CQPweb Concordances


It is also possible to import concordances exported by CQPweb. First of all, you will need to log onto CQPweb (please contact Peter Uhrig for an account and specifically mention you would like access to the instance connected to the Rapid Annotator). Search whatever you are interested in on the navigation page.

Hint: If you get more than 500 results, you may want to use the "Thin" option from the top right menu first to reduce the number of hits.

Select "Download" on the same menu. Click on the third top-down button that reads "Download with settings for Rapid Annotador" and save the file (.txt).

Go to the Rapid Annotator. Before getting started, you need first to sign up. Then, you will be assigned either an experimenter or an annotator profile. Note that only experimenter profiles can both start new projects and add annotators to them.

Create an Experiment

After logging in, you will find a Home Screen as below. Click on the “Add Experiment” button to start a new project.

The Red Hen Rapid Annotator will process data of the following types: Image, Audio, Text, and Video. Formats allowed for these categories are as the following:

  • Image: jpg, png, gif.
  • Audio: mp3, wma, mp2, wav.
  • Text: txt, html.
  • Video: mov, mp4, wmv, webm.

Add an experiment name, description, and type of data in the pop-up window. Select "fromConcordance" and click on “Add Experiment”. Click on “Choose Spreadsheet/Concordance” and upload the Concordance file you obtained from the CQPweb query.

Once files are uploaded you can further modify either name or description info by double clicking on them.

After press the “Start Upload” button, wait till all files are uploaded and a check mark is displayed. Otherwise files will be not collected.

Hint: For audio and video experiments you will be asked for the time frame’s boundaries of the file(s) regarding the original source. This info is not mandatory. If so, set the time in seconds. Setting these boundaries will define the context of the video or audio file imported from the CQPweb search. Otherwise, it will be automatically set to 0 seconds.


Click on the “Settings” button on the main experiment screen. Here you can delete either an annotator, owner or the project itself.


Levels of Annotation and Labels

Click on “Add Labels” in the options bar. Now click on “Add Annotation Level” to set a new category (e.g., age, gender) and press “Submit”. On the following pop-up window, you can also decide the order in which the level of annotation is asked for the data-item.

Below the level name, press “Add Label” and assign possible values for your level of annotation. For rapid annotation, you can set a Key Binding for every value belonging to an annotation level. These will be further displayed on the annotation screen. If no key is bound to any label, key binding will be automatically made. After labels are made, scape this screen by pressing the “Done” button.

Getting to Annotate

Before you begin annotating, you will need to add an annotator (at least you) among users who have already signed up. Here, you can also add new owners who will have the same administrator privileges to add/delete data and annotators.

Now, on the Home Screen, go to “Experiments to Annotate”. You will have access to experiments you have been assigned to. By clicking on any experiment, you will see the valid labels and their key shortcuts.

On this screen, either by clicking on “male” button or pressing “m” key, your annotation is saved to the server. As soon as you select any label, the next annotation level (if any) is loaded. If the experiment consists of multiple files, next file is rendered for annotation after the last label is displayed.

The “UNDO” button reset any annotation you may wish to. However, after all files are annotated there is no a possibility to do so (fro now).

The “Turn off/on looping” feature is only available for video – audio files.


Go to the “Settings” button on the main experiment screen and click on “View Results”. Here you can see the results of the current project. Finally, in this screen you can either discard all annotations or export them to an .xls spreadsheet.