Code of Conduct 

BGS Code of Conduct


All members of the school community must abide by the Code of Conduct.  This includes information on rewards, sanctions and behaviour management approaches.  The full text is available on the School Website under the page policies linked here. Also see below the School Code of Conduct policy linked for your information;


BGS Code of Conduct & Behaviour Management Policy




We and other schools in Buckinghamshire, have become concerned at the increasingly large number of requests, (and at times merely notification) to take students away on family holidays during term time.  Headteachers are not able to grant leave of absence unless for exceptional circumstances, and indeed are discouraged from doing so by Central and Local Government – even so, the maximum number of days that can be authorised is 10 days in one academic year.


I must inform you that I cannot authorise absences during term time unless there are extreme exceptional circumstances as follows:

i)      Bereavement

ii)     Grave illness of a close relative

iii)     Religious festivals (with evidence)

iv)    Extra-curricular pursuits of a developmental nature, which have been discussed in advance.


Leave of absence will not be granted for holidays and trips to develop relationships with family abroad should be scheduled within the school holidays.


Unauthorised absences may incur a penalty notice (including a fine) by the Education Welfare Office.


The complete school calendar for the academic year 2023-2024 is available on the school website to assist you with your forward planning.  Any application for leave of absence in term time MUST be made to me, the Headteacher, using this link at least one month in advance of the proposed absence.  Of course, this notice period does not apply to exceptional circumstances (i) and (ii).


I would also like to mention that in order to monitor absenteeism more closely, no student will be allowed to leave school for any reason unless we have a letter or telephone call from the parent, or the Reception Team has informed parents that their child is not well enough to attend their lessons.  Similarly, if your son/daughter is unable to attend school due to illness, you MUST telephone Main Reception (Reception/Admin Support) on 01628 604812 explaining the reason for the absence on the morning of EACH day of absence or alternatively email the attendance email address Please be very specific when giving the type of illness, do not email any members of staff or the general school email as these may not be checked before the absence text messages are sent out each morning. Upon return, all students MUST bring with them a written explanation, signed by a parent or guardian for their absence.  This is a requirement of the Department for Education (DfE).


Sixth Form students are all made aware that if their attendance drops below 85% they will not normally be entered for external exams and would have to pay as external candidates.

We trust that you will understand these decisions have been taken with the best educational interests of your children at heart.


Arriving Very Early/Leaving Very Late


We have become aware that a growing number of students are either being dropped off very early or picked up very late at the beginning and end of the school day.


Whilst we do understand that there are transport difficulties for working parents, and want to be supportive of such needs, we do need to formalise the situation particularly regarding levels of supervision.


As you will appreciate, the school day does not begin until 8.45am and ends at 3.30pm.


Whilst there are staff in school from as early as 7.30am, and after school until at least 6.00pm., this cannot be guaranteed every day; furthermore “in loco parentis” or actual responsibility for students applies only during official school hours or for out-of-hours supervised activities.


In order to clarify the situation, particularly for health and safety reasons, I must advise you that if you wish to leave your son/daughter at school before 8.15am or after 4.30pm (unless involved in homework club, or a school run extracurricular activity or fixtures), I must receive a written request from parents explaining that:


i)              You accept that we cannot guarantee that your child will be appropriately supervised.

ii)             The times when you would like him/her to be in school, and the days (if not every day).

iii)           The reasons for this.


I will then consider each case and try to accommodate your needs.


Any youngsters who are at school outside normal school hours must wait in the canteen or reception areas, unless at homework club or attending an extra-curricular activity.


Please note also that we cannot consider allowing a child to wait at school before 7.45am or after 5.00pm, unless of course, it is for a supervised activity.


Once I have received your written request I will reply to you as soon as possible.




Dropping Off and Picking Up at the Start and End of the Day


If parents are picking up or dropping off students it is important to remember how busy the school site is.


Dropping off in the mornings



Picking up at the end of the school day



This is a significant Health and Safety issue and the actions of some parents is putting student’s safety at risk. 


Privately Arranged Taxis & Minibuses


Parents are reminded that they should insist on written confirmation that all drivers have valid Disclosure and Barring Service checks (previously CRB) from any firm providing transport to and from school. 


Parents should also monitor privately arranged transport to ensure that suitable vehicles are used and that all students have access to an individual seat with a seatbelt.


Mobile Phones/IPODS/Smart Watches











If a student is found to have disregarded any of the above rules, the phone, player or IPOD etc. will be confiscated and kept in the school safe until the following Friday, (unless the student’s parents wish to collect the item in person before that time), when the student may collect the confiscated item from The school reception at the end of the school day on the Friday. If a phone is confiscated on a Friday it is kept until the Monday afternoon.




Items Which Could Cause Injury


These are strictly forbidden in all Bucks LA schools and academies. 

Misuse e.g. laser pens can cause serious eye damage and even blindness.  Any student who is found in possession of such an item will have it confiscated, and will be sanctioned accordingly – permanent exclusion will be applied in certain situations. 


Students should not bring any bladed instruments, with the exception of pencil sharpeners, into school.  In practical subjects’ scissors, craft & kitchen knives will be provided as required.






Students’ attendance is monitored and Heads of House, Heads of Departments and Form Tutors will work to support any students with an emerging pattern of non-attendance at detentions.


Pastoral Detentions

If a student fails to hand in homework or coursework on time of an acceptable standard or if a student behaves unacceptably she or he will be given behaviour points. A student will receive an afterschool House detention after 30 and 60 points in a half term. If a student does not meet the standards of the Code of Conduct, (e.g. organisation, punctuation, uniform standards etc.), he or she will be given behaviour points that will also lead to a detention as described above.


Senior Leadership Detention

The accumulation of 90 points in a half term will result in an after school Senior Leadership Detention supervised by a member of the Senior Leadership Team and/or other senior staff. This may also be used on occasions where a student’s behaviour requires a more serious sanction than a House detention.  If a student continually fails to hand in homework parents will be invited in by the teacher, Head of House and/or Head of Department to discuss the situation.


Such detentions will be notified with at least a minimum of 24 hours’ notice and parents will be informed so that they can begin making transport arrangements where necessary. The written notification will be posted or emailed.


Please note that these sanctions will not replace sanctions, such as suspensions, where a more serious incident has taken place.


Chewing Gum and Drinks Cans


Drinks cans and chewing or bubble gum are not allowed on the school site.


In the case of gum this is to limit unsightly litter and damage to equipment and in the case of cans this is to prevent them being shredded by mowers when left on the school field.


Students will be asked to remove gum, cans will be confiscated and sanctions applied.


Electronic Cigarettes or Shisha Pens


E-cigarettes are classed as tobacco products and sales are prohibited to people under the age of 18 years.  These items are not allowed on the school site.  Use of or the selling of associated paraphernalia will be treated in the same way as tobacco products and will be covered by the school’s drugs policy.


Uniform (Please see the school website for the latest uniform code)


I should like to remind you of our uniform regulations to ensure that you can support us in maintaining high standards for the new academic year.  Please refer to the school website for a detailed list of uniform and details of official suppliers.