Parent Pay 



For greater convenience and efficiency, we are asking all parents to only use our e-payment method to pay for dinner money and other items including any trips. This can be done online using a very secure website called ParentPay. You will receive your activation details for ParentPay after May half term, your account can be activated by visiting





With regard to lunchtime, there are three options: students can purchase food in the canteen or serving pod which sell a wide range of healthy meals and snacks; students may bring a packed lunch or they may go home.  They may not go off site to buy food.  If students do need specific arrangements for lunchtimes, please inform us in writing and any subsequent changes need to be notified to us in writing as well.


Students in Years 7 – 11 may not leave the school premises during the school day, some Year 11 students who have been awarded Senior Pupil Status and have parental permission are the only students permitted to leave the site at lunchtime.  In case of real emergency, students should approach the relevant Head or Deputy Head of House, or a member of the Senior Leadership Team for special permission to go off site.




Research has shown that students concentrate less well if dehydrated.  For this reason, we encourage our students to bring small plastic water bottles into lessons (plain, unflavoured only).  Students must fill up their bottles at break, lunch or during travel time between lessons.  Students will not be allowed to leave lessons to do this.