
GCSE Drama

The WJEC course offers candidates the opportunity to study drama from the point of view of an actor, playwright and director. It is designed to give students a broad and balanced experience of drama.

Drama Yr9 Pathways Video.mp4

Candidates studying drama at GCSE will develop the ability to:-

  • Use improvisation skills in a range of drama contexts.

  • Apply performance skills.

  • Use ideas and skills to create drama.

  • Acquire reflective and evaluative skills in response to a range of dramatic texts.

  • Work collaboratively and creatively to achieve shared dramatic intentions.

Summary of Assessment

Unit 1: Devising Theatre

Non-exam assessment: internally assessed, externally moderated

40% of qualification 60 marks

Learners will be assessed on either acting or design. Learners participate in the creation, development and performance of a piece of devised theatre using either the techniques of an influential theatre practitioner or a genre, in response to a stimulus set by WJEC.

Learners must produce:

  • A realisation of their piece of devised theatre

  • A portfolio of supporting evidence

  • An evaluation of the final performance or design.

Unit 2: Performing from a Text

Non-exam assessment: externally assessed by a visiting examiner

20% of qualification 60 marks

Learners will be assessed on either acting or design. Learners study two extracts from the same performance text chosen by the centre.

Learners participate in one performance using sections of text from both extracts.

Unit 3: Interpreting Theatre

Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes

40% of qualification 60 marks

Section A: Set Text A series of questions on one set

Section B: Live Theatre Review

One question from a choice of two requiring analysis and evaluation of a given aspect of a live theatre production seen during the course.

There will be theatre trips offered, and candidates will be required to write about in these in their Unit 3 written exam.

GCSE Drama does call for a firm commitment from candidates, as much work is done as part of a group and many rehearsals will take place during lunch times and after school.

As a requirement for assessment purposes, students will be videoed and photographed