Grade 3

Specialist Activities

Music - Mrs. Monke

3rd grade solfege continued

Please note: This assignment will also be posted in Seesaw, which is the preferred method of access

1. warm up your voice with the book "Ooops!" by Suzy Kline:

2. Review the solfege scale and body motions with Mrs. Monke:

3. Today, when we get to the highest note of the scale, we are going to go right back down again (do not repeat the word "Do"). Click this link to hear what it should sound like, and learn to sing the scale with piano accompaniment:

Follow along: Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do

4. Listen to that same link again (step 3), but this time, do the body motions while you sing the scale.

4. In the last lesson, you listened to the song "Do Re Mi" from the movie "The Sound of Music." Today, you are going to make up your own motions to help you learn the words to the song. For each line, come up with one motion that will remind you of the words for that line. For example, for the line "Mi-a name I call myself," you can point to yourself. Here are the words:

do- a deer, a female deer

re- a drop of golden sun

mi- a name I call myself

fa- a long long way to run

so- a needle pulling thread

la- a note to follow so

ti- a drink with jam and bread

that will bring us back to do

6. Try doing your motions while listening to the song:

7. Respond to this assignment by making a video of yourself singing the song and doing your motions. I do not expect a perfect recording at this point (Take your time, do one line at a time, print out the words so you can look at them while you make your video, etc).

Physical Education - Mrs. Carmel & Mr. Hunt

Art- Mrs. Levy

Hello Grade 3 Friends,

Library - Ms. Bery