Get Started for College

For all grades!

 Expand your knowledge while preparing for college

Step 1: Build Yourself as a Student

Start by building your student portfolio, attending summer programs, applying for internships, and/or joining clubs. 

How to plan out the years:

Class of 2023 Senior Planning Packet 

Why is this useful?

It helps you to socialize with other students that are interested in topics regarding college. You can gain experiences that are helpful when writing college essays.

Research your local colleges and see what types of summer programs or internships they offer!

Step 2: Build a List of Colleges/Universities to Research

Start by creating a spreadsheet with schools, majors, minors, and programs that interest YOU

Why is this useful? 

You are ahead of the game! You've now marked off the research and college list that seniors should have when applying for schools. Using a spreadsheet has been proven to help people learn much more about the college experience, as every school brings something unique to the table.

Step 3: Build Relationships with Mentors

By being on this website, you're already a step ahead. This page is the perfect way to take advantage of building relationships with Student Mentors at Burroughs! Check out our "Meet the Mentors" page to see who's a part of the team. Your counselors and teachers are mentors as well!

Why is this useful? 

Mentors can open up opportunities for you and can help you identify your strengths (and weaknesses)! Your mentor can also help you determine what a reach, match, and safety school is. Similarly, your counselors can review your college applications and essays to give you feedback. Start now-building relationships with mentors is a skill you will develop throughout your life! Hopefully, you will be a mentor for someone else in the future!

Step 4: Build College Readiness Life Skills

How can I get ready for college life?

Start by making a list of the life skills you would like to learn, then keep adding to it. Think through the best way for you to learn about each skill. 

Why is this useful? 

Every bit of skill is needed to prepare yourself for college life. Sharpening these skills during college preparation time has proven to make settling into college easier!

Step 5: 

Build a list of Colleges to Visit-either Virtual or On-Campus Tours

Try to visit as many college campuses as possible early on during your high school years. The best time to visit is during the school year when campus life is active, but you can always apply for a virtual tour as well! Campus visits can range from a few hours to a whole day, but typically plan to spend an afternoon there.

Why is this useful?

Being present for a college visit can help capture a campus' environment and culture in a more unique way than through pictures. Tours give students a full 360°  of what the school is about, and helps students narrow down which campus they fit into the most.

Step 6: Start Applying for College Admissions, Financial Aid and Scholarships

Go back to your college list, and make note of all application deadlines, guidelines, and any other requirements. Also, check out our "College Basics" page for all the information and requirements to apply to college.

Why is this useful?

You've now taken the step to apply for more education; as our world evolves, so does information and schooling! 

Breathe and Relax, 

You Can Do This!

Good Luck in College! 

With love,

The JBHS College Peer Mentors