Room 1

Mrs. Emde and Miss M

Hello Room 1! We miss you and hope that you are doing well!

Mrs. Emde

Miss M

Ms. Mogana

Miss Allison

Ms. Caitlyn

Ms. Kristen

Mrs. Emde's Office Hours

I will have the following office hours, however, I am checking my email frequently throughout the day. Please feel free to reach out with questions or just to say hello!

Monday: 1:00-2:00

Tuesday: 9:00-10:00

Wednesday: 1:00-2:00

Thursday: 9:00-2:00

Friday: 1:00-2:00

Below are some links to some of the other pages on our website.

Home Learning Opportunities

Here is the link to our "Home Learning Opportunities" page with our weekly activities:

Ms. Anna, School Psychologist

Here is the link to Anna Russo's page. She has many resources in the area of social emotional development.

Happy Summer From Mrs. Emde!

Happy Summer From Mrs. Emde.MOV

Our Class Caterpillars

Our butterflies have been released outside! Watch the video below! (Week of 6/15)


We have butterflies! Our caterpillars have emerged from their cocoons! Watch the video below to see! (Week of 6/8)

We Have Butterflies!.MOV

Our caterpillars have made their cocoons! Watch these two updates on our caterpillars! (Week of 6/1)

Our Class Caterpillars Week 2.MOV
Moving the Cocoons.MP4

Meet our new class caterpillars! These arrived on Friday, May 22nd. I will be documenting their progress as they make their transformation from caterpillars to butterflies! (Week of 5/25)

Our Class Caterpillars.MOV


Watch Mrs. Emde try one of our weekly "Home Learning Opportunities" as she makes a playdoh maze for water. (Week of 6/15)

Playdoh Water Maze.MOV

Miss M tries one of our water experiments, too! Watch the video below. (Week of 6/15)

Miss M's Celery Experiment.MP4

Ms. Mogana also does some experimenting with water, as she sees what "sinks" and "floats". (Week of 6/15)

Sink and Float.mp4
Tin Foil Boats.mp4

Watch Miss M investigate water in her own backyard at her small pond! (Week of 6/8)

Miss M and Her Pond.MP4

Ms. Mogana tries one of our weekly "Home Learning Opportunities" - Alphabet Water Painting. (Week of 6/8)

Alphabet Water Painting.mp4


Watch Miss M plant her green bean plant in her garden! (Week of 6/1)

Miss M Green Beans June 1.MP4

In The Small, Small Pond with Mrs. Emde. (Week of 6/1. You can also find this in the "Read Aloud" section.)

When you are done listening to the story, you can ask your child some of the questions below.You can also talk about some of the more challenging vocabulary words in the story (i.e. minnow, quiver, plunge, etc.)

-Can you remember some of the animals in the story?

-Can you move like the animals?

-Can you hear any rhyming words?

In The Small, Small Pond.MOV

Ms. Mogana tries some of our "Home Learning Opportunities". (Week of 6/1)

Beginning Sound Pond Activity.wmv
I'm a Little Turtle Song.mp4
Turtles Song.mp4

Look at how much Miss M's green beans have grown! (Week of 5/25)

Week 3 check in.MP4

Watch Mrs. Emde tell the "Five Little Ladybugs" poem from our "Home Learning Opportunities". (Week of 5/25)

Five Little Ladybugs.MOV

Mrs. Emde also makes "Shape Bugs" from our "Home Learning Opportunities". (Week of 5/25)

Shape Bugs.MOV

Watch Ms. Mogana try some of our weekly "Home Learning Opportunities". (Week of 5/25)

Alphabet Bug Spray.wmv
Number Bug Spray.wmv
Swat A Bug.wmv
Buggy Wuggy Song.mp4

Miss M checks on her green beans to see how they are growing! (Week of 5/18)

Green Bean Check in 5/11.MP4

Watch Miss M plant green beans! (Week of 5/11)

Planting with Miss M.MP4

Watch Mrs. Emde go on a "Spring Scavenger Hunt", one of our weekly home learning activities. (Week of 4/27)

Spring Scavenger Hunt.MP4

Enjoy watching these online spring songs!

Enjoy watching these online spring stories!

Rhyme Time

Rhyming is an important phonemic awareness skill. You can work on rhyming in a lot of different ways including rhyming books, rhyming songs, word play, and rhyming games and pictures as well as many others. Rhyming can be lots of fun! When you are rhyming you can make up true rhyming words or silly non-words. Here are a few rhyming activities that you might want to work on together.

Read this online book Mrs. Emde created, Bug and Insect Rhymes. First, click on the link and then, click on "Read to Me" in the upper right hand corner to hear Mrs. Emde read the book.

Watch Mrs. Emde find rhyming words with pictures. You can also try this at home!

Rhyming Pictures.MOV

Try this "Erase a Rhyme" Activity. Here are the clues if you would like to try it with your child.

  1. Just for fun, erase the _______. (sun)

  2. 1,2,3.....erase the ________. (tree)

  3. You'll be very proud, if you erase the _______. (cloud)

  4. If you want to play some more, erase the _______. (door)

  5. Quiet as a mouse, erase the ________. (house)

Erase a Rhyme May 4.MP4

Here is an online book that Mrs. Emde created that you can read. First, click on the link and then, click on "Read to Me" in the upper right hand corner to hear Mrs. Emde read the book.

Animal Rhymes:

Rhyming songs are another fun way to work on this skill. Here is one of our favorites, "Down By The Bay".

Here is another version of "Down By The Bay" with some new rhymes!

Math Activities

Watch Mrs. Emde read The Best Bug Parade. This book is great for comparing sizes!

Best Bug Parade.MOV

Watch this activity about patterns and then try it at home!


Try some of these other math activities!

Counting: Incorporate counting into daily activities so that children learn that counting is meaningful. For example, ask your child “how many crackers do you have?” or count steps as you are walking up a staircase. Count toys when you are playing together or cleaning up.

Making patterns: Use anything! For example, red car, blue car, red car, blue car.

Shape hunt: As you go through your day point out and identify familiar shapes in your world (i.e. square window, circle clock). Go on a hunt around the house and see how many shapes you can find.

Number thinking games: Make up number problems with items in your house and see if your child can solve them (i.e. “How many feet does the cat have”?)

Watch this song that works on rote counting!

Calm Classroom

Watch Miss M lead us in some Calm Classroom exercises.

Calm Classroom June 22nd.MP4
Calm Classroom June 15.MP4
Calm Classroom June 8th.MP4
Calm Classroom June 1.MP4
Calm Classroom May25.MP4
Calm Classroom 5/18.MP4
Calm Classroom May 11.MP4
Calm Classroom May 4.MP4

Read Alouds with Room 1

Water is Water with Ms. Mogana

When you are done listening to the story, you can ask you child some of the following questions.

-What are some of the different forms of water in the story? (water, ice, fog, clouds, snow, etc.)

-Where do you see water around you?

-What do you use water for?

Water is Water.mp4

I Am Water with Ms. Mogana

When you are done listening to the story, you can ask your child some of the following questions.

-Do you remember some of the ways water was used in the book? (i.e. home for fish, people drink it, etc.)

-Where are some ways that you use water every day?

I Am Water.mp4

In The Small, Small Pond with Mrs. Emde.

When you are done listening to the story, you can ask your child some of the questions below.You can also talk about some of the more challenging vocabulary words in the story (i.e. minnow, quiver, plunge, etc.)

-Can you remember some of the animals in the story?

-Can you move like the animals?

-Can you hear any rhyming words?

In The Small, Small Pond.MOV

The Very Lonely Firefly with Mrs. Emde.

When you are done listening to the story, you can ask your child some of these questions.

-Who is the main character in the story? (The very lonely firefly)

-What is the firefly looking for in the story? (Other fireflies)

-What are some of the things that the firefly thinks are other fireflies? (i.e lightbulb, candle, fireworks, etc.)

The Very Lonely Firefly.MOV

The Very Hungry Caterpillar with Mrs. Emde

When you are done listening to the story, you can ask your child some of the questions below.

-Who is the main character in the story? (The very hungry caterpillar)

-Can you tell me some of the food the caterpillar eats? (i.e. apples, oranges, cake, etc.)

-Can you retell the story to me? (i.e. The caterpillar comes out of the egg, he eats lots of food and gets bigger, he goes into a cocoon, he turns into a butterfly)

-What was your favorite part of the story?

The Very Hungry Caterpillar.MOV

Kite Day with Mrs. Emde

When you are done listening to the this story, you can talk about some of the more challenging words in this story and what they mean such as "constructed", "meadow", "tilted", etc.

Here are some questions that you can ask your child as well.

-Who are the characters in the story? (Bear, Mole, the birds)

-What does Bear want to make in this story? (A kite)

-What is the problem in this story? (i.e. It starts to rain, the kite string breaks, Bear's kite flies away, the kite gets stuck in the tree)

-Can you tell me something that happened in the story (i.e. Bear and Mole built a kite, Bear and Mole flew their kite, it started to rain in the story, the kite protected the birds, etc. )

-Can you retell the story to me? (i.e. First Bear was excited it was nice weather to fly a kite. Next, he and Mole built a kite. Then, they flew their kite outside, but it began to rain, etc. )

Kite Day with Mrs. Emde.MP4

Flower Garden with Mrs. Emde

When you are done listening to this story, you can talk about some of the more challenging vocabulary words in the story and what they mean such as "trowel" (a small shovel for planting) and "jamboree" (a celebration or party).

Here are some questions you can ask your child as well.

-Who are the characters in the story? (the girl, her dad and her mom)

-Where did the story take place? (i.e. in a city, at the grocery story, in her apartment)

-Can you tell me something that happened in the story? (i.e. she planted flowers, she rode on a bus, she gave her mom a present)

-Can you retell the story to me? (i.e. first she bought flowers at the grocery store, next she rode home on the bus, then she planted the flowers, etc.)

Flower Garden with Mrs. Emde.MP4

The Very Busy Spider with Mrs. Emde

The Very Busy Spider.MOV

You're a Hero Daley B with Miss Caitlyn

You're a Hero Daley B read by Ms. Caitlyn

Hi-Five Animals! with Mrs. Emde

Hi Five Animals with Mrs. Emde.MP4

Miss Spider’s Tea Party with Miss M

Miss Spider with Miss M.MP4

The Full Moon at the Napping House with Miss Caitlyn

The Full Moon at the Napping House read by Ms. Caitlyn

Laurence the Lost Lamb with Miss Mogana

Laurence The Lost Lamb.mp4

The Wheels on the Truck with Miss Mogana

The Wheels on the Truck Book.mp4

The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear with Mrs. Emde

The Little Mouse....Read Aloud.MP4

Corduroy with Miss M

Miss M Corduroy.MP4

Goodnight Moon with Mrs. Emde

Mrs Emde Goodnight Moon.MP4

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie with Miss M:

Miss M If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.MP4

Rhymes with Doug with Miss Caitlyn:

Rhymes with Doug with Miss Caitlyn.mp4

Big Snowman, Little Snowman with Miss Mogana

Big Snowman Little Snowman Frozen Book.mp4

Circle Time Songs

Each day at circle we sing songs about the weather, colors and shapes. The lyrics are listed below. Enjoy singing them together with your child!

"What's the Weather?" (Sung to "London Bridge")

What's the weather like today

Like today, like today

What's the weather like today

On this Monday

It is sunny out today

Out today, out today

It is sunny out today

On this Monday

"Color Song: ( Sung to "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star")

Red and orange, green and blue

Shiny yellow, purple too

All the colors that I know

Live up in the rainbow

Red and orange, green and blue

Shiny yellow purple too

"Shape Song" (Sung to "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star")

Circle, rectangle, triangle, square

There are so many shapes out there

Everywhere you look you'll see

Another shape, what will it be

Circle, rectangle, triangle, square

There are so many shapes out there

We also sing the "ABC song" every day!

Music and Movement

Here are links to some of our favorite music and movement songs. (You might want to have it cued up first as there are sometimes short ads at the beginning.)

Super Simple Songs "One Little Finger":

Super Simple Songs "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes:

Kiboomers "Freeze Dance":

Super Simple Songs "Hello, Hello":

Super Simple Songs "BINGO":

Super Simple Songs: "How Many Fingers?":

Super Simple Songs: "Open Shut Them":

Super Simple Songs: "Down by the Bay":

Video Messages

"Hello" from Mrs. Emde - April 11th

Hello from Mrs. Emde April 11.MOV

"Hello" from Mrs. Emde - March 23rd

Hello from Mrs. Emde.MOV

"Hello" from Miss M

Hello from Miss M.MOV

"Hello" from Miss Caitlyn

Hello from Miss Caitlyn.mp4

"Hello" from Miss Kristen


"Hello" from Miss Mogana

Hello from Ms.Mogana.mp4