Example Contracts 

Download the files below to view example contracts 

NEW AGENTS NEED TO DO A Practice Purchase Contract with Supporting Documentation

See this sample below of an email that was sent to the exp state brokers as well as the attached documents.  When sending a purchase contract for review by a broker, it is important to send all of the required documents so that the brokers have a clear picture of the specific property.  Having all of the addendums ready as equally important.  

This document is the Instructions for Submitting a Purchase Contract.  Please review this before submitting an offer. 

***If you are a new agent, or an agent wanting practice with the purchase contract, you must do a practice purchase contract and send to onboarding@theagencyteamhawaii.com and one of our team brokers will review and provide you with feedback.  You are welcome to practice this multiple times.

Sample email:

Click the attachments below to view the documents:

TMK Ahualoa.pdf
Permits Ahualoa.pdf
County RPTO Ahualoa.pdf
MLS Active Ahualoa.pdf
PC Ahualoa.pdf
eXp Addendums Combined ABA, HID, WF.pdf