Grade 3

Teacher Availability

Ms. Boglarski 10:30 to 11:30 and 2:00 to 3:00

Ms. Cox 1:00 to 3:00

Ms. Liebman 10:45-11:45 and 12:30-1:30

Ms. Morris 9:45 to 10:45 and 12:30-1:30

Ms. Niemierko 9:00 to 10:00 and 2:00 to 3:00

Ms. Rupprecht 9:00-11:00

Ms. Yanka 9:00-10:00 and 12:00-1:00

Mrs. Monke 11:00-1:00

Ms. Thomforde 10:00 to 12:00

Mr. Hunt 10:00-12:00

Mrs. Carmel 10:00-12:00

Mrs. Rivier 10:00-12:00

Mrs. Levy 10:00-12:00

Ms. Bery 12:00-2:00

Classroom Activities

Please see the following activities for each area of the curriculum:

ELA (Reading and Writing)

Each day, students should read for at least 20 minutes from a “just right book.” By the end of the week, students should choose two of the different prompts provided and have a parent email the students' responses to their teacher by Friday.

Students can also read on Epic.

Epic Codes:

lbj8567 for Mrs. Cox/Ms. Liebman

zce4311 for Mrs. Niemierko

cxb8359 for Mrs. Morris

pic7886 for Ms. Yanka


Daily math practice is broken down into two components: fluency practice and conceptual skill review. For the fluency component students can choose to log on to either Fasttmath or Freckle to work for 10-15 minutes on fact practice.

To access Fasttmath:

Username: 24(First Initial) (First 5 letters of Last Name)

Password: 4-digit ID

To access Freckle:

Username: First Name Last Name

Password/Class code:

gs562b for Mrs. Cox/Ms. Liebman

g7p746 for Mrs. Niemierko

kfkhyd for Mrs. Morris

yankas for Ms. Yanka

To support students in their conceptual review of skills, a daily assignment can be accessed through your child's Seesaw account. Considering the activities and resources, we understand there may be unforeseen technical issues, and we completely understand this. Look to the specific assignments for other ways to complete (i.e. rather than record on a microphone, a student can tell a parent or sibling, write out responses rather than typing, etc.). We appreciate your flexibility and understanding.

Home Learning Student Sign In Codes:

Once you receive an email from your child's teacher that includes their individual student code, please sign in with your Home Learning code following the steps below:

1. Go to on a computer. Or install the Seesaw Class iOS or Android app.

2. Tap “I’m a Student”.

3. Scan or type in your Home Learning code.

4. Post to your journal, respond to activities, and view class announcements.

5. Remember, this code is like a password. Keep it safe!

Optional Writing Activities

As we have been learning about poetry in Writer's Workshop, students can use the following examples and templates to craft poems of their own. This is an optional activity to extend the work students have been doing in class. If students are interested, we would love to have them share their poems with us via parent email or Google Docs.

Typing Club

Students can access TypingClub by visiting the URL below and logging by clicking "Sign in with Google" then use their CPS Google accounts or they can log into the Chrome web browser, using their CPS Google accounts and accesses the website under their bookmarks. If you need assistance with this please reach out to Mr. Greenwood:

Google Account: 25[First Initial][First five letters of the last name]


Password: ####-cps (usual school password with -cps on the end)

Example: 1234-cps

Specialist Activities

Music - Mrs. Monke and Mrs. Thomforde

New song today!

See if you can sing through the following American Patriotic song:

America the Beautiful

Click the following link to hear the song, view the lyrics, and sing along:

This website also has the sheet music, with an extra verse:

Optional: email your music teacher a video of yourself singing the song

Optional: try playing the song on an instrument (you can send a video of that too!)

Physical Education - Mrs. Carmel & Mr. Hunt

Teachers will be available to answer questions. Please contact us with any that you may have.

Each day, please access the GoNoodle link below and follow along with the workout. (Please note that no equipment is needed for any of these exercises, and that students should pretend they have equipment for anything that looks like they might need it.) This is all about movement and working on personal fitness! Have fun!

Dance - Best day of my life –

French - Mrs. Rivier

Count to 100 - Video

Watch the video and count along.

Art- Mrs. Levy

Art Activity- "All About Portraits"

Please log into your Seasaw account in order to access a video about portraits throughout art history as well as complete a hands on drawing activity.

Library - Ms. Bery

Check Seesaw for some winter-weather poems and an activity (parents, click the lightbulb icon to find it).