Mrs. Nitz

Email: Nitzj@cadott.k12.wi.us

Phone: 715-289-3795 x 11302

ClassTag classtag.com

5 Facts About Me...

1. I teach Science & Social Studies.

2. I enjoy spending time with my husband, two kids, and my dog.

3. I love coffee, chocolate, & sushi!

4. Reading books and watching baseball makes me happy.

5. My favorite color is purple.

Class Scholastic

Class Code is JKX9W 


Ms. Schroeder

Email: schroeder@cadott.k12.wi.us

Phone: (715) 289-3795 ext. 11303

ClassTag classtag.com

Mrs. Wojtczak (y-check)

Email: wojtczakh@cadott.k12.wi.us 

Phone: 715-289-3795 x 11301

ClassTag classtag.com

My name is Mrs. Wojtczak. Both of my sons attended and graduated from the Cadott School District. My family and I have lived in the Cadott School District since 2002, and worked in the Cadott School District since 2005.  In 2005, I began as a substitute paraeducator, became a full time paraeducator in 2007.  In 2017, I decided to pursue a teaching degree,  and became a certified teacher in 2021. I am also a Suzuki violin teacher, and have taught many violin students since 1992. As an active member of my church, I also was the children’s ministry director for over a decade, and continue to be a worship leader, as well as serving in many other ways.

I love working with students, helping them to expand their knowledge and awareness of the world, as well as helping them prepare for life after they graduate from school. Many of the skills they learn in 5th and 6th grade are ones they will use throughout their lives. I also view teaching as a public service, and an opportunity to help make the community I live in a better place!

PG Movies:  

During the school year, 6th grade will be watching PG movies for events like Fun Day or indoor recess. If you have concerns about your child viewing a PG movie, please let me know. 

Water Bottles and Belongings:

We encourage students bring water bottles to school.  We have water bottle filler stations within the school for fresh water. 

We also encourage students to label their belongings that they bring to school.  

Phones are not allowed to be used during the school day and will need to remain in lockers from arrival to dismissal.

Healthy Snacks:

Only healthy snacks are allowed in the classroom. Some examples are fresh fruit, dried fruit, veggies, cheese, meat sticks, whole grain cereal, whole grain crackers, popcorn (not heavily buttered), yogurt, and nuts and seeds. No candy, chips, cookies, animal crackers, or sugary cereals. Gum is allowed if used appropriately.

Head Phones:  

Students will need a reliable head phone set.

Students will also receive a Chromebook case to use at school.

Social Emotional Learning:

Students will continue building their social and emotional skills this year. As a school family we will work to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Students will learn and practice these skills with their classroom family.