Religion, Values and Ethics 

GCSE Religious Education

GCSE Religious Studies

The majority of our students are entered for a Full Course GCSE, with a minority of lower ability students being entered for a Short Course GCSE.  

Aims of the course 

The GCSE Religious Studies course provides opportunities for learners to follow a course that is coherent and that balances knowledge of core beliefs, teachings and practices of at least two religions, with an understanding of how they can be applied to philosophical and ethical themes. The specification will: 

• develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of religions and non-religious beliefs, such as atheism and humanism 

• develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs, teachings, practices, and sources of wisdom and authority, including through their reading of key religious texts, other texts, and scriptures of the religions they are studying 

• develop learners’ ability to construct well-argued, well-informed, balanced and structured written arguments, demonstrating their depth and breadth of understanding of the subject 

• provide opportunities for learners to engage with questions of belief, value, meaning, purpose, truth, and their influence on human life 

• challenge learners to reflect on and develop their own values, beliefs and attitudes in the light of what they have learnt and contribute to their preparation for adult life in a pluralistic society and global community

 • provide learners with the opportunity to study Welsh perspectives, which arise naturally from the subject matter, enriching learners' understanding of the world around them. 

Following this course will enable learners to: 

● deepen their understanding of the relationship between people 

● become informed about common and divergent views within traditions in the way beliefs and teachings are understood and expressed

● demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the fact that religious traditions of Great Britain are, in the main, Christian 

● understand that religious traditions in Great Britain are diverse and include the following religions: Christianity and Islam, as well as non-religious beliefs, such as atheism and humanism.

Course Content and examination

Unit 1 - (Full and Short Course GCSE)

All learners (both Full and Short Course) study Unit 1: Religion and Philosophical Themes which consists of:

Part A: Learners study the core beliefs/teachings and practices of religion (Christianity and Islam).

Part B: Learners also study two philosophical themes: Life and Death and Good and Evil.  These are studied from the perspective of both Christianity and Islam. Learners also consider non-religious beliefs, such as those held by Humanists and Atheists 

Learners are assessed via a written examination: 2 hours (50% of qualification for Full Course students - sat at the end of Year 10 - and 100% of the qualification for Short Course learners - sat at the end of year 11).

Unit 2 - Full Course GCSE only

Full Course learners only also study Unit 2: Religion and Ethical Themes which consists of:

Part A: Learners build on their knowledge and understanding of the core beliefs/teachings and practices of religion (Christianity and Islam).

Part B:  Learners also study two ethical themes: Life and Death and Good and Evil.  Again, these are studied from the perspective of both Christianity and Islam. 

Again learners are assessed via a written examination: 2 hours (50% of the Full Course GCSE qualification - sat at the end of year 11)