Business for All

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About the project

In this time of loss of values, great difficulties and financial uncertainty, young people need a help and a guide for their future life.

Everybody dreams a successful career and school education has a fundamental role in giving our students the right knowledge and skills to enter the labor market. This is done through an entrepreneurial approach. Young Europeans will act in an international environment so they will need knowledge and understanding of both national and international conditions for business and entrepreneurship.


Number and profile of participants

The project has 6 partner schools situated in Italy, Hungary, Lithuania, Serbia, Spain and Turkey. Each school will have 3-6 pupils directly participating in each of the international meetings plus a large team of students (250) and teachers beyond that will help to prepare and carry out each LTT meeting as well as the subsequent distribution of the learning outcomes. Some of the students come from a disadvantaged social, cultural, or educational environment, some live in areas with a high rate of unemployment, or have a migrant background.

Partner Schools

- Istituto Tecnico Industriale S. Cannizzaro,      Catania, Italy (Coordinator)

- Andrássy György Katolikus Közgazdasági     Technikum, Gimnázium  és Kollégium  

- Panevezio 5-oji gimnazija, Panevezys,            Lithuania 

- Srednja Turisticka Skola Novi, Beograd,          Serbia 

- I.E.S. Francesc Tàrrega, Vila-real , Spain 

- Arif Molu Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu               Lisesi, Kayseri, Turkey 


In order to support the objectives of the project, the methods chosen aim at transferring knowledge, inspire, and motivate. Our focus will therefore be on lectures, workshops, and company visits.    Workshops and Lectures held by teachers experts in the entrepreneurial field necessary to develop a successful business project. Company visits will be relevant to the subject of entrepreneurship.                    Learning by doing will be predominant as the interaction and communication between pupils and teachers, experts and entrepreneurs from the 6 different European countries. They will work in international teams and will be encouraged to widely use ITC through web searches, use of softwares, applications, etc.

Results and impact

In general, the project not only improves the practical ability of starting companies but mostly to think creatively and ambitiously. It benefits students because it teaches them to think outside the box and it nurtures unconventional skills.                     Furthermore, it creates opportunity, ensures social justice, instills confidence and stimulates the economy.                                The result is a digital booklet/pocket edition for entrepreneurship that will help trainers and users in the process of creating a business. 

The international digital booklet will include a step by step guide on:

Long term benefits

Dissemination of the project and its results will be spread after each mobility within the individual schools through presentations to other students.This will ensures that all the students will benefit from the project results. The digital booklet will be a very useful resource tool for the future generation so the European entrepreneurial spirit will be passed on and still alive in the subsequent years. All the material produced will be available on the project website, pictures and comments about the project will be posted on Facebook and Instagram and the results will also be published on E-twinning and on the Erasmus+ Platform.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.