Eger - Hungary

Partners - Eger - Hungary

Andrássy György Katolikus Közgazdasági Technikum, Gimnázium és Kollégium


Andrassy Catholic Business Academy is a secondary vocational institution with 695 students and 74 teachers in the heart of Eger, Hungary. There are 4 fields of education: economics, tourism, trade and marketing and there are two grammar school classes per year. The school is situated in Heves county and most of our students come from the nearby villages and small towns. Being a vocational and grammar school at the same time, all of our students study the core school subjects, and those involved in the vocational training also study compulsory vocational subjects.

Andrássy excels in teaching languages. Students may choose from four foreign languages, either English or German being the first, and English, German, French, Italian and Russian the second foreign language. Students generally have 5 language lessons a week. However, we also have a bilingual course where in the first year of their studies students have 18 language lessons a week. The students who attend this course specialise in Tourism. Moreover, Andrassy offers two-year vocational courses for secondary school graduates in the following specialisations: entrepreneurial administration, financial administration, logistics and transportation.

Andrassy has been making a lot of effort to provide non-formal and informal learning opportunities for the students as well as for the teachers. We have long term relationships with several companies and travel agencies, the Chamber of Commerce and offices which help students to experience the world of work and thus earn about workplaces, disciplines and work activities in connection with their chosen job areas.


There are at least 8 colleagues involved in the project work.

Éva Rozmán head teacher: responsible for all previous projects, actively took part in their planning, executing and evaluating and dissemination. Member of ECVET committee. Public education expert, master teacher.

Vera Tóth: international coordinator. Responsible for the doing the administration, writing reports, keeping in touch with the partners.

Csabáné Szucsik is an experienced financial manager of the school, ensuring the untroubled management of finance and accountancy.

Other members of staff included in the project are the teachers of English and other subjects as well as class masters/mistresses supervised by the deputy head teacher. From 2008 we have had several Leonardo and Erasmus projects. We're active in KA1 and also KA2 possibilities. In 2018 we won the VET Mobility Charter, which makes us easier to apply for mobility programs. Now we are the coordinator of a KA229 project, named National prides in a European context, in which students and teachers discover the world heritage sites of each country and learn new digital applications to present them. Our school is well-equipped with interactive boards, almost every classroom has one, and teachers use them on a daily basis for demonstration, presentation or showing topic-based videos.



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.