Topic Selection Consideration

Points to Consider when choosing a topic:

  1. Which area will enable me to find the most resources?

  2. Do I have a person who is willing to serve as my mentor?

  3. Which project is realistic in terms of time for me, a busy junior/senior?

  4. What are my talents? What is or are my Pathway(s)?

  5. Is there an area that a college admissions representative or an employer will look at with interest?

  6. Is there a budget concern for me?

  7. Is there a concern about transportation?

Brainstorming Questions for Students:

Contemplate all the areas of interest in your life. Where do you see yourself in ten years? Where do you see your project in relation to one or any of the ideas listed below?

  1. Social studies (historical study, cultural study)

  2. Space (exploration, extraterrestrial theory)

  3. Specialized hobbies or collections (coins, cars, dolls)

  4. Art (producing the school’s art show, painting a mural, developing a body of work that makes a statement or answers a question)

  5. Education (working with elementary students in the district, working with a high school teacher on a topic, working with the county to fight illiteracy)

  6. Technology (wood, metal, cars, computers, graphics, electronics)

  7. Human services (designing and sewing costumes for a play, musical, or homecoming; catering a special event)

  8. Writing and/or literature (writing and illustrating a children’s book in English or a foreign language, compiling a poetry book)

  9. Math and Science (exploring certain math theories, starting a tutoring program after school, pursuing an ozone study or starting a recycling program)

  10. Photography/film (making a movie, taping/editing school events, showing photographs that document the progress of the project)

  11. Social Concerns (homelessness in Fremont County, aging, youth violence)

  12. Career path (journalist, doctors, physical therapists, researchers)

  13. Volunteer/community service extension (volunteer project at a local hospital)

  14. Travel (languages, working during a break in a foreign land)

  15. Health and fitness (physical program for youth, teaching/coaching others)

  16. Performing arts (music, dance, drama)

  17. Business (trends, stocks, computers)

  18. Sports-related project (organizing a community race, marketing a community activity)

  19. Certification in an area (such as CPR and help host a health fair)

Below is an example of a Capstone Video that JROTC has produced after receiving a grant from the 10th Mountain Division Foundation.