Canvas Studio

Canvas Studio is a communication tool that allows instructors and students to actively collaborate through video and audio media. The California Virtual Campus-Online Education Initiative grant is funding Studio for two years. 

Canvas Studio Features

How to use the new Caption Editor is Studio

Learners and instructors engage with video content by commenting directly onto the video timeline (in real time) and through quiz questions embedded directly into the media. This page ONLY addresses using the Canvas Studio Library and recording a video and adding captions. This resource does not include embedding quizzes which is more labor intensive. Training has yet to be developed for quizzes.

Note About Downloads: If you create a video in Canvas, and want to save it, use the download option. Media may only be downloaded if the video is an original upload to Canvas Studio or Canvas Studio recording (for example not a You Tube linked video).  Students are able to download Canvas Studio media content that appears within a course if the instructor or designer has turned on the 'Display Download Option' when embedding the Canvas Studio media into the course.

Sharing Videos

Related Guides and Resources

Recording in Canvas Studio

Tips for Creating Effective Videos

ALWAYS include captions! It's easy in Studio!

Related Guides and Resources

Related Guides and Resources

Additional Resources

CVC-OEI Canvas Studio Training

Getting Ready for Canvas Studio: Computer Specifications

This is a list of basic computer system requirements to use Canvas Studio. It is always recommended to use the most up-to-date versions and better connections. Canvas Studio will still run with the minimum specifications, but you may experience slower loading times.

Screen Size

Operating Systems

Computer Speed & Processor

Internet Speed

Screen Readers

Supported Browsers

Canvas Studio on Mobile Devices

Canvas Mobile Operating System Native App Support