Panevezys - Lithuania

Partners - Panevezys - Lithuania

Panevezio 5-oji gimnazija


The school was founded in 1918. It is in Panevėžys which is situated at the Via Baltica highway between Vilnius (Lithuania) and Riga (Latvia) and is the fifth largest city in Lithuania. There are 60 teachers and 650 students aged 15-19. It is a secondary school and it provides students with the background knowledge in all the subjects: humanities, sciences, nature studies, history and citizenship, computer studies (programming and publishing). Students are taught to create and make business cards, leaflets, flyers, brochures, posters and advertising videos. Economics and business is compulsory in grade 9 (aged 15-16). Students get knowledge about trade, market, incomes, budget, taxes, saving. 11th and 12th formers (aged 17-19) choose economics and business as an optional subject. The course includes information about international trade, international currencies, development of economics, work trade, unemployment reasons. They get general understanding of business: how to implement an idea, to choose ways and forms to organize business. After the lessons students join in various activities: photography, school choir, music studio, sports, IT, art, scouts, gymnasium Parliament.

In 2019 Panevėžys Economics and Business Academy (Lithuanian - PEVA) was instituted. The contract was signed by the representatives from Vilnius Mykolas Romeris University, Panevėžys City Municipality and Panevėžys gymnasium 5. The duration of the Academy programme is one year. Lectures and workshops are held every second Saturday. It is planned to organize a two-day camp at the end of the course. At the end of the programme the attendants will have to pass the exam and will be awarded the Certificates of PEVA. For schoolchildren it is free of charge. For the last two grades students choose one of 3 profiles (humanities, sciences, social) and study for the state exams to enter a university or a college in the country or abroad. The goal of the staff is to be regularly trained to maintain high standards, to offer a wide range of methodologies and to motivate students to achieve good results in academic and extra-curricular activities and to add to intellectual growth.


The key person of this project is Jolita Stankevičienė (ICT teacher). She is the coordinator of the Erasmus+ projects in our school. It will be supported by an English teacher Eugenija Šeputienė, Economics teacher Ligita Kuokalienė, ICT teacher Edita Janulionienė, Art teacher Irena Nemanienė. Other people in the project team are Daiva Dapšauskienė (Headmistress, English teacher) and accountant Alma Rundėnienė. The high level of qualification and work experience will allow teachers to be flexible, creative and innovative when they become the members of a team participating in the project.

address: Danutes st. 12 - Panevezys Lithuania




This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.