Vila-Real - Spain

Partners - Vila-real - Spain

I.E.S. Francesc Tàrrega


Our school, IES Francesc Tàrrega, is sited in Vila-real, a city of around 50.000 inhabitants located in the Valencian Community at the eastern coastal of Spain. It has really excellent connections both by train or by plane with Barcelona and forty-five minutes from Valencia. IES Francesc Tàrrega is the most ancient secondary school in our city with an experience of more than 50 years teaching our youngsters. It has over 1.200 students and 120 teachers. They are included in Compulsory Secondary Education, from 12 to 16 year old, and upper secondary education, from 16 to 18 year old. Our Economics Department has won two years in a row The Regional Economics Olympiad, a tournament of academic and educational nature, organised by the University whose basic objective is to encourage and to promote the study of Economics and Business between High School Students. Our school is eagerly immersed nowadays in its internationalisation process so it has been involved in several projects in the recent past both KA1 for assuring the improvement of the teachers skills and KA2 to entail students and families in the europeisation actions.

The city of Vila-real is an industrial one mostly focused in the tiles sector. In fact, Vila-real is home to Porcelanosa, the most important tiles company in Spain. This thriving activity brings high rates of immigration and diversity with Southamericans, Romanians and Moroccans as the most abundant new citizens. The high rates of immigration in our zone demands the implementation of inclusive methodologies and projects driving to a space of equality in opportunities. We intend for our students to be trained in different languages and cultures in the field of entrepreneurship in order to facilitate their preparation for long life learning, their mobility and their positioning in the labour market. With this we also intend to generate an European conscience in the students and their participation as responsible European citizens.


Although the whole school staff, governing body included, is entailed in this objective, this concrete project is mainly carried on by the Economics Department personnel composed of three teachers: Jesús A. Gil Borreda, Victoria Chamorro and Ángeles Pérez all of them Economists. Furthermore, other Departments are joining us, as the Geography and History Department with Esther Pérez. The ICT and Technology Department: Irene Sanchís and the Arts Department with Rosa Solaz and Xelo Palau. All of them with definitive positions in the school and a huge experience in planning, coordinating, evaluating and dissemination of projects and events.

We coordinated an Erasmus+ project on Bullying and Cyberbullying with partners form Italy, Greece and Latvia which was really positive in improving our school climate as well as eagerness and motivation among our students and teachers. Besides, we are nowadays participating as partners in several Erasmus+ projects on democracy and servicies learning networks.

address: Carrer Ausiàs March, 13 - 12540 - Vila-real Spain


Spain Central East


IES F Tarrega

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.