Promotional Poster Guidelines

If you wish to compete in the Capstone recognition program, you are asked to adhere to the following guidelines in order to produce a professional and attractive Capstone Project poster. If your Capstone is selected for recognition, your poster will be displayed on the Tiger Capstone Wall of Fame.


  • All posters will be 24” x 36” in dimension.

  • If using digital software, the poster must be printed on the Tiger Paws poster printer. You must coordinate with the Tiger Paws teacher to print out your poster (you will get only one free chance to print!)

  • If creating a poster by hand, it must be critiqued by an art instructor and approved by your advisor.


  • Your full name clearly displayed on the front & readable from a distance

  • Your fieldwork (i.e. Interning at St. Thomas More Hospital) or research and/or process in completing the capstone.

  • Your physical product or service title (i.e. Teaching CPR to middle school students)

  • A graphic of some kind is creatively designed to explain your topic.

  • No spelling or grammatical errors.


  • Must be neat, clear and legible. Lettering that is cluttered or hard to read from a distance is unacceptable.

  • Information must be understandable and easy to follow.

  • Principles of design are considered (i.e. color schemes, composition, etc.)


  • Be creative. Make a poster that is a unique, artistic reflection of your topic.

  • Take pride in your work.

  • Use color and design to display your topic in an eye-catching and attractive manner.