
466 E. Mills Street

Cadott, WI 54727

Phone: (715) 861-1191

Meagan Sonnentag

715-861-1191 Ext 2001


All Transportation related changes need to be made before      2:00 pm this year. 

You can contact Meagan directly at Kobussen (715-861-1191),  Choose option 6 when calling the district line at  715-289-3795, or email meagan at meagan.sonnentag@kobussen.com.  If Meagan does not answer, please leave her a message with your changes.  She checks her voicemail regularly.  

If your student normally rides the bus, but you will need to pick them up, you will need to contact the school office 715-289-3795 x 11500 or email brennyk@cadott.k12.wi.us  

All changes need to be done by 2:00 pm.  No exceptions. 


The school and Kobussen will not be accepting written notes this year due to Covid and cross contamination.  All request will need to be done by phone or email to either Meagan or Mrs. Brenny.