PE Information 

Please see below some details about Physical Education at Burnham Grammar School, which I hope you find to be informative to help plan for your son/daughter’s arrival in September 2024.


PE Department 2024/25


Head of PE – Mr. A. Lawson

Deputy Head of PE – Miss. A. Knibbs

Teacher of Boys’ PE – Mr. R. Churchouse

Teacher of Girls’ PE – Miss E Newberry

Teacher of Girls’ PE – Mrs. K. Ive  


Senior Leader i/c of PE Department – Mrs L Balderson


Uniform expectations


The following items are compulsory for PE lessons and are available from SWI.  Items marked ‘(SWI)’ must be purchased from SWI; other items can be sourced elsewhere or through SWI if preferred:



Multisport Top (SWI)

White polo shirt (SWI)

  Plain black sports shorts

Black knee length games socks

Trainers (non-marking sole)

Football boots (that can be used on school 3G pitch)

Shin pads

Gum shield




White polo shirt (SWI)

Aptus quarter Zip Top (SWI)

Black knee length games socks

Trainers (non-marking sole)

Football boots (that can be used on school 3G pitch)

Shin pads

Gum shield


One of:

             Black “netburn” skort 

             Black performance training shorts

             Black performance female leggings 

Optional items for boys and girls:

 White ankle length socks (optional for indoors PE, if preferred, otherwise black knee length socks must be worn)

Aptus quarter Zip Top (SWI) [boys]

Training Pant Black/Silver (SWI)

Black leggings (underneath shorts)

Base layers  - black, red or yellow

BGS Thermal Hoodie (Hawkinsport)

Cricket Whites (if representing the school cricket team)

GCSE PE Black T-Shirt (if taking GCSE PE)

 *Female Students have the option of wearing either the shorts, skort or leggings option – whichever they are most comfortable wearing. If you have any further queries please email Mr. Lawson ( There is no requirement for parents to purchase all three of these options.


Our vision for Sport at Burnham Grammar School


Everything we do in PE at BGS links back to our department vision and aims which are:  





Sport for all


We offer a high-quality PE curriculum that enables all pupils to enjoy and succeed in a broad range of physical activity. Through participation in physical activity, pupils will build on new and existing skills in order to reach their full potential. PE at the school is about developing personal qualities and skills, and isn’t about how good you are at individual sports.


Students can study our subject at GCSE and A-Level, with many of our alumni progressing into careers within professional sport. More information on our Curriculum can be accessed through the school website.


Progress Grades


Your son/daughter will receive three sets of Progress Grades across the school year. Their final Progress Grade will be based on their best two topics and their fitness grade. Each of our taught topics are assessed by teaching staff and recorded in their progress grades. We teach a variety of sports to students across the year where students are assessed using our “heads, hands, hearts” assessment model.


Injuries/illnesses procedures


If your son/daughter is unable to participate in a PE lesson, you must provide a note or email their class teacher. Students are still expected to bring their PE Kit for the lesson and will be asked to change into their kit if their injury/illness allows.


Communication with Parents


Fixtures for each term are collated on to a document for your son/daughter’s year group so that you can plan ahead in relation to collections from fixtures. We also have a twitter handle (@BGSPE1) and instagram (@burnhamgrammarpe) where we post pictures and sporting updates. Please ensure you have updated your photo permissions so that we are aware if you are happy for your son/daughter to feature in these posts.


Extra-Curricular Clubs


The department runs a busy lunchtime and after-school programme. Lunchtime clubs run from 13.50 – 14.20, and after school clubs run from 15.45 – 16.45. The clubs are fully inclusive and all students are encouraged to attend to improve their fitness, skill level and practice for the school teams. The timetable for this changes each term and offers something for everyone. More information on the paid clubs is supplied to students in September. Please note clubs that are run by school teachers are free of charge and everyone is welcome regardless of playing ability.


Our extra-curricular fixtures starting in September will include Rugby, Netball and the Bucks County Cup in Football for boys and girls. We expect every student attending the school to give extra-curricular clubs a try even if you have never played before. We have a club link with Maidenhead Rugby Club and will be encouraging year 7s to try some taster sessions at the club in September. Fixtures and training dates are published on the school website.


PE Curriculum 2023/24


This will include publishing the timetabled activities for each term so that you can assist your son/daughter in being fully prepared for their lessons. Our intention is to display their timetabled lessons in the PE Corridor and also email all parents at the beginning of each term. Please look at our department page on the school website for more information on the topics we study in lessons.


Our department aim is to provide a broad range of activities for boys and girls PE, with lessons always being centred around achievement, challenge and enjoyment. More information can be found on the school website.


Footwear Requirements 

Please find below guidance on the appropriate footwear required for PE lessons at the end of this letter. Students must also bring studded footwear and trainers to every PE lesson in the event of the timetabled activity being changed.