Parent/Guardian, Mentor, & Advisor Guidelines

Parents/Guardian: You are encouraged to assist your student in the following ways:

  • Help the student in thinking creatively about the Capstone selection process and how it best aligns with their experience, skills, and expertise.

  • Complete the Parent/Guardian Consent Form.

  • Encourage students to stay organized, meet deadlines and ask for help when necessary.

  • Supervise the “stretch” of the Capstone by giving support for new experiences and help the student think creatively about how to overcome challenges.

  • Remind the students that this project is supposed to be FUN and be relevant to their future endeavors.

Mentor: Each student will select or be assigned a Capstone Mentor who can advise and assist throughout the Capstone experience--the Mentor is typically a community member but maybe a teacher.

A Capstone Mentor should be:

  • A person who is knowledgeable/ experienced in the subject area of your Capstone

  • A person who is willing to assist and advise you in the Capstone process

  • A person you can have regular contact with, either face-to-face or via other synchronous means such as telephone, email, web conference, etc., and

  • A person who will give you constructive feedback and will challenge you to think “outside the box”

**One goal of the Capstone is to encourage the student to meet and interact with new people and professionals in their project field. The student is also encouraged to stretch and grow while working on the Capstone. Therefore, a Capstone Mentor cannot be an immediate family member.

Advisor: Each student will be assigned a CCHS staff member to be their Capstone advisor to have a direct support person at the school aside from the Capstone Committee.

A Capstone advisor should be:

  • A CCHS staff person who is willing to support you and be a check-in person throughout your Capstone project.

  • A staff member you feel comfortable going to and asking for help.

  • A staff member who may have some background knowledge in your topic field (not necessary but may be helpful).