Google Classroom FAQs

If your child's Chromebook is acting up (missing cursor or volume not working, for example), the solution can often be to turn it off and then turning it back on again after 30 seconds. If that does not fix the problem, please fill out a Tech Support Ticket by clicking above.

How does my child get to Google Classroom?

Click here for a video

From the district provided Chromebook, the app should appear on the bottom of the screen. If it is not there, click the open circle on the bottom left and start typing Google Classroom in the search bar. You will then see it and you can click on the icon.

Can my child access Google Classroom from another device?

Click here to watch a video that shows you how to log into Google from another device.

Yes, there is a Google Classroom app that can be downloaded on both Android and iOS devices and then your child needs to login with their school credentials. . Your child can also log into their school Google account from any browser to access all of their GSuite apps (Google Drive, Docs, Classroom, etc.).

Can my child do his/her work when not connected to the internet?

Click here to watch a video

Yes! One of the great things about Google is that your child can continue to work on their Docs, Slides or Sheets (think written reports, presentations, spreadsheets) offline. There are a few steps that your child needs to do before this can happen, though.

  1. Log into Google with credentials

  2. Go to Google Drive

  3. Click the cog wheel on the top right (settings)

  4. Click settings and scroll down to "Offline"

  5. Make sure the box is checked.

Any work that your child would like to work on needs to be started and open already while connected to the internet in order to continue working offline. Your child cannot access Google Classroom in offline mode.

How does my child join a new class using a CLASS CODE?

Click here for a video

Sign into Google and go to Google Classroom. In the top left, click the + sign (if you hover over it, it will say Join Class). Enter the class code provided by your teacher.

How does my child join a new class using an INVITE from a teacher?

Click here for a video

Sign into Google and go to Google Classroom. Click the three bars on the top left to view the classes you are enrolled in. If you have been invited, you will see the Classroom with a "Join" option. Click the blue Join button and you are now enrolled in that class.

How can I see what work my child needs to do in Google Classroom?

Click here for a video

From Google Classroom, click the three bars on the top lefet (Main Menu). Scroll down and click "To -do" to see all the work that is missing or assigned for all of the classes that you are enrolled in.

How can I see what work my child needs to do for Google Classrooms in Google Calendar?

Click here for a video

After you are logged into Google, click the waffle icon on the top right and select Google Calendar. All assignments from Googlge Classroom will be on the calendar, in order of due dates.

What is included in a Guardian Summary from Google Classroom?

Click here to view a sample Google Classroom Guardian Summary. The summary includes missing work, upcoming work, and a summary of each of your child's Google Classroom's activities.

How do I sign up for Guardian Summaries from Google Classroom?

Please let your child's teacher know your email address (it does NOT need to be a Gmail address) and that you would like to sign up for a Guardian Summary. Once you are added to one Google Classrom, you will automatically receive a summary for every class that your child is enrolled in.

Can I join my child's Google Classroom as a parent?

No, only students and staff with an email address can join a Google Classroom.

How can I see if my child has late work?

If you are signed up for a Google Classroom Guardian Summary, you will recieve a weekly email with missing and upcoming assignments. You can also ask your child to show you the Google Classrooms that s/he is enrolled in. You can watch this video to see what asignments your child needs to do.

How does my child turn in an assignment?

Click here to watch a video

After completing an assignment from Google Classroom, your child needs to click the "Turn in" or "Mark as done" button from the assignmentpage. Simply sharing an assignment does not turn it in through Google Classroom.

My child says s/he did the work but the teacher says it is missing. What happened?

Click here to watch a video.

Your child may need to go back to the assignment and click the box labled, "Turn In" or "Mark as Done."

How does my child see the grades s/he recieved?

Click here for a video

From Google Classroom, click the three bars on the top left (Main Menu). Scroll down and click "To - do." On the top, click "Done" and the grades received will be listed.

How does my child see any comments left by the teacher on an assignment?

Click here for a video

From the Google Classroom homepage, where all the classes are shown, click the briefcase icon, which will open all of the work for that particular class. All assignments will be listed with grades. If there is a comment, you will see a text icon. Click on the name of the asignment and the comments will now be displayed.

How does my child attach a photo to an assignment?

Click here for a video

Open the camera app from the Chromebook by clicking the open circle on the bottom left. If you don't see it, start typing camera in the search bar and it will pop up. Take a photo by holding up the work and clicking the top button on the screen. Set the timer so you have time to hold the work and it will take the picture automatically. Go back to the assignment and click the "+ Add or create" button. Select File or Google Drive and locate the picture you want to add and then click "insert" followewd by "mark as done."

What can I do if I still have questions about Google Classroom?

Please click here to fill out a Tech Support Form or click here for further information from Google.

2020 Parents' Guide to Google Classroom.pdf