
What is Canvas?

Canvas is the Learning Management System (LMS) used by Cabrillo College. An LMS is software that allows you to deliver courses online, either in a distance, hyflex or hybrid format.

How to Get Access

All faculty are automatically created accounts in Canvas once they have been assigned to a course. You login here: using your 7-digit Cabrillo ID and the same password you use for Self-Service.

All courses are automatically created in Canvas, shortly after the schedule for the term is published.

Getting Started Tutorials

Canvas Instructor Guides : These guides provide the most up to date information on Canvas

Where to Get Support

In Canvas, you can click on the "Help" button in the far right Global Menu of Canvas. Here is the direct link. The Chat support is live and very helpful!

You can reach out to the TLC if you have more specific requests, or online teaching training certification design support. CTC is also available for quick issues and tech support available to you. 

NOTE: There are a few Canvas-related actions that only the TLC can perform, such as adding certain roles, copying courses to share with another instructor, giving a student extended access to finish an incomplete, and creating sandbox shells although, faculty can also create their own sandbox shells and the Canvas chat support can help walk you through how to do this. Stop by for a visit during our open in-person hours or schedule a consultation. Here is a tutorial: