GCSE Fashion & Textiles

GCSE Fashion and Textiles

GCSE Fashion and Textiles is an exciting, experimental and fast paced course that is designed to engage and inspire those students who enjoy practical making and designing with material and stitch. Students will further develop skill and understanding by learning a variety of new embellishing, decorative and construction techniques that can be applied to all aspects of textile creations. Over the two year course, students will investigate and research a range of textile design connected with different cultures, historical fashions and art textile practitioners/designers. This in turn will develop artistic skills and expand creativity and give students the freedom to develop independence through their individual creations. 

Year 9.mov

Year 10

This is where most of the exploration and experimentation with new techniques will take place. Projects will allow for variety and scope for students to personalise their work with creative technique and design decisions. Students are encouraged to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding through samples and project work with a variety of different techniques and processes to make more detailed and in-depth approach from that of KS3. This will give materials and stitch a contemporary dimension and visual interest. This year is about gaining as much information about materials and technique as possible so that they are fully prepared for yr11 coursework requirements. 

Year 11

The focus for this year is the completion of the coursework unit. Coursework consists of a design and make task based on a brief set by the WJEC and will assess the candidate’s ability to: • Identify, investigate, analyse and outline design possibilities • Design and make prototypes and evaluate their fitness for purpose. All practical outcomes are supported by written analysis and specification that will inform design work and final outcomes. This unit will contribute 50% of their overall GCSE grade with the remaining 50% gained through an external written exam. Candidates will be following the new 2017 WJEC specification. Within the two year course, students will have the opportunity to make Gallery/museum visits which will be arranged accordingly. This will help students with both their research and practical work and will introduce them to a wide range of textile artists, fashion designers and concepts that will inspire their work. 

Please Note: You can only select one Design for the 21st Century course. You must select one course from Fashion and Textiles, Product Design or Graphic Product