Welcome to the Meet the Newsletter Team section. In this section, you will get to know a little more about the people behind the Calvary Chronicles!

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Laury White


Mrs. White has been a teacher at CPA for 11 years and the newsletter advisor for the past 5 years. She loves the opportunity to empower kids by creating a document that highlights their peers and school.

Hannah Peifer


"Hannah is in the 12th grade and has been on the Newsletter Team for 2 years now. She joined the newsletter team because she loves being in the school community, meeting new people, and helping to connect the school through writing.

Abi Clark

Co-editor in Chief

Abi is in the 9th grade here at CPA. She joined the Newsletter Team because she enjoys interviewing people and writing. This is Abi's second year on the Newsletter Team.

Morgan Lee

Co-editor in Chief

Morgan has been at CPA for two years now and is in the 8th grade. He has a passion for learning English literature, grammar, writing, and meeting new people; that's why he decided to join the Newsletter Team this year.

Carter Munsinger


Carter Munsinger is in 9th grade and joined the Newsletter Team during the 2020-2021 spring semester last year. He joined the Newsletter Team again this year again to express his passion to write, organize, and to meet new people.

Amelia Cooke


Amelia Cooke was able to participate on the Newsletter Team for the October and November editions. Sadly, due to other responsibilities, she is no longer able to be on the team. We will all miss her on the team, but will see her around campus.

Sophia Peifer


Sophia in the 9th grade and has been on the Newsletter Team for about a year and a half. She joined the Newsletter Team to be in a club and to get more into the community.

Adelaide Blaivas


I'm in 6th grade and I've been on the Newsletter Team for just a few months. I joined because Mrs. White suggested that I might like it and I do!

Richard Mutangi


Richard Mutangi is in the 11th grade. He has been part of the Newsletter Team for three years now. He joined the team because, in the newsletter, he could implement his passion for writing, graphic design, and comedy (meme-making).

Aiden Henry

Aiden Henry is in the 8th Grade. His favorite thing about being on the Newsletter Team is writing about the Chess Club and being funny during the meetings.

Sammy Ambriz


Sammy Ambriz is in the 9th grade and joined the Newsletter Team this fall. He joined the team this semester to make friends and to participate in school activities.

The Meet the Newsletter Staff section was brought to you by Abi Clark