms

1. 2016-02-21_1600_US_CNN_Reliable_Sources 09:48 --"What do you suggest" Points with both hands towards camera

2. 2015-11-17_0431_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show 10:55 --"What do you suggest" Extends hands, palms facing one another, pointing towards camera and brings down arms multiple times

3. 2015-10-13_1700_US_MSNBC_MSNBC_Live_with_Thomas_Roberts 18:20 --"What do you suggest" Brings hands up and points with both index fingers towards interviewee, then brings them up and down multiple times while moving

4. 2015-08-20_0200_US_MSNBC_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_Odonnell 23:20 --"What do you suggest" Brings hands up, palms down and fingers pointing towards camera, then brings them back down

5. 2015-05-28_1700_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 59:19 --"What do you suggest" Lifts hand and points at camera using index finger

6. 2015-01-24_1300_US_CNN_New_Day_Saturday 49:18 --"What do you suggest" Brings hand up pointing towards interviewee, palm facing up, and brings it slightly back down, multiple times

7. 2014-12-30_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 18:32 --"What do you suggest" Lifts hands and points with whole hand towards interviewee

8. 2014-12-18_0300_US_FOX-News_Hannity 41:09 --"What do you suggest" Points at interviewee with hand

9. 2014-12-04_1600_US_FOX-News_Happening_Now 46:57 --"What do you suggest" Opens up hand and points at the interviewee

10. 2014-07-30_2100_US_KABC_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 23:15 --"What do you suggest" Points at interviewee using hand

Open Arms/Hands

1. 2016-04-20_2300_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 44:22 --"What do you suggest" Brings down clasped hands many times, approximately three

2. 2015-10-13_1700_US_MSNBC_MSNBC_Live_with_Thomas_Roberts 09:08 --"What do you suggest" Brings hands up, palms up, then spreads them away from body while bringing them up and down

3. 2015-03-14_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_Craig_Ferguson 35:04 --"What do you suggest" Lifts hands up, palms up, and spreads out arms, then clasps them back together

4. 2015-01-02_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 33:32 --"What do you suggest" Flattens out raised hand and further spreads them, palms facing up

Open Hand/Arm Gesture

1. 2015-02-18_0300_QA_AlJazeera_Consider_This 55:59 --"What do you suggest" Brings hand up, hand curled, and then back down, multiple times

What do you want from me

For the phrase search "What do you want from me":


1. 2016-05-11_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 02:42 --"What do you want from me" Folds arms in front of chest in mock aggression and turns toward his co-host tilting his head right

2. 2016-04-18_1500_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 08:43 --"What do you want from me" Weatherman imitating what he believes a bird would be saying. His arms spread out on either side of him as if demanding a response. Trying to be humorous.

3. 2016-01-27_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 15:24 --"What do you want from me" Appears to be doing a stand-up comedy routine. Left arm extends outward with palm up and goes down twice during the saying of the phrase. Rolling eyes.

4. 2016-01-21_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 33:52 --"What do you want from me" Donning a Middle Eastern accent and pretending to speak on the phone for humor. Says phrase twice, both times using his left arm with finger pointing toward himself every time he says “me”

5. 2015-10-30_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 05:49 --"What do you want from me" Saying the phrase jokingly. One of his arms holds the door while his right arm comes down and his forearm extends with his palm upward, questioning.

6. 2015-08-27_2100_US_FOX-News_US_Presidential_Politics 50:00 --"What do you want from me" Says it flippantly, she motions to the person on her left, extending left arm so that forearm and palm upward are used to point at that person. Eyes are used in the same manner as rolling eyes to indicate mock disdain, looking the person up and down.

7. 2015-04-24_0300_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show 07:08 --"What do you want from me" Using left forearm with finger holding pen points toward the camera twice while saying the phrase.

8. 2015-01-01_0200_US_FOX-News_The_Kelly_File 06:50 --"What do you want from me" Said playfully. Right hand holding microphone up to his mouth, left arm extends outward palm up, not questioning, more of a statement.

9. 2014-12-05_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 02:55 --"What do you want from me" Says phrase with head tilted up and eyes gazing toward the ceiling in an optimistic way.

10. 2014-07-31_0300_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show 00:57 --"What do you want from me" Said to produce laughter. Both arms go upward, bringing forearms to the front with hands moving upward twice, palms facing away from audience. Face is scrunched up in mock distress.

11. 2014-06-14_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 42:27 --"What do you want from me" Said in a serious tone to produce laughter. Arms are initially crossed but his left hand escapes for a second to poke at his chest when he says “me”


1. 2016-05-08_1000_US_CNN_New_Day_Sunday 49:22 --"What do you want from me" Repeats “What do you want twice before completing the phrase “What do you want from me?” Head is already tilted downward, appears to be reading off the script, but during this phrase his head raises a bit and his head turns to the left while saying it

2. 2016-03-29_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 17:04 --"What do you want from me" Scripted. Arms go from being together and resting on a table to the left arm extending, palm up gesturing toward the woman, demanding an answer

3. 2015-12-26_0600_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 07:13 --"What do you want from me" Scripted. Head lulls backward and eyes look toward ceiling, arms remain to his side. Seems irritated.

4. 2015-10-14_0600_US_KCAL_Entertainment_Tonight 10:57 --"What do you want from me" Scripted. Says the phrase while holding things in both arms and using forearms to curl the objects toward her. Eyes blink several times. Exasperated. Seems to feel misunderstood.

5. 2015-07-11_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 29:37 --"What do you want from me" Scripted. From the second season of the show True Detective. Previously looking downward, but head tilts up and faces the other person when saying phrase. Eyes look blank but expectant.

6. 2015-07-07_0500_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 13:25 --"What do you want from me" From a reality tv show. Phrase seems defensive when said. Both arms at ninety degree angles with both hands resting on his knees in a defensive posture. Head tilts to the left in a challenging manner when saying the phrase.

7. 2015-06-30_0000_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 01:47 --"What do you want from me" Both arms extended and hands resting on podium as if for support. Head moves slightly toward left when saying the phrase.

8. 2015-06-04_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 24:40 --"What do you want from me" Scripted. From the show The Mentalist. Says phrase monotonously while maintaining a steady gaze with the person he’s feeling defensive towards.

9. 2015-04-11_1000_US_CNN_New_Day_Saturday 18:05 --"What do you want from me" Slight loss of visibility because of bottom banner of news channel. Both arms are used with palm up to indicate himself twice during the phrase.

10. 2014-06-12_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 18:41 --"What do you want from me" Shoulders shrug twice and hands remain clasped together, head shakes a bit while saying phrase.

11. 2014-01-08_2100_US_CNN_Situation_Room 42:10 --"What do you want from me" Both arms up in questioning manner, Shoulder shrug.

12. 2013-05-15_0500_US_KOCE_Frontline 24:10 --"What do you want from me" Both arms extended forward with hands in loose, shaking fists. Recollecting painful memory

13. 2012-09-25_2200_US_MSNBC_Politics_Nation_With_Al_Sharpton 23:20 --"What do you want from me" Quick shades of the head with slight tilt. Aggressive and defensive

What would you say

For the phrase search "What would you say":

Arm/Hand Gestures

1. 2016-04-29_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 44:42 --"What would you say" Points at interviewee

2. 2016-04-27_2300_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front 17:11 --"What would you say" Points at a guest using hand

3. 2016-04-21_2100_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 38:40 --"What would you say" Lifts hand and points at interviewee

4. 2016-04-12_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 04:00 --"What would you say" Flips hand to palm-up position

5. 2016-04-12_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 06:34 --"What would you say" Opens arms and flips hands into palms-up position

6. 016-04-09_0100_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 22:56 --"What would you say" Brings up hand, palm facing towards body, up and down twice

7. 2016-04-08_0737_US_KABC_Nightline 08:32 --"What would you say" Points at interviewee with left hand

8. 2016-04-07_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 16:57 --"What would you say" Outstretches arms and point towards guest using both hands

9. 2016-03-30_1300_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 47:09 --"What would you say" Stretches out arms, with hands curled into body, towards interviewee

10. 2016-03-25_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom 31:43 --"What would you say" Takes hands outstretched and pointed to interviewee and points to the camera

11. 2016-03-25_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom 33:55 --"What would you say" Raises both hands and points them at interviewee

12. 2016-03-14_1300_US_FOX-News_Americas_Newsroom 47:07 --"What would you say" Lifts hand and points with index finger at camera

Head Gestures

1. 2016-05-01_0000_US_FOX-News_Huckabee 13:29 --"What would you say" Turns head to the left

2. 2016-04-29_1200_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 48:08 --"What would you say" Turns head downwards to the left

3. 2016-04-28_1500_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 26:09 --"What would you say" Leans head forward and squints eyes

4. 2016-04-22_0000_US_MSNBC_All_In_With_Chris_Hayes 44:50 --"What would you say" Shakes head

5. 2016-04-07_1300_US_FOX-News_Americas_Newsroom 42:16 --"What would you say" Tips head slightly to the right

6. 2016-04-07_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 16:57 --"What would you say" Outstretches arms and point towards guest using both hands

7. 2016-03-30_2330_US_KCAL_Inside_Edition 06:30 --"What would you say" Tips head slightly to the left

8. 2016-03-22_1900_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 43:13 --"What would you say" Leans head forward slightly

Why would you

For the phrase search "Why would you":

Bodily Gestures

1. 2016-02-11_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 43:03 --"Why would you" -Shoulder Shrug- Genuine question, pointing out irrationality of subject matter

2. 2016-02-08_1700_US_CNN_Legal_View_With_Ashleigh_Banfield 22:44 --"Why would you" -Shoulder Shrug- question calls for sympathy

3. 2016-01-29_2000_US_KNBC_4_News_at_Noon 49:14 --"Why would you" -Shoulder Shrug- question calls for sympathy for victim, renders action inexcusable/unreasonable

Hand Gestures

1. 2016-02-24_0400_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show 07:50 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. With frown, frustration for being unable to understand reason behind action, for comedy

2. 2016-02-23_1800_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 17:58 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. Pointing out irrationality of action, using irony, for comedy

3. 2016-02-23_0730_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 23:30 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. Strongly pointing out irrationality of action with irony

4. 2016-02-12_1100_QA_AlJazeera_News 45:04 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. strongly pointing out irrationality of action with irony, redundant question

5. 2016-02-12_0000_US_MSNBC_Hardball_with_Chris_Matthews 46:46 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. acting out asking irrationality of action

6. 2016-02-11_2200_US_KTTV-FOX_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 17:10 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. hands motioning towards subject of conversation, redundant question

7. 2016-02-11_0730_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 08:32 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. question to highlight disagreement with action, hands narrow and parallel towards listener

8. 2016-02-11_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 36:16 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. Frustration for being unable to understand reason behind action, for comedy

9. 2016-02-10_1400_US_MSNBC_Live_with_Jose_Diaz-Balart 11:45 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. Frustration for being unable to understand reason behind action

10. 2016-02-10_0000_US_MSNBC_MSNBC_New_Hampshire_Primary_Day_Coverage 40:53 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. hands closed towards chest, pointing out irrationality of action

11. 2016-02-09_2300_US_WEWS_NewsChannel_5_at_6pm 20:51 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. pointing out how action “doesn’t make sense”

12. 2016-02-08_2200_US_KTTV-FOX_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 01:34:27 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. defensive question to defend point of view

13. 2016-02-06_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 41:53 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. question to agree with cohort’s point of view

14. 2016-02-04_2200_US_CNN_Situation_Room 01:19:28 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. one hand holding paper, asking question to voice disagreement with other’s opinion/action

15. 2016-02-03_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 02:36 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. in front of live audience, pointing out irrationality of action with irony

16. 2016-02-01_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 09:27 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. hands straight towards camera hitting table, redundant to disprove action speaker disagrees with

17. 2016-01-31_0600_US_KCBS_48_Hours 20:21 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. one hand holding papers, asking for logic behind action

18. 2016-01-31_0130_US_KNBC_NBC_Nightly_News 06:15 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. question used to weaken opponent’s validity/logic

19. 2016-01-29_0400_US_ComedyCentral_Daily_Show 01:10 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. question largely for humor

20. 2016-01-29_0300_US_WUAB_Cleveland_19_News_On_43 49:29 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. question out of concern

21. 2016-01-28_0100_US_KTLA_Crime_Watch_Daily 47:49 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. one hand (closer to camera) is more extended toward other, genuine question to expert to allow chance to educate audience

22. 2016-01-27_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 09:52 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. with head shaking/shrugging, asking reason for feelings

23. 2016-01-23_1500_US_KABC_Today_in_LA_Weekend 15:35 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. hands wide apart at higher torso level emphasizing ridiculousness of hypothetical action, while talking about environment conditions/weather

24. 2016-01-22_0200_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 18:40 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. question emphasizes situational irony, frustration, redundant question

25. 2016-01-21_2000_US_CNN_Newsroom 22:06 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. redundant question pointing out specific reason behind action/situation

26. 2016-01-19_0830_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 47:12 --"Why would you" Double Open Palm. both thumbs pointing upward, hands straight on table facing away from speaker, with nodding, acting questions from opposition to offer chance to explain logic behind speaker’s opinion

27. 2016-02-24_1500_US_KNBC_Today_Show 15:46 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Asking reason behind decision, with head shaking

28. 2016-02-22_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 01:07:03 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Frustration, pointing out irrationality of action, using irony

29. 2016-02-15_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 36:10 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Elbow resting on knee, genuine question for unexplained action

30. 2016-02-11_1600_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 25:33 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Genuine question to present audience member, other hand holding microphone

31. 2016-02-05_2000_US_CNN_Newsroom 37:24 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Acting out question for joke/comedy humor from live audience, other hand holding microphone

32. 2016-02-04_2200_US_CNN_Situation_Room 01:18:27 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Asking question to voice disagreement with other’s opinion/action

33. 2016-02-03_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 28:02 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. After giving reasoning/telling specifically what to do, for humor/comedy joke

34. 2016-02-03_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 27:19 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Question to illustrate what listener logically should have done in their situation

35. 2016-02-02_2200_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 22:39 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Simultaneously listener gestures with double open palm, question is for irony.humor

36. 2016-02-02_0100_US_KTLA_Crime_Watch_Daily 02:25 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Acting out question previously addressed to speaker for humor

37. 2016-02-01_2200_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 17:11 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Like a quick jab towards listener, for humor

38. 2016-02-01_1100_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 55:01 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. One hand holding microphone, expecting specific answer

39. 2016-02-01_0535_US_CSPAN_US_Presidential_Politics 35:09 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Hand removed from front pocket for gesture, question opens up chance to bring up argument/opinion

40. 2016-01-30_2100_US_MSNBC_Special_The_Place_of_Politics 59:52 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. One hand holding microphone, question sets up joke/humor comedy

41. 2016-01-30_0000_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 32:45 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Hand gestured towards picture of subject of conversation, friendly, for humor/joke, defending opinion

42. 2016-01-27_1700_US_KNBC_Today_Show 01:50:43 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. During question also turns into double open palm gesture, asking basic redundant question to defend logic of opinion

43. 2016-01-26_1500_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 48:52 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Arm on knee, question for technology seemingly regressing

44. 2016-01-22_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 46:54 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. With frown, hand towards camera, redundant question, frustration with illogical action

45. 2016-01-20_2300_US_MSNBC_With_All_Due_Respect 34:11 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Acting out questions pointing out ridiculousness of action

46. 2016-01-20_0735_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 33:55 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. While smiling, question pointing out ridiculousness of action for humor/joke

47. 2016-01-19_0200_US_FOX-News_The_Kelly_File 20:10 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Question offers speaker chance to explain logic behind his opinion

48. 2016-01-18_1500_US_KNBC_Today_Show 48:12 --"Why would you" One Open Palm Wave. Questions rationality/logic of decision

49. 2016-02-23_1800_US_HLN_The_Daily_Share 17:50 --"Why would you" One Pointed Hand Wave. Pointing out irrationality of action, using irony, for comedy

Head Gestures

1. 2016-02-24_1400_US_CNN_Newsroom 37:29 --"Why would you" Head Shake. Frustration, pointing out irrationality of action

2. 2016-02-23_2100_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 18:31 --"Why would you" Head Shake. Shame, pointing out irrationality of action

3. 2016-02-14_0729_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 27:38 --"Why would you" Head Shake. Voice over, character’s frustration/shame with himself

4. 2016-02-11_1400_US_FOX-News_Americas_Newsroom 06:55 --"Why would you" Head Shake. Disagreeing with listener’s opinion/ prediction of events

5. 2016-02-04_0400_US_WKYC_Channel_3_News_at_11 05:43 --"Why would you" Head Shake. With frown, questions rationality and morality of action/reasoning

6. 2016-01-22_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 04:20 --"Why would you" Head Shake. Meant to shame, frustration with redundant question

7. 2016-02-24_0200_US_KABC_Eyewitness_News_6PM 00:12 --"Why would you" Head Bobbing/Nodding. Wavering shallow voice, sorrow, unable to understand reason behind action

8. 2016-02-08_1400_QA_AlJazeera_News 23:17 --"Why would you" Head Bobbing/Nodding. Emphasizing lack of reason behind action

9. 2016-01-28_1700_US_MSNBC_Andrea_Mitchell_Reports 37:46 --"Why would you" Head Bobbing/Nodding. Emphasizing ‘why’, demanding reason for action

With all due respect

For the phrase search "With all due respect":

Bodily Gestures

1. 2016-02-21_0200_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 12:19 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm not facing someone present or upward in general- adding onto argument given by previous speaker

2. 2016-02-19_0000_US_MSNBC_Hardball_with_Chris_Matthews 33:38 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm not facing someone present or upward in general- adding onto argument sampled by previous speaker, making argument less hostile towards Pope

3. 2016-02-18_1400_US_MSNBC_The_Place_for_Politics_2016 27:50 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm not facing someone present or upward in general- showing respect to media before offering argument against it

4. 2016-01-22_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 08:58 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm not facing someone present or upward in general- showing respect to colleague who speaker disagrees with, non hostile/confrontational

5. 2015-12-30_0700_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 07:29 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm not facing someone present or upward in general- while praising present guest, clearing not meant to disrespect past guests, non confrontational

6. 2016-02-08_1700_US_MSNBC_Andrea_Mitchell_Reports 30:25 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm facing towards listener/opponent- Counter arguing against present opponent

7. 2016-02-04_1500_US_FOX-News_Americas_Newsroom 46:40 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm facing towards listener/opponent- Disagrees with a particular opinion, prolonged blink while looking dow

8. 2016-01-19_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 26:39 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm facing towards listener/opponent- Palm is downwards, done before bringing up fact that invalidates opponent’s ability

9. 2016-01-16_0200_US_FOX-News_The_Kelly_File 05:23 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm facing towards listener/opponent- Given before strong, potentially embarrassing opinion for subject of opposing argument

10. 2016-01-03_1600_US_MSNBC_Melissa_Harris-Perry 22:18 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm facing towards listener/opponent- Given before completely disagreeing with opponent’s past argument

11. 2015-12-31_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 46:55 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm facing towards listener/opponent- Giving respect to opponent who is figure of political power

12. 2015-12-29_0200_US_HLN_HLN_Dr_Drew 05:33 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm facing towards listener/opponent- Said to make clear that mentioned fact that opponent is “woman of color” is not meant in derogatory/disrespectful way

13. 2015-12-24_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 25:04 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm facing towards listener/opponent- Said with joke to make sure it is not entirely disrespectful, non hostile/confrontational

14. 2015-12-22_0000_US_MSNBC_Hardball_with_Chris_Matthews 48:16 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm facing towards listener/opponent- With head shaking, looking down, respect for opponent before bringing up strong factual argument against

15. 2015-12-02_0300_US_MSNBC_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_ODonnell 08:33 -- "With all due respect" -Open Palm facing towards listener/opponent- With head shaking, prolonged blink, sincere belief in argument against

16. 2016-02-19_0300_US_MSNBC_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_ODonnell 28:10 -- "With all due respect" -Double Open Palms- Countering against opponents and their allegations

17. 2016-02-09_0700_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 23:39 -- "With all due respect" -Double Open Palms- Made while giving description of Clinton that may offend her, non confrontational

18. 2016-02-04_1200_US_CNN_Newsroom 25:23 -- "With all due respect" -Double Open Palms- Showing respect to powerful figure ‘Mr. Obama’, with low nod

19. 2016-02-04_0200_US_CNN_CNN_Reports 06:19 -- "With all due respect" -Double Open Palms- Defensive position, one palm towards present listener

20. 2016-02-03_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 52:12 -- "With all due respect" -Double Open Palms- With slight nod, meant to be non hostile/confrontational

21. 2016-01-22_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 14:19 -- "With all due respect" -Double Open Palms- Non hostile, opinion that figures in Hollywood are not intelligent enough to debate (politics), pity

22. 2016-01-13_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 10:46 -- "With all due respect" -Double Open Palms- Done before giving instructions/request to speaking guest, related to subject of instruction is not reasonable

23. 2016-01-06_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 17:21 -- "With all due respect" -Double Open Palms- With shaking of head, respect in case own argument is in fact wrong, non hostile

24. 2015-12-04_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 09:51 -- "With all due respect" -Double Open Palms- Non hostile, is done to calm both sides of heated argument

25. 2015-12-04_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 41:53 -- "With all due respect" -Double Open Palms- Non hostile, before bringing argument against strong opponent

26. 2016-02-20_1900_US_FOX-News_Americas_News_Headquarters 10:14 -- "With all due respect" -Shaking Head- Trying to add shame to allegation against speaker

27. 2016-02-04_1800_US_FOX-News_Happening_Now 37:28 -- "With all due respect" -Shaking Head- Trying to add/ recognize shame of action of subject

28. 2016-02-02_1300_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 26:11 -- "With all due respect" -Shaking Head- Believes governor’s opinion is not valid, non confrontational

29. 2016-02-02_0100_US_KTLA_Crime_Watch_Daily 50:13 -- "With all due respect" -Shaking Head- Believes that opponent’s opinion is invalid/ not based on factual evidence

30. 2016-02-01_1400_US_FOX-News_Americas_Newsroom 08:05 -- "With all due respect" -Shaking Head- With hand on chest for empathy, ask subject to change opinion

31. 2016-01-20_0100_US_MSNBC_All_In_With_Chris_Hayes 13:15 -- "With all due respect" -Shaking Head- Names specific opponent speaker disagrees with, believes opponent’s belief is not valid, offers much evidence against argument

32. 2016-01-18_2300_US_MSNBC_MSNBC_Live 07:49 -- "With all due respect" -Shaking Head- With prolonged blink, looking down, disagrees with previous question/opinion

33. 2016-02-19_0200_US_FOX-News_The_Kelly_File 10:23 -- "With all due respect" -Nodding Head- Strongly believing in given argument

34. 2016-02-18_0500_US_CNN_US_Presidential_Politics 04:45 -- "With all due respect" -Nodding Head- Given before strong confrontational argument

35. 2016-02-05_1600_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 44:44 -- "With all due respect" -Nodding Head- Given before strong opinion

36. 2016-01-18_2300_US_MSNBC_MSNBC_Live 49:24 -- "With all due respect" -Nodding Head- Quick recognition of opponent’s opinion, non hostile argument, but disagreement with

Facial Gestures

1. 2016-02-19_0200_US_MSNBC_Clinton_-_Sanders_Town_Hall 56:22 -Prolonged Blink- Brining up non confrontational counter argument, with extension of arm holding papers

2. 2016-02-03_2000_US_CNN_Newsroom 15:44 -Prolonged Blink- Shows annoyance/anger, opponent is not reasonable with argument

3. 2016-02-01_1800_US_CNN_Wolf 30:40 -Prolonged Blink- With slight nod to side, believes that opponent’s argument is not backed up by valid opinions

4. 2015-12-19_1300_US_MSNBC_Up_with_Steve_Kornacki 01:47:18 -Prolonged Blink- With slight nod to side, believes different argument, opponent’s argument is not based on factual evidence

You know what I mean

For the phrase search "You know what I mean":

Bodily Gestures

1. 2016-05-07_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 00:28:13 --"You know what I mean" Leaning forward, double open palm, smiling - creating relatable discussion and shared understanding, implying that his reaction is implicitly understood by others

2. 2016-05-06_1500_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 00:51:56 --"You know what I mean" Shrugs shoulders, eyebrows move up and down, smiling - communicating an imaginary situation and implying that situation is relatable with positive expressions

3. 2016-05-06_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 00:45:05 --"You know what I mean" Nods heads forward twice, eyes shut, double open palm - negative, indicates other speaker misinterpreted what she said

4. 2016-05-03_1500_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 00:20:33 --"You know what I mean" Prolonged stare, slight nod, double open palm - creating shared understanding

5. 2016-05-03_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 00:05:46 --"You know what I mean" Leans body forward - communicates that audience has shared knowledge

6. 2016-05-02_1300_US_KTTV-FOX_Morning_News_at_6AM 00:45:54 --"You know what I mean" Opens and closes clasped palms quickly - indicating shared knowledge of a recent event

7. 2016-04-30_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 00:39:26 --"You know what I mean" Double open palms - positive, tracking if others understand his idea

8. 2016-04-29_0631_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show 00:27:42 --"You know what I mean" Slight smile and slightly leans head to the side - reluctantly cluing audience the real meaning of an innuendo, hesitant to use lewd language

9. 2016-04-28_2100_US_KTTV-FOX_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 00:42:42 --"You know what I mean" Shaking palms downward, leaning forward, prolonged staring. Describing an impolite phrase with a hand gesture, leaning forward to emphasize the meaning

10. 2016-05-12_1700_US_KABC_The_View 00:27:03 --"You know what I mean" Right raised with hand with palm up. Presenting a counterpoint.

11. 2016-05-12_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 00:50:10 --"You know what I mean" Double palm up, shakes for emphasis. Positive, communicating that audience has shared understanding.

12. 2016-05-11_1700_US_KABC_The_View 00:28:13 --"You know what I mean" Double hands palms facing toward each other, shakes for emphasis, nods head. Communicates that audience has shared knowledge

13. 2016-04-28_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 00:03:04 --"You know what I mean" Double palms, raises up slightly. Checking if audience understands his joke.

14. 2016-04-27_0635_US_KNBC_Tonight_Show_with_Jimmy_Fallon 00:18:16 --"You know what I mean" Double hands, raises up. Checking for shared understanding

15. 2016-05-15_1000_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 00:10:51 --"You know what I mean" Double hands open, then crosses, then open again. Checking if others understand his point, even though it might be controversial.

Facial Head Gesture

1. 2016-05-06_1300_US_HLN_HLN_Morning_Express 00:15:10 --"You know what I mean" Squints eyes, leans forward slightly, nods head - communicates that the viewer has shares knowledge with her

2. 2016-05-01_0300_US_MSNBC_white_house_correspondents_dinner 00:07:37 --"You know what I mean" Leans forward, squints eyes, flattens mouth - negative, indication of shared knowledge of an event that she seems reluctant or hesitant to admit

3. 2016-04-30_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_James_Corden 00:20:32 --"You know what I mean" Head bowed down, shakes head - trying to remember a past event that is relatable to the person he is speaking to

4. 2016-05-13_1700_US_KABC_The_View 00:19:43 --"You know what I mean" Begins with eyes looking down then looks out of the corner of her eye, nods her head slightly. She is indicating that she is hesitant to say a word.

5. 2016-05-13_0000_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 00:50:37 --"You know what I mean" Smiling then his eyes move horizontally from left to right. He doesn't want to keep talking about the subject.

6. 2016-05-11_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 00:26:05 --"You know what I mean" stare, slightly squinted eyes. Carefully assessing if there is shared understanding

7. 2016-05-10_1600_US_KNBC_Today_Show 01:09:59 --"You know what I mean" Nods head, smiles, squints eyes. Checking if other person understands her counterpoint.

8. 2016-04-27_0635_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 00:32:56 --"You know what I mean" Squints eyes, nods head slightly. Checking for shared understanding.

9. 2016-04-26_1900_US_FOX-News_Shephard_Smith_Reporting 00:39:36 --"You know what I mean" Turns and makes direct eye contact, blinks once. Checking for shared understanding.

10. 2016-04-26_1400_US_FOX-News_Americas_Newsroom 00:40:46 --"You know what I mean" Eyes wide open, shakes head slightly. Expressing annoyance.

11. 2016-04-23_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Stephen_Colbert 00:15:01 --"You know what I mean" Squints eyes, nods head slightly. Critical tone/gently criticizing.

Positive ignorance gestures

This is a list of NewsScape links to Positive Ignorance gestures that accompany the phrase "I wish I knew", and some related gestures marked with an asterisk. Please use a consistent time format, hh:mm:ss.

From 1-100 in the phrase search "I wish I knew":

  1. 2014-10-13_1800_US_CNN_Newsroom 06:03 "I wish I knew" -- bafflement *

  2. 2015-11-10_0100_US_FOX-News_The_OReilly_Factor 34:17 "I wish I knew"

  3. 2015-10-30_2300_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 22:29 "I wish I knew"

  4. 2015-10-13_2200_US_MSNBC_MSNBC_Live 53:30 "Why are you doing the livestream in the first place?"

  5. 2015-08-11_0200_US_MSNBC_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_ODonnell 29:23 "I wish I knew"

  6. 2015-07-19_0629_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 38:43 "I wish I knew" -- imaginary wall, not open space *

  7. 2015-07-03_0000_US_CNN_Anderson_Cooper_360 57:42 -- opening space, not ignorance *

  8. 2015-05-30_0200_US_FOX-News_Hannity 52:57 "I don't know, I'll do it" *

  9. 2015-05-29_2300_US_KNBC_The_Ellen_DeGeneres_Show 23:11 "I wish I'd known about that"

  10. 2015-05-22_1300_US_MSNBC_The_Rundown_with_Jose_Diaz-Balart 1:41:42 "I wish I knew" -- Negative Ignorance, shoulder shrug *

  11. 2015-04-23_0630_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 39:12 "I wish I knew" -- flips thumbs out

  12. 2015-03-05_1500_US_CNN_Newsroom 37:05 "I wish I knew" -- flat movement

  13. 2015-02-24_0837_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_Craig_Ferguson 30:21 "I wish I knew" -- intense wish

  14. 2015-01-22_0431_US_ComedyCentral_The_Nightly_Show 23:36 "I don't care" *

From 101-200 in the phrase search "I wish I knew":

15. 2014-11-05_1800_US_MSNBC_MSNBC_Vote!_2014 54:28 "I wish I knew" -- good, but not fully visible

16. 2014-11-09_0729_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 50:44 "I wish I knew" -- small movement, Positive Ignorance

17. 2014-11-04_1900_US_KNBC_Access_Hollywood_Live 49:09 "I wish I knew" -- partially obscured, one hand Positive Ignorance

18. 2014-08-06_0100_US_AlJazeera_America_Tonight 44:09 "I wish I knew" -- slight hand movement, mostly static, Positive Ignorance

19. 2014-12-15_1400_US_KTTV-FOX_Morning_News_at_6AM 45:01 "I wish I had known" -- closed fist, finger point.

20. 2014-06-24_0200_US_MSNBC_The_Last_Word_With_Lawrence_ODonnell 11:10 "I wish I knew" --Hand grasping out; Positive Ignorance

21. 2014-07-26_0300_US_KNBC_Dateline_NBC 16:54 "I wish I knew" -- Negative Ignorance, hands clasping head

22. 2014-01-17_0700_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 17:01 "I wish I knew" --Negative Ignorance, shaking head

23. 2014-04-18_0737_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Seth_Myers 10:45 "I wish I knew" -- Positive Ignorance

24. 2014-03-16_1400_US_KTTV-FOX_Sunday_Morning_News 45:24 "I wish I knew" -- hands move to the side leading to next point

25. 2014-01-16_2200_US_KABC_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 35:50 "I wish I knew" -- gesture leading to next point, Positive Ignorance, shaking hands

26. 2014-07-18_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 10:29 "I wish I knew" -- Negative Ignorance

27. 2014-10-19_0629_US_KNBC_Saturday_Night_Live 1:00:41 "I wish I knew" -- intent wish

From 301-400 in the phrase search "I wish I knew"

1. 2012-11-11_1600_US_CNN_Reliable_Sources 16:21 "I wish I knew" -- slight head movement to the right, action directed at inquirer

2. 2012-10-27_0737_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_Craig_Ferguson 09:44 "I wish I knew" -- single hand/arm gesture, arm extends behind the body, opening movement

3. 2012-10-01_1600_US_KABC_Live_With_Regis_and_Kelly 39:32 "I wish I knew" -- not fully visible during phrase utterance, single hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

4. 2012-09-15_0600_US_KOCE_Tavis_Smiley 18:57 "I wish I knew" -- both hands clenched in fists and placed on lap, remain static during the phrase

5. 2012-08-31_2200_US_KABC_The_Doctor_Oz_Show 06:47 "I wish I knew" -- shoulders opening, hand gestures not visible

6. 2012-05-24_2200_US_CNN_John_King_USA 49:45 "I wish I knew" -- single hand gesture, arm extended forward, palm up, hand forward

7. 2012-05-05_0100_US_KOCE_The_PBS_Newshour 45:50 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

8. 2012-05-03_1400_US_KNBC_Today_Show 38:58 "I wish I knew" -- single hand gesture, slight movement, Positive Ignorance

9. 2012-05-01_1500_US_KNBC_Today_Show 33:57 "I wish I knew" -- shoulder shrug, head movement to one side

10. 2012-04-29_1500_US_KTTV-FOX_News_Sunday_with_Chris_Wallace 25:05 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, Positive Ignorance initially, then moves both hands toward chest

11. 2012-04-21_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 40:25 "I wish I knew" -- single hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

12. 2012-01-20_0800_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 27:51 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, hands remain parallel to one another at close proximity, static movement

13. 2011-12-22_0000_US_CNN_Erin_Burnett_Out_Front 02:05 "I wish I knew" -- shoulder shake, no visible hand gestures

14. 2011-11-26_0800_US_KOCE_Charlie_Rose 47:42 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

From 401-500 in the phrase search "I wish I knew"

1. 2011-08-25_1200_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 26:10 "I wish I knew" -- single hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

2. 2011-07-20_2300_US_CNN_John_King_USA 57:46 "I wish I knew" -- left hand forward, relaxed position

3. 2011-06-03_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 31:10 "I wish I knew" -- both hands move to right in flipping motion

4. 2011-06-03_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 31:10 "I wish I knew" -- Positive Ignorance after phrase

5. 2011-05-06_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 26:28 "I wish I knew" -- single hand, Positive Ignorance, opening movement toward his right

6. 2011-04-26_0100_US_KNBC_Channel_4_News 18:38 "I wish I knew" -- single hand, finger wagging

7. 2011-03-22_0705_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 7:51 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

8. 2011-02-17_1900_US_KNBC_Channel_4_News_Mid_Day_Report 18:46 "I wish I knew"-- double hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

9. 2010-11-23_1500_US_KNBC_Today_Show 37:31 "I wish I knew" -- not clearly visible, single hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

10. 2010-11-13_0200_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 42:03 "I wish I knew" -- opening of shoulders, not visible hand gestures

11. 2010-11-04_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 41:24 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

12. 2010-10-18_1600_US_KABC_Live_With_Regis_and_Kelly 19:41 "I wish I knew" -- rapid single hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

13. 2010-09-18_0630_US_KCET_Charlie_Rose 9:35 "I wish I knew" -- shoulder shrug

14. 2010-08-27_0735_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon 52:35 "I wish I knew" -- single hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

15. 2010-07-02_0100_US_MSNBC_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show 28:55 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, shaking of clasped hands, slight and brief moment of Positive Ignorance after repeating phrase

16. 2010-06-22_1400_US_KNBC_Today_Show 38:57 "I wish I knew" -- relaxed, single hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

17. 2010-05-12_1100_US_FOX-News_Fox_and_Friends 37:47 "I wish I knew" -- single hand gesture, moves hand to the left

18. 2010-04-13_2100_US_CNN_Situation_Room 38:27 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, opening, Positive Ignorance

19. 2010-04-08_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 56:29 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

20. 2011-07-20_2300_US_CNN_John_King_USA 4:20 "I wish I knew" -- pushing away with open palm, single hand gesture

From 501-600 in the phrase search "I wish I knew":

1. 2010-04-05_1600_US_KABC_Live_With_Regis_and_Kelly 19:10 "I wish I knew" -- single hand gesture, right arm extends out in a Positive Ignorance Gesture, not clear

2. 2010-02-25_0730_US_KCET_Charlie_Rose 54:24 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, both hands go to temples on head

3. 2010-02-04_0730_US_KCET_Charlie_Rose 30:08 "Wish you knew" -- double hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

4. 2010-01-02_0230_US_KNBC_NBC_Nightly_News 21:24 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

5. 2009-12-15_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 47:05 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, Positive Ignorance after phrase

6. 2009-11-03_1700_US_KABC_Live_With_Regis_and_Kelly 17:29 "I wish I knew" -- single hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

7. 2009-08-02_1500_US_KABC_This_Week_with_George_Stephanopoulos 38:47 "I wish I knew" -- double hand gesture, palms down and arms extended slightly forward to emphasize gesture

8. 2009-07-23_0600_US_KCET_Tavis_Smiley 20:07 "I wish I knew" -- slight head movement down during phrase

9. 2009-07-01_1400_US_KCBS_The_Early_Show 10:13 "I wish I knew" -- confined movement, double hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

10. 2009-06-12_1600_US_KABC_Live_With_Regis_and_Kelly 41:18 "I wish I knew" -- single hand gesture, Positive Ignorance

11. 2009-06-09_0600_US_KCET_Tavis_Smiley 19:44 "I wish I knew" -- single hand gesture, palm facing down, repeatedly dropping hand down for emphasis, repeated phrase

From 601-700 in the phrase search "I wish I knew":

1. 2009-05-22_0630_US_KCET_Charlie_Rose 3:20 "I wish I knew" -- single hand gesture, reaching out, Positive Ignorance

2. 2009-04-09_2200_US_MSNBC_The_Ed_Show 3:38 "I wish I knew" -- clear gesture, Positive Ignorance

3. 2009-04-03_0600_US_KCET_Tavis_Smiley 20:07 "I wish I knew" -- clear gesture, Positive Ignorance

4. 2009-03-08_1600_US_KNBC_Chris_Matthews 18:24 "I wish I knew" -- clear gesture, Positive Ignorance

5. 2009-01-16_0100_US_KNBC_Channel_4_News 40:49 "I wish I knew" -- both hands facing down

6. 2008-11-28_0630_US_ComedyCentral_Colbert_Report 6:50 "I wish I knew" -- single hand, Positive Ignorance

7. 2008-10-08_2300_US_KABC_Eyewitness_News_4PM 38:31 "I wish I knew" -- single hand, points at head then goes out into Positive Ignorance

8. 2008-09-17_0630_US_KCET_Charlie_Rose 19:54 "I wish I knew" -- static, Positive Ignorance

9. 2008-08-30_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 57:43 "I wish I knew" -- Positive Ignorance

10. 2008-08-23_0635_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 49:52 "I wish I knew" -- hidden at beginning, Positive Ignorance

From 701-800 in the phrase search "I wish I knew":

1. 2008-01-16_0000_US_KABC_Eyewitness_News_4PM 53:48 "I wish I knew" -- Positive Ignorance, both hands, open gesture

2. 2007-12-11_0735_US_KCBS_Late_Show_with_Dave_Letterman 06:47 "I wish I knew" -- Positive Ignorance, both hands, open gesture, head shaking for comedic effect

3. 2007-07-24_1600_US_KABC_Live_With_Regis_and_Kelly 01:46 "I wish I knew" -- Positive Ignorance, both hands, double quick opening and closing of gesture.

4. 2008-01-27_1500_US_CNN_Reliable_Sources 49:37 "I wish I knew" -- single hand, Positive Ignorance, not connected to words since he is quoting a movie.

5. 2008-01-14_0530_US_CSPAN_Road_to_White_House 56:14 "I wish I knew" -- single hand, Positive Ignorance

6. 2008-01-12_0837_US_KNBC_Late_Night_with_Conan_OBrien 20:33 "I wish I knew" -- single hand pointed gesture followed by double hand Positive Ignorance

7. 2007-12-07_0837_US_KCBS_Late_Late_Show_with_Craig_Ferguson 54:33 "I wish I'd known" -- single hand, Positive Ignorance, quick

8. 2007-07-18_0635_US_KABC_Nightline 07:52 "I wish I knew" -- speaker holding something with both hands, using elbows to gesture outward

9. 2008-01-25_0000_US_FOX-News_Report_with_Shepard_Smith 34:01 "I wish I knew" -- head gesture, slight pulling back of head

10. 2007-12-20_2300_US_FOX-News_Special_Report_with_Brit_Hume 17:15 "I wish I knew" -- slight shoulder shrug prior to phrase

11. 2007-07-15_0400_US_KCBS_48_Hours_1_of_2 22:31 "I wish I knew" -- head gesture, slight forwarding of chin along with neck

12. 2008-02-05_1900_US_MSNBC_News_Live 53:13 "I wish I knew" -- head gesture, forwarding of chin along with neck

13. 2008-01-12_0700_US_KNBC_Channel_4_News_at_11PM 05:27 "I wish I knew" -- head nodding gesture accompanying phrase

14. 2007-12-24_0300_US_KCBS_60_Minutes 49:49 "I wish I knew" -- head nodding accompanying phrase

15. 2007-12-21_1300_US_CNN_American_Morning 10:47 "I wish I knew" -- head shaking accompanying phrase

16. 2007-11-16_0200_US_KCET_Newshour_with_Jim_Lehrer 41:54 "I wish I knew" -- chin tilts forward, head nodding

17. 2007-09-03_1300_US_CNN_Newsroom 58:41 "I wish I knew" -- rapid head nodding accompanying phrase

18. 2008-01-29_0700_US_KCET_Tavis_Smiley 05:41 "I wish I knew" -- very slight head shake

19. 2008-01-22_0600_US_KTLA_Prime_News_at_10PM 55:37 "I wish I knew" -- turned around, head shake

20. 2007-11-13_0100_US_KCBS_CBS_2_News_at_5 00:07 "I wish I knew" -- head shake accompanying phrase

21. 2007-10-12_0400_US_MSNBC_Countdown_with_Keith_Olbermann 56:38 "I wish I knew" -- very slight head shake prior to phrase

22. 2007-07-31_1400_US_KABC_Good_Morning_America 43:26 "I wish I knew" -- head shake accompanying phrase

23. 2007-10-26_0630_US_KCET_Charlie_Rose 19:24 "I wish I knew" -- prolonged blink during phrase, head turning away and then turning back

From 801-900 in the phrase search "I wish I knew"

1. 2007-06-26_0630_US_KCET_Charlie_Rose 46.56 "I wish I knew" -- Positive Ignorance, double hand gesture

2. 2007-06-16_0500_US_KABC_20-20 55.38 "I wish I knew" -- head shake accompanying phrase

3. 2007-06-12_0630_US_KCET_Charlie_Rose 27.42 "I wish I knew" -- Positive Ignorance, clear, double hand gesture

4. 2007-06-08_1400_US_KNBC_Today_Show 18.07 "I wish I knew" -- head gesture looking down then up, rapid Positive Ignorance after phrase

5. 2007-05-22_0400_US_MSNBC_Countdown_with_Keith_Olbermann 22.58 "I wish I knew" -- head nod accompanying phrase

6. 2007-04-18_0400_US_MSNBC_Countdown_with_Keith_Olbermann 19.08 "I wish I knew" -- Positive Ignorance, clear, double hand gesture

7. 2007-04-12_0630_US_KCET_Charlie_Rose 06:23 "I wish I knew" -- head shake accompanying phrase

8. 2007-03-07_1900_US_KTTV-FOX_Montel_Williams_Show 15:17 "I wish I knew" -- open arms, double hand closed fist gesture

9. 2006-10-31_0806_US_KABC_Jimmy_Kimmel_Live 21:04 "I wish I knew" -- head shake during phrase, Positive Ignorance gesture after phrase

10. 2006-10-17_0200_US_FOX-News_On_the_Record_with_Greta_Van_Susteren 33.24 "I wish I knew" -- head shake during phrase