This course is the equivalent of 1 GCSE

Our Year 10 course in BTEC I&CT has 25% on- screen exam and 75% practical work on the computer. 

You choose one pathway to follow. Information about the two different pathways in Creative Technology and Computing are on the two sub pages.

The exam is the same across both Creative Technology and Computing pathways.

The practical computer work is different along each pathway.

It is not possible to take both pathways. You can only take one of the pathways. 

Big computer companies have officially endorsed the course: Microsoft, Hewlett Packard and Cisco.  This means the companies think it is good for people wanting a job with them. 

Further information

BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in I&CT (Information and Creative Technology) covers the key knowledge and practical skills required for employment in the I&CT sectors. Further information on this course can be found at:

BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in I&CT (Information and Creative Technology)