International Thespian Society

Welcome to Troupe 60.  

Boulder High has one of the oldest Thespian troupes in the countryAt BHS, students are elected yearly to the Troupe 60 board. This board works with the adult sponsors to welcome and engage new students, schedule meetings and social events, manage publicity and promote theater in Boulder Valley. The board helps to induct new members and to celebrate the achievements of our theater students. 

What is a Thespian Troupe?

The International Thespian Society (ITS) is the honor society for theatre students. Membership is granted for "meritorious" work in theatre arts. It is based on a point system, and points are awarded for participation in all aspects of theater - tech,  acting, directing, etc.  

The Points System

Use this guide from the International Thespian Society to understand how points are awarded. 

Thespian induction eligibility requirements and procedures are detailed in the Thespian Troupe Handbook. Troupe directors notify students of all induction requirements and provide students with a form to track their points. Only the troupe director may officially award points.


Each year in early December, high school theater troupes across the state meet for a theater convention for three days at the Denver Convention Center. This convention is called ThesCon and it is run by the Colorado State Thespians.  This is an optional field trip for students who have been involved in theater at BHS.  Students have the opportunity to take workshops, watch performances, and perform individual events for adjudication. Details about the trip and permission slips are given out at a Troupe 60 meeting in the fall.  Please note, this trip requires a two-night stay at a Denver area hotel and is chaperoned by teachers at BHS.