Canton Middle School

Canton Middle School Daily Announcements
Canton Middle School News

From the Desk of Mr. Moore

Dear CMS families,

First, I hope you continue to be healthy and happy during uncertain times. I would like to share two support processes that we've developed:

1) Locker Items Pick-Up

As students and families are not able to enter the CMS building, the incredible custodial team at CMS has agreed to help students retrieve the things from their lockers if they need them to continue learning, such as binders, notebooks, textbooks, etc. The form linked below will allow families to request that their child's locker be emptied, with the items placed in a bag labeled with the student's name. That bag will be placed on the curb of the CMS driveway on the morning of April 13 for pick up. For now, please use this if there is an academic need in your student's locker. If we are unable to return to the building this school year, we will use a similar process later in the spring to clean out all lockers. See this form for details and to sign up if needed:

2) Technology/Chromebook Support

Our awesome technology team has been hard at work preparing ways to support with technology and Chromebook issues. They have developed a Central Support Center and a website at which you can request support for a technology issue. Students without school-issued Chromebooks can "opt-in" and receive one if needed, broken Chromebooks can be swapped out, and remote support can be provided. Please see the site below for the form and additional details:

I extend my gratitude to these team members hard at work to help facilitate our distance learning and prepare for our eventual return to the building. Their efforts are truly exceptional.

As always, never hesitate to reach out to me if I can be of assistance. or 860-534-0545

Jeff Moore

Principal, Canton Middle School

A Message from CMS School Counseling

Mrs. Brintle is here for you! We are your partners as we learn to connect with you remotely. Your first step is to ALWAYS CHECK YOUR EMAIL. During this period, I will:

  • Support students by maintaining contact through email, I will do my best to provide answers to questions within 24 hours

  • Work with Mr. Moore on course registration for next year

  • Support students with 504/Individual Education Plans, as needed

  • Serve as an active and available link between home and school

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 1:00-2:00pm. In case of emergency, please dial 211 for mental health services or 911 for all other emergencies.

We are currently exploring options to provide opportunities for communication in the virtual setting. If you would like to speak with me, the first step should be email. If your child will like to stay in contact with Mr. Mann, school counseling intern, I must facilitate and be present for any communication, as mandated by Central Connecticut State University.

We're all in this together!

Mrs. Amy Brintle,

CMS Distance Learning

Teacher Access: Teachers will be available to students electronically between 9:00am-3:00pm. This does not mean that the teacher is online continuously. However, email and other means of electronic communication with students and parents should be checked regularly during those times. Some teachers may elect to “meet with their classes” during their regularly scheduled class times, or arrange other times they will be available. Information from those teachers will be made directly to their students.

Daily Lessons: Teachers will electronically send out their lessons and assignment information by 9:00 am each week day using Google Classroom. Google Classroom serves as the primary method for instructional communication, although other methods may be made available on a case by case basis. All CMS students have a Google account with access to Google Classroom. Daily assignments may be specific to a given topic each day, or they may be pieces of larger, ongoing assessments/projects that are broken down.

Meaningful Work: The lessons/activities are meaningful and designed to emulate instruction and learning activities that would typically take place in class, to the extent possible. The expected time can be estimated at approximately 25 minutes per subject/class for the “in-class” portion of the distance learning day with the understanding that extensions may follow.

Daily lessons will include an assignment to be submitted, which will be graded. Grades will be given according to the teacher’s stated criteria (such as accuracy, completion, content, and/or through the use of a rubric)

Each child will be recorded as “attending school” for the day as long as they have submitted the assigned activities.

Teacher Feedback: Teachers will provide regular feedback to students regarding their work. Feedback may include grades, comments on work, emails, video chats, or other methods.

Student Expectations: Students are expected to log in on school days to learn about their assignments. This is an opportunity for students to practice online etiquette and carry out their work with honesty, integrity, responsibility, and positive, respectful language. We encourage students to set daily e-learning routines. Identifying a dedicated space (kitchen table, desk, etc.) for Distance Learning can help establish routine. Reasonable expectations will be that students participate daily in the activities and lessons assigned by his/her teacher(s).

Technology Requirements: Students will need access to a tablet or a computer as well as the internet. Please contact CMS Principal Mr. Moore if you have any issues with access to these technologies


    • 860-534-0545

If your household does not currently have access to the internet, many companies such as Comcast are supplying free internet to families impacted by COVID-19 closures.

Counseling and Related Services

  • Case Managers and Related Service personnel will be contacting families to set up service times and methods that work for families.

Academic and Behavior Expectations

While there are clearly many differences between learning in person versus online, our expectations for academic integrity and behavior remain the same. Students should still live by the CMS Way (Choose kindness, Make responsible choices and Select respect). While not an exhaustive list, some things to be mindful of at this time are:

  • Be especially mindful to not engage in plagiarism; create and submit your own work.

  • Online interactions should be academic and professional; stay on topic and respectful.

  • Should any lesson involve video or something like Google Meet video chat

    • Dress appropriately

    • Choose a quiet and professional location (check what’s behind you)

    • Mute your microphone except to speak

Tips for Distance Learning

Here are some tips for families on how to help students succeed with Distance Learning during this time of school closure:

  • Maintain a morning routine, and encourage your child to get started early if possible. Have them pretend like they are going into school.

  • Support your child with structuring their day; create a “to-do” list together. We are creatures of habit, and having clear routines gives us structure and enables us to be productive.

  • Choose a dedicated work space for your child, to help them compartmentalize homelife from school life.

  • Encourage your child to schedule and take breaks (some movement-based if possible).

  • Help your child pick and stick to a definitive finishing time for schoolwork each day.

  • Talk with your child’s principal to arrange access to nutritious foods if needed, and encourage your student to eat at routine times throughout the day (as if they were in school).

  • Encourage consistent and predictable sleep patterns as much as possible.

  • Make human connection a priority if possible, and schedule time for one-on-one communication and/or family activities with your student(s).

  • Help limit social media distractions whenever possible: turn off notifications/alerts, turn off cell-phones, set a schedule for checking social media, and/or use an app for limiting social-media time.

  • Communicate regularly with your child’s teachers as needed, and ask how to monitor and support your child’s Distance Learning progress at the end of each day/week.

Amy Brintle - Guidance

Ms. Cimini - Reading specialist

Brian Jones - Chorus

Elizabeth DiDomenico - Band

Margaret Bristol - Physical Education

Mike Campitelli - Physical Education

Linda DeMilia - Art

Amy Nadeau - School Psychologist

Miss Grecula - Math Support

Mrs. LaDone - Band

Katherine Mattioli - Digital Citizenship

Bill Phelps - Physical Education

Matt Brintle - Health

Jon Bishop - Computer Coding