Grade 2

Teacher Availability

Ms. Caron 12:30-2:30

Ms. Gilchrist 12:30-2:30

Ms. Katz 12:30-2:30

Ms. Vanaria 12:30-2:30

Ms. Rivier 9:00-11:00

Ms. Rupprecht 9:00-11:00

Mrs. Monke 11:00-1:00

Mrs. Laughlin 9:00-11:00

Mrs. Carmel 9:00-11:00

Mrs. Levy 9:30 to 12:30

Weekly Template

Grade 2 - Weekly Template

Second Grade Activities

Monday, April 6th

Second Grade Activities for Monday, April 6th

Reading and Writing - Read for 20 minutes and listen to the Hey, Little Ant Writing Project story on Seesaw. Then complete the writing activity.

Please use the Seesaw Classroom STUDENT log-in that was sent to you earlier. The directions for the activity will be within the Seesaw app. Don’t forget to click on the tab called activity (the lightbulb icon).

Math - Watch Mrs. Katz’s polygon lesson and cut out shapes and attribute cards for tomorrow’s game

Attribute Cards

Shape Cards

Specialist Activities

Music - Mrs. Monke

mystery rhythm

1. find the rhythm posted below and read it out loud (notice the repeat sign at the end!)

2. click here to check your work:

3. find some nice percussion sounds in your house. For example, you can try hands on a table top, pencils on a kitchen pot, or anything else you can think of (just don't break anything!)

4. try playing the "mystery rhythm" with your percussion sounds. Make sure to keep the beat steady!

5. Repond to this assignment by making a video of yourself playing the percussion sounds. You can email me your video or respond in Seesaw.

This assignment is also posted in seesaw.

Art - Mrs. Levy -

Hello Grade 2 Friends,

We will be having a live zoom meeting today at 11:15 for a "Story Quilt" art activity. You should have received the zoom link from your classroom teacher. The materials you will need for our lesson are the following: white sheet of paper, pencil, crayons, colored pencils, and/or markers. Hope to see you soon!

Physical Education - Mrs. Carmel / Mrs. Laughlin

An activity has been placed in the Activities section of the Seesaw account, entitled "April 6-10 Throwing and Catching K-2." The activity will be used for both days your son/daughter has P.E. and is broken down to reflect what is expected each day.

Please email your child's PE teacher with any questions or concerns.

Spanish - Mrs. Rivier

Check Seesaw to see your weekly activity on the weather.

Library - Ms. Bery

There will be a new chapter of Stella Diaz posted in Seesaw on Tuesday.