Cherry Brook Primary School

Summer Message from the Principal

What a year we have had! The 2019 - 2020 school year was like nothing I experienced before, but I'm proud of our students, community and staff for making sure each day was full of love, care and learning. We had to "take our learning on the road" but we were able to complete our road trip in outstanding fashion.

We have transferred our webpages into possible summer opportunities for the children to continue to extend their learning. These are some ideas to keep our minds fresh and active during our summer break. Please make sure that you stay safe, READ and have fun! We'll see you soon!

Mr. Robbin

Message from the Principal

We miss your children. We miss the smiles, the noise, the learning, the silliness and the energy that exists at CBPS each and every day. We all feel those missing pieces right now and are eager to support our students and their families during this time.

Our CBPS staff has created something developmentally appropriate for our students and manageable for families as we take CBPS Learning On the Road!

Our plan is supportive of students, carries over quality work they are comfortable with, is developmentally appropriate for our current situation and provides support for parents/caregivers as they will be assisting their children.

We are, and will continue to be, eternally grateful for the work that we know parents/guardians have been doing with their children and will inevitably continue over our school closure and are excited to strengthen our partnerships with these next steps.

Be well - take care of each other and if you need anything, please contact me.

Andy Robbin

CBPS Stident Expectations For Learning on the Road.mp4

A message for our students while we take our "Learning on the Road" during our school closure. We will remind you of how our school expectations to Be Safe, Be Kind and Be Responsible should apply while you are working from home.

Learning Procedures and Expectations

The primary resource for students in grades K-3 will be weekly lesson plans that will be sent to parents on the first day of the work week. It will also be posted on this website. Our plans include learning targets and lesson activities designed to last between 15 - 30 minutes depending on the age and learning style of you child. Lessons are posted on the website by Monday morning for the week.

Structure and routine are important for children. We recommend setting a plan each day and breaking work into chunks throughout the day. This would help maximize play, outside time and fun activities as a family. Building a flexible schedule around school plans and home plans will allow a routine that works for your children’s unique style and your family.

For parents looking for a more structured day in a shorter amount of time, here’s one possibility:

9:00 - 9:15 Prepare for the day (Morning Announcements, Review Plans)

9:15 - 9:45 Reading

9:45 - 9:55 Word Study

9:55 - 10:15 Break

10:15 - 10:45 Writing

10:45 - 11:15 Math

11:15 - 11:35 Specials (Art, Library, Music, PE)

Kindergarten Planning 4/27 - 5/1 - Google Docs.webm

A message for our parents parents/caregivers to help understand the weekly lesson plans they will be receiving during our school closure while CBPS Takes Learning on the Road!